NOCIRC Newsletter 1994 vol.8:1

VOL. 8, NO. 1
ISSN 1070-3721

The National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource 
Centers presents:


     MAY 22 - 25, 1994


                    LEARN ABOUT:

     The Anthropology of Circumcision:  Genital Mutilation 
                    of Males and Females

            Cultural and Religious Considerations

                  Current Medical Issues

     Long-Term Psychological Effects of Genital Mutilation

              Harm Documentation Survey Results

               Foreskin Restoration Information

                Care of the Infibulated Woman

                 International Developments

        Litigation/Legislation Concerns and Considerations

                Activism, The Essential Element

                     AND YOU WILL SEE:

                     Documentary Films

         Nurses of St. Vincent:  Saying No To Circumcision

                    Fire Eyes, A Film on FGM



     *  The cultural dynamics of male and female genital 

     *  The structure and function of normal male and female 

     *  Historical and contemporary roles of circumcision in 

     *  Current medical considerations of routine infant 

     *  Potential psychological consequences of genital pain 
        to infants and children

     *  How to care for the infibulated woman

     *  Legal and ethical implications of genital mutilation 
        of children

The First International Symposium on Circumcision (ISC) was 
organized in 1989 as a  forum for leading world authorities on the 
medical, cultural, psychological, religious, legal and sexual aspects of 
genital mutilation.  The Symposium specifically addressed the practice 
of routine medical neonatal male circumcision in North America.  It 
became apparent, however, that we could not isolate infant male 
circumcision in North America from what is done to children 
worldwide.  Genital mutilation is primarily directed at children  –  
male and female  –  and, with this mutilation, a very definite part 
of human sexuality is irretrievably lost.  On the final day of the 
conference, March 3, 1989, the General Assembly unanimously passed this 
comprehensive resolution:

                     SYMPOSIUM ON CIRCUMCISION

     We recognize the inherent right of all human beings to an intact
     body.  Without religious or racial prejudice, we affirm this
     basic human right.

     We recognize the foreskin, clitoris and labia are normal,
     functional body parts.

     Parents and/or guardians do not have the right to consent to the
     surgical removal or modification of their children's normal

     Physicians and other health-care providers have a responsibility
     to refuse to remove or mutilate normal body parts.

     The only persons who may consent to medically unnecessary
     procedures upon themselves are the individuals who have 
     reached the age of consent (adulthood), and then only after 
     being fully informed about the risks and benefits of the 

     We categorically state that circumcision has unrecognized

     In view of the serious physical and psychological consequences
     that we have witnessed in victims of circumcision, we hereby
     oppose the performance of a single additional unnecessary
     foreskin, clitoral, or labial amputation procedure.

     We oppose any further studies which involve the performance of
     the circumcision procedure upon unconsenting minors.  We 
     support any further studies which involve identification of 
     the effects of circumcision.

     Physicians and other health-care providers do have a
     responsibility to teach hygiene and the care of normal body 
     parts and explain their normal anatomical and physiological 
     development and function throughout life.

     We place the medical community on notice that it is being held
     accountable for misconstruing the scientific database available
     on human circumcision in the world today.

     Physicians who practice routine circumcisions are violating the
     first maxim of medical practice, "PRIMUM NON NOCERE," 
     "First, Do No Harm," and anyone practicing genital mutilation is 
     violating Article V of the United Nations Universal Declaration 

The content of the Second ISC was intentionally broadened.  Genital 
mutilation was considered from a global perspective, religious 
influences were addressed in greater depth, the structure and function 
of the foreskin were described in detail and foreskin restoration was 
considered for the first time.  As a result of the presentation, two 
books:  Say No To Circumcision! and the Joy of Uncircumcising!, were 
published.  To date, both books have been reviewed by the journal of 
the American Medical Association and the latter has also been reviewed 
by the Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the Journal of 
Nurse-Midwifery.  The British Medical Journal and the British Journal 
of Urology have scheduled reviews of The Joy of Uncircumcising! in 

