NATURALLY UNCIRCUMCISED Comments and experiences from readers When our son was born eight years ago, the attending doctor gave no feasible argument for circumcision. The labor room nurse simply brought in a consent form, and informed me that he would be 'laughed at' in gym class if I didn't sign! I hardly felt this was ample persuasion! We have advanced thousands of years since circumcision was an innovative idea. Health conditions and public awareness have so improved, in civilized countries, that the need for primitive rituals must be personally re-evaluated. The normal uncircumcised boy can be cared for with little extra effort and be easily instructed in personal hygiene. The reasoning that the protective foreskin of such a delicate and sensitive organ could be considered 'unnecessary' and 'expendable' is puzzling to me. If this is so, why after all the centuries of newborn generations, are circumcised men still fathering uncircumcised sons? Is it a freak of nature? If the foreskin has no valid function it seems reasonable to assume that it would have been 'phased out through atrophy, by Nature, long ago. Lil Comstock ----------------------------------------------------------------- Probably the oldest known surgery, except for severance of the umbilical cord, is circumcision. Which as the Latin meaning (around, cut) implies, is the cutting off of the protective foreskin covering the penis. Usually this is done shortly after birth. but sometimes is performed during adolecence or at premarital rites. It is an ancient practice that dates back to Egyptian times, serving mostly as a religious or tribal ritual among many peoples. The Jews justity their routne circumcision by the interpretation of Biblical script Genesis 17:9-27. In this account Abraham (age 99) and his son Ishmail (age 13) were commanded by God to be circumcised. And even today circumcision is performed on all Jewish male infants 8 days after birth, as a token of the everlasting covenant between God and the seed of Abraham. This is a symbolic and humbling act, to insure protection against the wrath of God (Exodus 4:24-25). It also serves as a sign of belonging to the community of Israel. No uncircumcised male was allowed to marry a daughter of this community. (It is coincidental that many religions choose to follow the Jewish rule that circumcision should be done on the eighth day following birth, or later. According to modern science Vitamin K, which makes the blood coagulate, enters the blood stream of an infant on the eighth day, after birth.) Female-circumcision is a relatively rare folk custom practiced in ancient and modern Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Africa, Indonesia, Australia, South America, and in some Indian tribes. It is the excision of the Labia Minora and the clitoris, (clitorectomy). Similar to male circumcision, it is performed in infancy, adolescence, or as a premarital rite. It has also been deemed a 'curative' measure, a medical procedure to diminish sexual desire (nymphomania) and excessive masturbation and was used even in this country up until two decades ago! It is apparent that social and religious pressure have been the greatest motivating force behind the custom of routine circumcision, and not medical fact. Some medical authorities believe that this operation is an unnecessary and traumatizing experience, with doubtful advantages. There are certainly cases which call, for surgical attention, but perhaps this should be the exception and not the rule. Debbie Kubinyi Lil Comstock ------------------------------------------------------------------ I never seriously considered having Christopher circumcised. My approach was more of wanting to find the best way instead of following the " 1.2-3" procedures. So, I just let it be. Whenever it came to pulling his foreskin back, I would check for any white smegma that collects and pull the foreskin back as far as it would go. There is a membrane around the top of the head that must be broken through before the foreskin can go all the way back. Here is the difference between doing it yourself and going to a doctor's office to have it done. Usually the doctor will break the membrane forcefully and all at once, causing a whole bunch of unnecessary roughness. A mama and papa can feel out the situation. Gradually they can work the foreskin back and forth further and further until the membrane breaks, using what feels right to guide them. By pass an uncomfortable, against the grain situation, for a confident good and loving experience. Bonnie Chapman ------------------------------------------------------------------ We had decided before our son, Uriah was born, that he would be uncircumcised. I was told to push the foreskin back as far as possible, and to clean the uncovered penis with soapy water and cotton daily. When I first started to try this, a couple of days after he was born, the foreskin was a little tight and wouldn't easily slip back. I gradually pushed it back, a litle more each day until it would easily retract and return to place. I cleaned out any little particles of smegma that had accumulated. (Smegma is a white, creamy substance which is sometimes secreted by the oil glands of the foreskin.) By making a practice of this his uncircumcised penis gave me no problems. Uriah is over two years old now and easily pushes back and cleans his own penis while bathing. We have always felt this was a natural and good thing to help him learn about and have never regretted our decision to leave him as he was born, uncircumcised. Linda Shaffer ------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mothering magazine: Volume 2
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