NOCIRC NEWSLETTER FALL 1992 VOL. 6, NO. 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------ "THE FORGOTTEN FORESKIN" "In America alone this year, 1.3 million boys will sacrifice their foreskins to the surgeon's knife - 1/2 inch of discarded penile anatomy. What is this thing which is treated with so much disdain by so many? Has the supreme being made a minor blunder in his blueprint for the male of the species?" -------------------------------------------------------------------- "WHAT IS THIS THING CALLED A FORESKIN?" "The penis is not just a club to be used to batter its way through the portals of love. It is a wonder of natural hydraulic engineering equipped at its tip with a dense mat of nerve endings that make it one of the most sensitive organs in the male body, designed to fire off impulses to our pleasure center in the brain and spinal cord with the slightest touch. It is clear that such a delicate and sensitive piece of machinery should be protected from the ravages of nature and its local environment when not in Use - a function provided by the humble foreskin. Whether it be on request or on its own initiative, this guardian of the male member gracefully slides back to expose its sensitive core, charged and ready for action. To call it a skin is to do it an injustice because it is far more. To remind us of its sexual significance it is equipped with an intricate biochemical apparatus that makes it responsible to the male sex hormone. Indeed human foreskins have been studied by hormone researchers for many years in an attempt to unlock some of the secrets of how the male hormone acts. It also contains highly specialized glands that squeeze out an oily substance on the penile head to prevent it from drying out and to hinder attack by bacteria and fungus. Some have suggested that this oil may also serve as a sexual perfume to attract and excite the female during sexual play. Let us not forget that women too have foreskins, small and well hidden but nevertheless fulfilling the function of its male equivalent... "Man has slit, skewered, and hacked pieces of his penis skin since he first discovered it hanging there between his legs." How much skin he removed from it depended on the culture to which he belonged... Why? you may ask. In some cultures it appeared to represent an initiation ceremony at puberty. Boys could show how macho they were by smiling while their genitals were being mutilated. Experts have also pointed out that this ritual spilling of blood may also represent a symbolic menstruation – a sign of the happy times to come. Other societies had more religious reasons. As mentioned earlier, circumcision can be thought of as a symbolic castration that was the ultimate offering to the gods. "The bad news starts from the day we say good bye to our foreskins." Not only are there complications of the operation itself, such as bleeding and infection, but also our newly uncovered glans is now uncomfortably exposed to ammonia and other harmful chemicals from urine and feces, and suffers the abrading influence of toilet paper and clothing. The result can be painful sores and a condition called meatal stenosis, which is the hardening and narrowing of the urethral opening. "With loss of the foreskin the man loses a natural gliding mechanism that helps with the sex act." With a foreskin it is possible for the shaft to move back and forth within the loose outer skin. This is especially helpful during sex with women who have poor lubrication because the reduced friction during intercourse is less irritating ... After circumcision, the delicate and sensitive skin of the head of the penis gradually changes character. After years of rubbing against underwear and denim jeans, it begins to resemble normal skin and loses some of its sensitivity, with a reduction in the intensity of sensations for the man during intercourse as a possible result... "If it is not yet obvious to the reader, the message is clear and undeniable: Our foreskin, like our tonsils, does have a purpose in life, and it is time that one-sixth of the world's population faced the reality of that fact. Happily, in America if new attitudes persist and current trends continue, the coming generation, unlike the previous one, can revel in the new experience of having sex with a foreskin." - Kenneth Purvis, M.D., Ph.D., The Male Sexual Machine, An Owner's Manual ------------------------------------------------------------------- "Physicians and other health,care providers have a responsibility to teach hygiene and the care of normal body parts and to explain their normal anatomical and physiological development and function throughout life." Declaration of the First International Symposium on Circumcision, March 3, 1989 ------------------------------------------------------------------- EDITORIAL This issue of the NOCIRC Newsletter, besides being mailed to over 20,000 members, is also being made available to the anticipated 5,000 physicians attending the 1992 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics. It is for these physicians, and for the parents who so often request this information, that we have focused specifically on the structure and function of the normal penis and how to care for it. Due to the increasing number of intact male infants and children in the United States and the determination of parents to protect their son's intact bodies, it becomes imperative for those American physicians who have not had experience in caring for intact male genitalia to become informed about the normal anatomy and physiology of the intact penis and its care. Unfortunately, the AAP's 1989 Task Force on Circumcision obfuscated the informed consent component of the circumcision discussion by failing to address the benefits of retaining a normal, intact (noncircumcised) penis. Informed consent must include information regarding alternative procedures and, for circumcision, requires discussion on the advantages of maintaining the integrity of the normal penis. The world's 85% intact male population, and the vast majority of females who are intact, provide us with an enormous resource from which to study the benefits and advantages of preserving genital integrity. The General Assembly of the International Symposium on Circumcision on March 3, 1989, set the standard for research guidelines for future study of the issues involved in routine circumcision of infants and children. -------------------------------------------------------------------- "In view of the serious physical and psychological consequences that we have witnessed in victims of circumcision, we hereby oppose the performance of a single additional unnecessary foreskin, clitoral, or labial amputation procedure. We oppose any further studies which involve the performance of the circumcision procedure upon unconsenting minors. We support any further studies which involve identification of the effects of circumcision." -------------------------------------------------------------------- Missing from the current scientific data available on circumcision of newborns and infants are longitudinal studies which investigate the psychological, emotional and physical effects of performing circumcision on unconsenting infants and children. Any discussion on the issue of circumcision of infants and children, either male or female, must address the issue's central component: human rights. The removal of healthy, normal tissue from infants and children's genitals raises profound ethical questions. Body ownership rights of infants and children were acknowledged in the first tenet of the Declaration of the First International Symposium on Circumcision: -------------------------------------------------------------------- "We recognize the inherent right of all human beings to an intact body. Without religious or racial prejudice, we affirm this basic human right." -------------------------------------------------------------------- THE FORESKIN: RECOGNIZING NORMAL AS NORMAL "It is time fore the medical establishment to rethink both the reasons for and the consequences of the practice," said George Denniston, M.D. MPH, (The Female Patient, July 1992). He puts the circumcision debate ("circumcision prevents some unusual or rare conditions vs. it has no medical benefit") aside to focus on the positive value of the intact foreskin. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY: "Before birth, the glans penis is covered with skin. This skin is not loosely attached; indeed, it is as tightly attached to the glans as is the skin on the hand, for example." "At approximately 17 weeks' gestation, cells in the area of separation between the future foreskin and the glans initiate the process of creating the preputial space (i.e., the space between the glans penis and the intact foreskin). They begin to form microscopic balls comprising multiple layers of cells. AS these whorls of cells enlarge, cells at the center are cut off from nutrients; they die and create a space. These minute spaces coalesce, eventually becoming the preputial space. This process is completed by age 3 in 90% of boys, but it may take as long as 17 years for some boys to have a fully retractable foreskin." "At birth, the separation of the foreskin from the glans has just begun. The newborn's penis is, of course, not yet fully developed. Not only does circumcision interfere with its development, but it requires that the surgeon tear the skin from the sensitive glans to permit removal. Perhaps as a way to avoid confronting