The scope and focus of the ISC has changed in response to the social 
and political environment in which it is held, e.g., the new Oregon 
Health Plan omitted coverage for routine neonatal circumcision and 
Congresswoman Pat Schroeder introduced a bill to prohibit female 
genital mutilation in the U.S.  The content and scope of the Third ISC 
will reflect this increased awareness.  Authorities from England, 
France, Canada, Australia, Mexico, Switzerland, Egypt, Africa and the 
United States will convene to consider the genital mutilation of 
children worldwide, regardless of its origin and intended purpose.  
Men and women have come forward to document the harm they have 
personally experienced.  Their collective voice has been heard.  
During the Symposium, Soraya Mire's documentary on female genital 
mutilation, Fire Eyes, will be featured, and a press conference will 
be held by Tim Hammond to announce the revealing results of his 
ground-breaking Harm Documentation Survey.


The Symposium will be held at the University of Maryland University 
College Conference Center, University Blvd. at Adelphi Road, College 
Park, MD (near Washington, DC), and is accessible from BWI, 
National and Dulles Airports.  Ask for directions when you make your 

Special hotel rates are $69 single and $84 double per night (plus 5% 
sales tax).  Please make your reservations directly with the hotel.  For 
special rates, request the NOCIRC Third International Symposium.  
For toll-free reservations in the United States, call 1-800-727-8622.  
Otherwise, call 301-985-7310.

Hospitality:    If you have a place for others to stay, need a place to 
                stay or are looking for a roommate at the hotel, contact 
                Accommodations Coordinator David Saldana at 410-721-5637.


Early Registration
(Postmarked by April 15, 1994):  $195

Regular and On-site Registration
(Postmarked after April 15 or at the door):  $225

Partial Program Registration
$25 Sunday, $75/day Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday

Discount Registration
$50 off registration price for full-time students, senior citizens, 
handicapped or groups of 5 or more (first 5 members of group must 
register at same time).

Scholarships are available for Symposium volunteers.  To apply, call 
Frederick Hodges at 510/486-1373

Banquet Dinner:  The menu will include a chicken or vegetarian meal at 
$30. each, please specify your preference.  Include reservations on your 
registration form.

Conference speakers are confirmed for all program dates; however, we 
reserve the right to replace speakers who are unable to attend.


Requests must be made in writing and postmarked no later than May 
10, 1994.  A $45 per person processing fee will be deducted from the 


America West and USAir have been designated the official air carriers 
for the Third International Symposium on Circumcision.  Both airlines 
offer reduced "Zones Fares" to Washington National and Baltimore 
International Airports, as well as other low, published air fares.  We 
recommend that you make your air reservations immediately, since the 
Symposium ends just before the peak travel period of Memorial Day 
Weekend, and availability of seats at these special fares is limited.  

America West:   1-800-548-7575
(Refer to CAMS Code 17266SZD)

USAir:  1-800-334-8644
(Refer to Gold File #56390128)

AMTRAK: 1-800-872-7245


Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, 
Provider Number xxx for 21 contact hours (pending).


Name:          ________________________________________

Organization:  ________________________________________

Address:       ________________________________________

City/State:    _______________________  Zip:  _________

Telephone:     _____________________________________

Make check/money order payable to:

P.O. Box 2512
San Anselmo, CA   94979-2512

For CE Credit:  Professional License No. ________________

________        Symposium

________        Partial Program Registration
                please specify day/s  ____________________

________        Banquet Dinner ($30)
                ___  Chicken     ___  Vegetarian

less_____       Discount ($50)
                Senior, Student, Handicapped, or Group

=_______        Total Payment Enclosed
                (All fees payable in U.S. Dollars)

*Please note, refunds (less $45 processing fee) granted only on written 
requests postmarked prior to May 10, 1994.

