Argus Leader (Sioux Falls, South Dakota). Wednesday, 6 November 1991.
The Remain Intact Organization, R.R. #2, Larchwood, Iowa
Letter to the editor
Sexual harassment made the headlines lately with the Thomas Supreme Court hearings in which Professor Anita Hill charged Clarence Thomas with that behavior.
While the nation struggles with a legal definition of the offense, its victims recognize it easily. There are some women who state that what causes one woman to feel sexually harassed doesn't another, and that it is all easily stopped or controlled by a witty or stinging comeback. Fewer in number are the men who feel sexually harassed by females at work, but they even are more silent than the women speaking out about the offense.
But there is one tremendous area of sexual harassment that is so blatant and so widely experienced that male and female columnists who are making hay over the Senate hearings say nothing about it. The president who obviously does not seem to be sensitive to the women's plight, says nothing about it.
One cannot get more insensitive about sexual harassment than the women and men who permit out infants to suffer routine circumcision. Talk about sexual assault.
Were baby girls in this country taken by fathers to be circumcised, Linda Ellerbee, Ann Landers, and all the other female columnists would be yelling sexual harassment in bold print, but they say nothing, even in fine print about women taking their babies for foreskin amputation--the greatest sexual harassment possible.
Just as it's going to take a lot of talk and writing and work to change this tradition of men making comments and gestures that sexually offend women in the workplace, so will it take a lot to cause the women and their mates to understand unconsented circumcision ofinfant boys is a social no-no also.
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