this reality, physicians refer to this as 'breaking adhesions.'" "If the physicians would simply leave the newborn's penis intact, as Dr. Spock came to recommend, the foreskin would be left to fulfil its several functions. In infancy, the foreskin protects the glans from irritation and from fecal material. The function of the foreskin in adulthood may at first seem more obscure. The shaft and usually the glans of an uncircumcised man's penis are covered by skin. Retracting the foreskin reveals the glans and makes the skin on the shaft somewhat loose. Of what use is this redundant skin? During erection, the penile shaft elongates, becoming about 50% longer. The foreskin covers this lengthened shaft and is thus specifically designed to accommodate an organ that is capable of a marked increase in diameter and length." "In addition, the foreskin is one of the most sensitive parts of the penis and can enhance the quality of sexual intercourse. Anatomical studies demonstrate that the foreskin has a greater concentration of complex nerve endings than the glans.(*) If there is any possibility that the foreskin can contribute significantly to sexual enjoyment, is that not a cogent reason for rethinking our motives for this ritual procedure?" *Editors note: This information was presented at the Second International Symposium on Circumcision, San Francisco, May 1, 1992 by Canadian pathologist, Dr. John Taylor. Understanding the Separation Process: Consultant paediatrician Surgeon at Singapore General Hospital, Dr. Tan Hock Lim, clarifies myths about the foreskin (Annals Academy of Medicine, Singapore, 1985, Oct., 14(4):626-30): "The foreskin is non-retractable at birth. The prepuce becomes progressively detached from the glans and...this process is complete in 90% of boys by the age of five, but Oster states that full retractability does not occur until early teenage years. The term Phimosis (muzzled in Greek) therefore should not be used to describe a non-retractable foreskin (which is) neither uncommon nor pathological in the young...(it) is physiological, and serves to protect the glans from ammoniacal dermatitis. That this is so is attested to by the prevalence of meatal stenosis following circumcision, reported to occur in 8 to 31% of children circumcised." Tan describes one of the most misunderstood aspects of the separation process: "Some parents express concern because of accumulation of thick whitish yellow creamy 'pus' under the foreskin. This is smegma, a collection of shedding epithelial cells. Often smegma will accumulate, forming thick white smegma cysts. This gradually separates from the glans penis and inner prepuce, and spontaneously discharges...and does not demand any form of treatment at all, except for reassurance that this does not constitute an infection. The smegma actually helps in separating the two layers of epithelium." ------------------------------------------------------------------ "The foreskin plays an important protective role in the young. Let us therefore not interfere with it, but give it the respect it deserves." ------------------------------------------------------------------ "True phimosis is caused by a thick white fibrous ring that forms around the prepuce...Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans...the skin becomes pale gray, thin and parchment like, and the foreskin loses its suppleness. There is atrophy and thinning of the epidermis, replacement of the underlying dermis with dense collagenous tissue infiltrated with chronic inflammatory cells." (The disease is progressive and removal of the affected tissue is necessary. Total ablation of the foreskin is not.)" "Recurrent not too uncommon for a growing child...during the separation process...Circumcision for this or because the prepuce is still adherent is a radical measure." "Ballooning of the foreskin is attributed to the malalignment of the external urethral meatus and the preputial orifice. It can also arise solely because of the laxity and the length of the foreskin. Unless it is causing symptoms, no treatment is necessary. Symptomatic problems can be treated with hydrocortisone or by progressive gentle retraction." In closing, Tan offers these words of wisdom: "The foreskin plays an important protective role in the young. Let us therefore not interfere with it, but give it the respect it deserves." Inflammation ("It's Red, What'll We do?"): When a boy's foreskin becomes inflamed, parents can be reassured that the foreskin is protecting the underlying glans penis and urinary meatus (opening). A red or irritated foreskin is cause for concern, but is certainly no reason for circumcision. However, the cause of the irritation should be determined. In infancy, the most common cause is urea in the