_____   Please include my name in the conference directory for 
networking purposes



1:00 p.m.       Registration, Exhibits, Bookstore
5:00 p.m.       Welcome
5:30 p.m.       Keynote Address:  Dick Gregory
7:00 p.m.       Reception

7:30 a.m.       Exhibits/Bookstore
8:00 a.m.       The Anthropology of the Body:  Paradigms and Politics 
                of Circumcision, Robbie Davis-Floyd, Ph.D.
9:00 a.m.       Modern Horrific Medicine:  Unnecessary Sexual 
                Surgery, James DeMeo, Ph.D.
10:00 a.m.      Coffee Break/Exhibits
10:30 a.m.      The Epidemic of Circumcision, George Denniston, M.D.
11:00 a.m.      The Prepuce Defined, John Taylor, M.B., FRCP.
11:30 a.m.      Primal Health:  The Bacteriological Perspective, 
                Michel Odent, M.D.
12:30 p.m.      Lunch On Your Own/Exhibits/Bookstore
                Harm Documentation Press Conference
2:00 p.m.       Medical Board:  James Snyder, M.D., FACS, 

                Foreskins are Normal:  The Pediatric Penis in Australia, 
                Mervyn Lander, M.B., B.S., Dip.Ter.Ed., F.R.A.C.S.

                Cost Benefit Analysis, George Williams, M.B.Ch.B., 

                The Prepuce:  43 Years of Study, Including 
                Synechiotomy, Dr. Andres Straffon

                Care of the Intact penis, Paul Fleiss, M.D., MPH

5:30 p.m.       Dinner On Your Own/Exhibits/Bookstore
7:00 p.m.       Strategies for Media Exposure, A Round Table 
                Discussion, Barry Ellsworth
8:30 p.m.       Nurses of St. Vincent:  Saying No To Circumcision, 
                Documentary Film by Barry Ellsworth
9:00 p.m.       Fire Eyes, Documentary Film by Soraya Mire
10:00 p.m.      Discussion, Soraya Mire
10:30 p.m.      Adjourn

7:00 a.m.       Exhibits/Bookstore
8:00 a.m.       From Genetic Cosmology to Genital Cosmetics:  Origin 
                Theories of the Righting Rites of Circumcision, 
                Duane Voskuil, Ph.D.
9:00 a.m.       Religious Considerations:  Jim Bigelow, Moderator

                Evangelical Christianity, Jim Bigelow, Ph.D.

                Jewish Roots of Circumcision, Moshe Rothenberg, CSW

10:00 a.m.      Break
10:15 a.m.      Religious Considerations (continued)

                To Mutilate in the Name of Jehovah or Allah:  
                Legitimization of Male and Female Circumcision, 
                Sami A. Aldeeb, Doctor of Law

                Jewish Feminist Perspective, Miriam Pollack

11:30 a.m.      Transcultural, Multireligious, and Interdisciplinary 
                Dimensions of Appropriating Universal Paradigms 
                Regarding the Human Rights Challenge of Genital 
                Mutilation, Anastasios Zavales, Ph.D.
12:30 p.m.      Lunch On Your Own/Exhibits/Bookstore


2:00 p.m.       FGM in Egypt, Mohammed Badawi, M.D., Ph.D.
2:00 p.m.       FGM in the U.S. Practice, Prevalence, Politics and 
                Priorities, Catherine Hogan
2:30 p.m.       Medical Ethics, Trissa Baden, M.D.
2:40 p.m.       Approaches Toward Eradication of FGM:  Community 
                Mobilization, Alternative Rituals, Etc., Susan Rich
3:00 p.m.       Second Generation Females at Risk:  A Need for State 
                Department Policy, Rebecca Lodge
3:20 p.m.       Similarities in Attitudes and Misconceptions toward 
                Infant Male Circumcision in North America and Ritual 
                Female Genital Mutilation in Africa, Hanny Lightfoot-Klein
3:30 p.m.       Prosecuting FGM:  From the Prosecution, Defense and 
                Child Perspectives, Melinda Douglas, J.D.

