

When writing to the following centres or individuals, please include
a S.A.S.E.

MEN'S ISSUES.  The following centres will provide information on
various aspects of men's rights and issues.

Circumcision Resource Center
Ron Goldman
P.O. Box 232
Boston, MA  02133
(617) 523-0088
This center provides information and a support group for circumcised

Men's Rights, Inc.
Fredric Hayward
P.O. Box 163180
Sacramento, CA  95816
(916) 484-7333

The National Men's Resource Center
Gordon Clay
P.O. Box 882
San Anselmo, CA  94979
(415) 457-3389

Restoration Support Groups
R. Wayne Griffiths
3205 Northwood Drive, Suite 209
Concord, CA  94520-4506
(510) 827-4077
For an information packet, please send $2.00 to cover printing and postage.

UNCircumcising Information Resources Center (UNCIRC)
Jim Bigelow
P.O. Box 52138
Pacific Grove, CA  93950
(408) 375-4326
Those who are interested in either the proposed national registry or
networking among circumcised men seeking support and ongoing information,
please contact UNCIRC at the above address and include a S.A.S.E.

Victims of Infant Circumcision Enounce (V.O.I.C.E.)
Allen MacDonald
Box 2217, Station 'C'
Downsview, ON  M3N 2S9
(416) 630-9067

National Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males (NOHARMM):
To subscribe, send the following (with your email address substituted where shown) in the body of a message to '': 

	SUBSCRIBE noharmm-l < Your email address> 

INTACT BABY MOVEMENT.  The following centers will provide information on
available books, pamphlets, magazines, audio- and videotapes, etc. which
seek to inform the public about genital mutilation worldwide,
particularly infant male circumcision in the U.S. and other
English-speaking countries.

Circumcision Resource Center
Ron Goldman
(for address, see under Men's Issues)

National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers
NOCIRC National Headquarters
Marilyn Milos
P.O. Box 2512
San Anselmo, CA  94979-2512
(415) 488-9883
(415) 488-9660 FAX

NOCIRC of New Jersey
Warren Smith
P.O. Box 562
Lakehurst, NJ  08733-0562
(732) 370-2924
These NOCIRC centers have been listed to provide a contact for those
living in the eastern or western parts of the country.  For a list of
other regional NOCIRC centers and of other resources, write to NOCIRC
National Headquarters.

Non-Circumcision Information Center
Roger Saquet
P.O. Box 31
Waverly, MA  02179
(617) 489-4530

Peaceful Beginnings
Rosemary Romberg
13020 Homestead Court
Anchorage, AK  99516

WOMEN'S ISSUES.  The following is a newsletter dealing with women's
rights, issues, and genital mutilation.

Women's International Network (W.I.N.)
Fran Hosek, ed.
187 Grant Street
Lexington, MA  02173

ALTERNATIVE BRIS CEREMONIES.  The following centers/individuals will
provide information on alternatives to circumcision for Jewish parents.

Alternative Bris Support Group
Helen Bryce
P.O. Box 1305
Capitola, CA  95010-1305
(831) 475-3313

Circumcision Resource Center
Ron Goldman
(for address, see under Men's Issues)

Moshe Rothenberg
715 Ocean Parkway # 2K
Brooklyn, NY  11230
(718) 859-0650


Springer Publishing Co., 1980.  (This book is out of print but may be
available through inter-library loan.)

CIRCUMCISION:  THE PAINFUL DILEMMA, Rosemary Romberg, South Hadley, MA,
Bergin & Garvey Publisher, Inc., 1985.  (This book is out of print but
may be available through inter-library loan.)

VA, Birth and Parenting Publications, Inc., 1985.  Available from:
Birth and Parenting Publications
P.O. Box 134
North Garden, VA  22959

CIRCUMCISION:  WHAT IT DOES, Bill Ray Boyd, San Francisco, Taterhill
Press, 1990.  Available from:
C. Olson
Box 5100-CB
Santa Cruz, CA  95063-5100

JOURNEYMEN (Men's Quarterly Magazine)
Paul S. Boynton, ed.
513 Chester Turnpike
Candia, NH  03034
(603) 483-8029

MAKING AMERICA SAFE FOR FORESKINS:  Selected Letters, Published &
Unpublished, $3.00 postpaid, from:
John A. Erickson [out of print]

SAY NO TO CIRCUMCISION!, Thomas J. Ritter, M.D., Aptos, CA, Hourglass
Book Publishing/PGW, 1992.  Available from:
NOCIRC National Headquarters
P.O. Box 2512
San Anselmo, CA  94960
(415) 488-9883

provide prefabricated expansion devices.  These devices are purchased
at the individual's discretion.  Neither the author nor the publisher
can assume responsibility for their proper use.

Set of three polyurethane elastomer cones in graduated sizes.  For
further information, write to:
Jay Borne
Department 25
1335 Kentucky Street
New Orleans, LA  70117

Prefabricated stainless steel ball bearing device and individual
bearings in various sizes.  For further information, write to:
R. Wayne Griffiths
3205 Northwood Drive, Suite 209
Concord, CA  94520-4560
(510) 827-4077

The Circumcision Information and Resource Pages are a not-for-profit educational resource and library. IntactiWiki hosts this website but is not responsible for the content of this site. CIRP makes documents available without charge, for informational purposes only. The contents of this site are not intended to replace the professional medical or legal advice of a licensed practitioner.

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