urine, which is changed to ammonia by certain bacteria that live in the bowel. The red area is really a small burn caused by the action of ammonia--generally the result of a wet and dirty diaper. Diapers need to be changed frequently and cloth diapers should be rinsed several times to remove the soap (alkaline). Other causes of irritation are: exposure to foreign bacteria introduced by parent, caregiver, or physician manipulation of the foreskin, bubble baths, swimming pools, infrequent bathing, excessive fruit juice or insufficient water intake, or a change in laundry detergent. Frequent warm water baths (without soap) and fresh air help the body to heal itself. Physicians also recommend ointments such as A & D, Desitin or petroleum jelly to protect the healing area from further irritation. If the inflammation persists, parents should consult their child's physician. Informed consent discussion of choices must include the option to treat medically, not surgically, including treatment with antibiotics and/or hospitalization. Successful treatment of an inflamed foreskin is successful treatment and is not an indication for subsequent elective circumcision. Paraphimosis ("The Foreskin's Stuck, What'll We Do?"): There are several maneuvers to bring the foreskin forward if it gets stuck behind the head (glans) of the penis (paraphimosis), a condition that occurs with premature and/or forcible retraction. By applying pressure on the head of the penis, the swelling is reduced, and the foreskin is able to return to its forward position. Paul Fleiss, M.D., MPH, Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Southern California, suggests placing the child's penis between the first and second fingers (like holding a cigarette) and, with the thumb, pushing the glans into the opening of the foreskin. In most instances, circumcision is not necessary to correct paraphimosis. Boys and their parents should be taught that the foreskin should not be retracted prematurely or forcibly and, after retraction, it should be returned to the forward position. ------------------------------------------------------------------ THE PEDIATRIC EXAMINATION OF THE PENIS Prior to any physical examination, both the parents and their son's health-care provider are responsible for establishing the fact of the intact status of the child's penis. A boy should always be made to feel his penis is normal. In addition, health care providers should disclose their personal position regarding examination of the intact penis, including testing foreskin retractability. The AAP pamphlet, "Care of the Uncircumcised Penis," advises: "Do not retract the foreskin in an infant, as it is almost always attached to the glans. Forcing the foreskin back may harm the penis, causing pain, bleeding, and possibly adhesions. The natural separation of the foreskin from the glans may take many years. After puberty, the adult male learns to retract the foreskin and cleanse under it on a daily basis." If there is a clinical indication for retraction of the foreskin, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends "...hold the penile shaft with one hand and with the other hand, push the foreskin back gently--never forcibly--perhaps 1/8 of an inch...If there is any discomfort in your baby or if you feel resistance, stop." When a child is old enough to follow instructions, the doctor can ask the boy to retract his own foreskin, thereby eliminating the possibility of causing pain, local trauma, and/or inadvertently introducing foreign bacteria. Examination of the penis, including retraction of the foreskin, is a clinically inappropriate and unnecessary intervention when unrelated to the child's presenting problem. ------------------------------------------------------------------ INTERNATIONAL NEWS Female genital mutilation is becoming a worldwide concern. Alice Walker's new book, Possessing the Secret of Joy, brings the issue to Americans. Other countries have already begun to address the ethical and legal issues involved with the practice. The Australian Law Reform Commission's Current Discussion Paper NR 48 (1991-92) states "Female genital mutilation is not expressly prohibited but there is little doubt that it would constitute an assault. For a parent's consent on a child's behalf to the procedure to be lawful, it would have to be shown that it is therapeutic. A parent may validly authorise a non-therapeutic operation only if it is not actively against the child's interests. It would be no defence to a charge of assault or battery that the operation was performed in a hospital by a doctor rather than a traditional practitioner...The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, recently ratified by Australia, guarantees the right of children belonging to ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities to enjoy their own culture. However, the Convention also calls upon the parties to 'take all effective and appropriate measures with a view to abolishing traditional practices prejudicial to the health of children.'" They go on to state that "One approach to the eradication of this practice is to enact special legislation to prohibit female genital mutilation. This course was taken in England in 1985. Another approach, adopted in France, si to use the existing criminal law." Americans may be unaware that this practice has reached our shores. ------------------------------------------------------------------ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Bruised Penis: "We had a harrowing experience with our 4-year old son who had a bruised penis from playing "ruff wrestling" at a picnic party with 8 other boys his age. We took him to the local emergency room because he kept screaming. The doctor's advice was to circumcise within the hour! We left the hospital. Our son is fine and intact. We learned a great deal from our experience. Please send information to this doctor so he can keep on learning, too."--L.W., Ohio Child Abuse: "I recommend the books by Alice Miller for anyone who is interested in the various forms of child abuse, their origins, and the reason why parents and other adults take the side of adults at the terrible expense to children. We are all damaged as children and, when we grow up, we act it out on society or on ourselves by self-destructive behavior (addictions, suicide, self- mutilation, etc.). I believe circumcision is a major wound to males which is acted out by battering, wars, rape, child abuse, and random violence."--M.L., Illinois It's Just Not the Same: "I would like to have information on reconstruction of a prepuce for myself before approaching my doctor to get this procedure done. I was circumcised when I was 12 and I just flat do not feel the same. My father insisted it be done. I would give just about anything to get a prepuce reconstructed. I have felt naked."--E.E., North Carolina Doctor Changed His View: "I am not surprised that more people are concerned about their childhood circumcision and have decided to restore their foreskins. I became interested in this problem two years ago when a young, intelligent, rational male was concerned that he had no foreskin and wanted restoration. His sincerity had a major impact on me. I now see circumcision as an abuse and an assault without consent."--A.O., M.D., California It's Those Screams Again: "It makes me so happy that some organization is working to prevent the mutilation of infant males. The screams I've heard in various hospitals make me shiver."--Dr. R.H.F., Ohio ------------------------------------------------------------------ BULLETIN BOARD The Third International Symposium on Circumcision, still planned for Washington, D.C., has been postponed until Spring 1994. Abstracts for presentation should be submitted by June 30, 1993. Watch for details in the Spring Newsletter. For information contact: International Symposia on Circumcision, P.O. Box 2400, Sixteenth Street, Suite #250, San Francisco, CA 94103. New Books: -A Woman's Odyssey into Africa, tracks across a life, by Hanny Lightfoot-Klein -Breaking Down the Wall of Silence, by Alice Miller -Possessing the Secret of Joy, by Alice Walker -Raising a Son: Parents and the making of a Healthy Man, by Don Elium and Jeanne Elium -Say No To Circumcision! 40 Compelling Reasons Why you Should Leave Your Son Whole, by Thomas Ritter, M.D. (Available from NOCIRC, P.O. Box 2512, San Anselmo, CA 94979, $10.95 plus $2. postage and handling, California residents add $0.95 sales tax.)* -The Joy of Uncircumcising! Restore Your Birthright and Maximize Sexual Pleasure, by Jim Bigelow, Ph.D. (Available from UNCIRC, P.O. Box 52138, Pacific Grove, CA 93950, $16.95 plus $2. postage and handling, California residents add $1.45 sales tax.)* -The Male Sexual Machine, An Owner's Manual, by Kenneth Purvis, M.D., Ph.D. *Editor's note: NOCIRCers, you can help by making sure these books are available at your local bookstore. New Pamphlets & Reprints: -"Circumcision: A Medical or Human Rights Issue?" Marilyn Milos and Donna Macris, Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, March/April 1992, is available. Send SASE and $3. to NOCIRC, P.O. Box 2512, San Anselmo, CA 94979. -"Keeping Clean is Easy," the second issue of "Good News for Boys, A 'Newspaper' for Boys Who Are Intact (Not Circumcised)," J.C. Jensen, MSW, P.O. Box 584, Tacoma, WA 98401. -"Foreskin Restoration Resource Guide," RECAP/San Jose, P.O. Box 2894, Santa Clara, CA 95055. -"Reclaiming Our Bodies, The physical and emotional advantages of male foreskin