4:00 p.m.       BREAK


4:15 p.m.       Female Genital Mutilation:  Eradication Through 
                Sensitive Education and Confidentiality, 
                Asha Mohamud, M.D.
4:15 p.m.       Foreskin Restoration and Support Groups, 
                Jim Bigelow, Ph.D., and R. Wayne Griffiths, M.S.
5:30 p.m.       Dinner On Your Own/Exhibits/Bookstore
7:00 p.m.       Long-Term Psychological Effects of Circumcision, 
                Ronald Goldman
8:00 p.m.       Healing Ritual for Men and Women, 
                Jeannine Parvati Baker
10:30 p.m.      Adjourn

7:30 a.m.       Exhibits/Bookstore
8:00 a.m.       Abuse, Armament and Addiction, Jed Diamond
8:45 a.m.       Men's Rights, Fredric Hayward
9:30 a.m.       Circumcision:  A Class Perspective, Moshe Rothenberg
10:15 a.m.      Break
10:30 a.m.      Foreskin Restoration:  From "Lunatic Fringe" to 
                Medical Credibility, Jim Bigelow, Ph.D.
11:30 a.m.      Harm Documentation, Tim Hammond
12:30 a.m.      Lunch On Your Own/Exhibits/Bookstore
2:00 p.m.       Activism, The Essential Element:  Jody McLaughlin, 

                Taking A Conscientious Objector Stand, 
                The Santa Fe Nurses

                Political Realities, Possibilities, and Opportunities,  
                James Prescott, Ph.D.

                Parents, The Final Frontier, Elizabeth Noble, P.T.

                Open Discussion:  Bring Ideas and Information to Share

5:00 p.m.       The Magical Child, Joseph Chilton Pearce
6:00 p.m.       Exhibits/Bookstore
7:00 p.m.       Banquet

                Closing Address:  
                Routine Neonatal Circumcision:  
                Symbol of the Birth of the Therapeutic State, 
                Thomas Szasz, M.D.


AUSTRALIA:      In the first case of its kind, a Children's Court 
                magistrate last December labeled female genital 
                mutilation a "surgical intrusion which really amounts 
                to an assault."  She said it was evident that two 
                young girls, on whom the procedure had been performed 
                overseas, had suffered "significant harm" and that 
                their parents had failed to protect them from the 
                injury.  The girls were placed under a protection 
                order until the case resumes this Spring.  (Herald Sun)

ENGLAND:        A private consultant who agreed to perform an illegal 
                female circumcision for 400 pounds cash was found 
                guilty on November 25 of serious professional 
                misconduct and barred from practice.  Professor Sir 
                Herbert Duthie, chairman of the General Medical 
                Council's professional conduct committee, told 
                Dr. Farooque Hayder Siddique:  "The committee is 
                appalled by your willingness to perform an abhorrent, 
                illegal and mutilating operation with no possible 
                medical benefit to a patient."  (The Guardian)

ISRAEL:         Commenting on post-mortem circumcision performed 
                without the permission of the family, Israel's 
                Ashkenazi chief rabbi Yisrael Lau said, "The chief 
                rabbinate sees circumcision as a privilege and not 
                something that should be forced on anyone."  Former 
                Shepardi chief rabbi Mordechai Eliahu says 
                circumcising a Jewish corpse would "allow the person 
                to enter the Garden of Eden," but added that family 
                consent should be obtained, and it should not be done 
                if the man had refused circumcision while alive.

                Israel's Ministry of Religions dismissed kidnapping 
                charges in October against a rabbi who mistakenly 
                circumcised a baby boy without the mother's consent.  
                The panel determined the rabbi circumcised the baby 
                in "good faith," even though the baby was not Jewish.  
                (Contra Costs Times)

UNITED STATES:  The Federal Prohibition of Female Genital 
                Mutilation Act of 1993 (H.R. 3247), introduced on 
                October 7 by Congresswomen Pat Schroeder and 
                Barbara Collins, has been referred to the Judiciary 
                and Energy and Commerce Committees.  Encourage 
                your representative to endorse this important human 
                rights bill.  Once this bill has passed, it will be 
                much easier to introduce a bill regarding routine 
                infant male circumcision.