restoration", R. Wayne Griffiths, RECAP, 3205 Northwood Drive, Suite #209, Concord, CA 94520. -"Respect Your Son's Body, The benefits of foreskin and why routine infant circumcision is unnecessary," R. Wayne Griffiths, RECAP, 3205 Northwood Drive, Suite #209, Concord, CA 94520. -"Stop Child sex abuse, Support Initiative 142" is available from Ted Pong, 8907 NE 127th Street, Kirkland, WA 98034. Audio/Video Tapes: -"The Uncut Version," a short video on the benefits of having a foreskin, is available from Cadigan Productions, P.O. Box 793, Mountain View, CA 94042-0793, (415)965-7776, at $19.95 each plus $2.95 shipping and handling, and CA residents add $1.65 sales tax. -"Circumcision: Breaking the Silence," by Ronald Goldman, 60- minute cassette tape of talk at Interface in Cambridge, MA. Discusses sexual, psychological, and cultural impact of circumcision and healing approaches. Includes illustrations. Send $11.50 to Circumcision Resource Center, P.O. Box 232, Boston, MA 02133. -"NOCIRC Composite Video," a 16-minute VHS videotape, with both male circumcision and female genital mutilation, available from NOCIRC with your $20 tax-deductible donation. Services: -PErSONA Counselling Services is a circumcision information and recovery resource in the Portland area. Contact Ron Fisher, 2459 S.E. TV Highway, #237, Hillsboro, Oregon 97123, (503)693-6988. -The National Men's Resource Calendar, P.O. Box 800, San Anselmo, CA 94979-0800, formerly Men's Resource Hotline Calendar, provides referral and information on men's books, publications, research, conferences and events, films and videos, organizations, groups, services and cultural events. Studies: -How does neonatal trauma affect the brain? Perinatal trauma is known to affect brain development and behavior. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans and electroencephalograph (EEG) studies are needed to evaluate possible brain injury caused by the perinatal trauma of circumcision according to developmental neuropsychologist James W. Prescott, Ph.D. Interested pediatric neurologists may contact Dr. Prescott, c/o NOCIRC, P.O. Box 2512, San Anselmo, CA 94979-2512. Politics: -Circumcision Outlawed in Washington? 200,000 signatures are needed to present Initiative 142, which will prohibit genital mutilation of children and infants in the state of Washington, to the Legislature of the State of Washington. For more information contact Ted Pong (206) 623-8123 or Frank Cranbourne (206) 547- 0120. ------------------------------------------------------------------ "THE SILENT KNIFE: WHY ISN'T CIRCUMCISION A MEN'S ISSUE?" "It has only been recently that I have thought about the event of circumcision and asked myself how it may have influenced my feelings about myself. I've just now begun to wonder how it might have effected my body image and feelings of self-esteem. We know that children register feelings even when in utero and certainly have strong feelings after birth. What is it like for an infant boy, a boy born perfect, whole and complete, to have part of his body removed? What is the effect of having a larger person, most often a man, spread his little legs and cut away the end of his genitals? Could the trauma from this event have anything to do with our later feelings of shame about our bodies, our concern about the size of our penises, our anguish over sexual performance, our frozen feelings, or the male ability (liability?) to ignore pain?" "Each time I tried to begin the chapter on child abuse for my book, The Warrior's Journey Home: Healing Men's Addictions, Healing the Planet, I began to cry. Some body memory told me something terrible had happened when I was a child...I found a book...began reading an account. For the first time I understood the depth of my tears..." "In order to begin healing our wounds we need to remember what happened to us and name it correctly. Cutting the genitals of newborn male babies is child sexual abuse. I encourage all men who have the courage to remember to join in ending this practice now and forever."--Jed Diamond, ReSource, Summer 1992 ------------------------------------------------------------------ "We categorically state that circumcision has unrecognized victims." -Declaration of the First International Symposium on Circumcision. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Publisher: National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers Editor: Marilyn Fayre Milos, R.N. Assoc.Editor: Donna Macris, CNM, MSN Consultants: Sheila Curran, R.N.; Paul Fleiss, M.D., MPH; Sara Pitta, CNM; James L. Snyder, M.D., F.A.C.S. National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers P.O. Box 2512 San Anselmo, CA U.S.A. 94979-2512 Tel. (415) 488-9883
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