South Carolina: State Representative John James (Bubber) Snow, 
                Jr., on January 12, introduced House Resolution 44-87, 
                which requests a reevaluation of existing policies 
                pertaining to circumcision and episiotomy and HR 47-10, 
                on February 9, which would outlaw FGM.  Anyone who 
                circumcises, excises or infibulates a woman younger than 
                18 could be sentenced to five years in prison.

Portland, Oregon:   A deportation hearing was held on February 7 
                    for Lydia Oluloro, 32, who is fighting to have her 
                    immigration regularized in order to protect her 
                    4 and 6 year-old daughters.  If forced to return 
                    to Nigeria, the girls, who are American citizens, 
                    will be subjected to genital mutilation, as was 
                    their mother.  The decision on Oluloro's case, 
                    which has received national attention on ABC's 
                    Nightline, in U.S. News and World Report (Feb 7) 
                    and Time Magazine (Feb 21), will be announced March 23.

Oregon:    After years of statewide debate and federal scrutiny, the 
           new Oregon Health Plan, which excludes coverage for routine 
           male infant circumcision, went into effect on February 1.

The World Health Organization:  

A Resolution of the Executive Board of the WHO recommended to the 
Forty-seventh World Health Assembly "2.(2) to establish national 
policies and programmes that will effectively, and with legal 
instruments, abolish female genital mutilation...and other harmful 
practices affecting the health of women and children" (24 January 1994).



Say No to Circumcision!  Thomas Ritter, M.D., Hourglass Publishing, 
$10.95 plus $2.00 P & H ($0.79 sales tax in CA) from NOCIRC, P.O. 
Box 2512, San Anselmo, CA  94979.

The Joy of Uncircumcising!  Jim Bigelow, Ph.D., $16.95 plus $2.00 
postage and handling (plus $1.23 sales tax in CA) from UNCIRC, P.O. 
Box 52138, Pacific Grove, CA  93950.

The Warrior's Journey Home, Healing Men, Healing the Planet, Jed 
Diamond, New Harbinger Publications, 1-800-748-6273, $12.95.


Circumcision:  What Your Baby Can't Tell You, 20 pages of statements 
from authoritative sources, $5, compiled by John A. Erickson, 1664 
Beach Blvd., #216, Biloxi, MS  39531-5351.

Deeper Into Circumcision:  An Invitation to Awareness and Guide to 
Resources For Parents, Researchers, Restorers, Activists and the 
Merely Curious, $25, compiled by John A. Erickson, address above.

Newborn Circumcision – An Enigma of Health, Dr. George Williams, 
presentation to the Second International Childbirth Conference, 
University of Sydney, Australia, October 1992.  With a $20 donation to 
NOCIRC, P.O. Box 2512, San Anselmo, CA 94979-2512


Interested in networking/strategy meetings during the Symposium?  
Call Moshe Rothenberg 718/859-0650


A demonstration is scheduled for Thursday, May 26, to bring 
awareness to the issue of childhood genital mutilation.  Please plan to 
attend, and make travel plans accordingly.  Attendees are requested to 
bring a specific item – call Tim Hammond at 415/826-9351 for details.

This newsletter is published by:
National Organization of 
Circumcision Information Resource Centers
Post Office Box 2512
San Anselmo, Ca  94979-2512

Telephone:  (415) 488-9883
Facsimile:    (415) 488-9660

Editor: Marilyn Fayre Milos, R.N.
Associate Editor:       Jody McLaughlin
Consultants:    Jim Bigelow, Ph.D., Tim Hammond, 
                Tina Kimmel
Typesetting:    E-ARTS, San Anselmo, CA

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