DOCTORS AGAINST CIRCUMCISION Question: My husband and I are trying to decide whether our firstborn, if a boy, should be circumcised. We know that circumcision is painful, medically unnecessary and occasionally risky. My instinct is against it. My husband, who is circumcised, is not so sure. He worries about whether the child would feel "different," even though he admits that he wasn't bothered that his own father wasn't circumcised. My doctor says it's up to us. He also says most males in the world are not circumcised and that the United States is the only country left where the practice continues (except religiously). But he says circumcision is not as popular here as it once was-- it's about 50-50 in most areas. I simply cannot imagine doing unnecessary surgery on an infant. How should my husband and I resolve this issue? ----------------------------------------------------------------- Answer: A few babies must be circumcised to cure a urological problem, and others are circumcised because their parents are Moslems or Jews, but the prevalence of this operation in the United States should be seen for what it is: a tribal rite, and a fairly new one. The Victorians started the custom in England in the 19th century to cure masturbation, then considered a moral threat to the empire. Since they didn't Know the cause of most diseases, they blamed it for everything from alcoholism to syphilis. The operation spread to all the English-speaking countries (and nowhere else), but it's very unpopular today - except in the United States. Although the overall figure is somewhat higher than your obstetrician told you, it is very low among immigrants and dropping fast among the more educated, upscale parents. Conformity is one reason that parents - like your husband - often want their sons circumcised, but it isn't a valid one. Even though some boys are circumcised and some are not, they seldom tease each other about the presence, or absence, of foreskins. And most are not bothered if they look different from their dads. It's true that a son wants to copy his father, but it's his character and his interests and his behavior and his wit he wants to copy, not his body. Children are smarter than that. There are a number of other arguments against circumcision and a lot of information out there. Much of it comes from - organizations devoted just to the subject of circumcision, but most of it has a hysterical edge. If you dig into the medical reports, however, you'll find the same basic information and a much calmer tone. The American Academy of Pediatrics came out against routine circumcision in 1971; the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists added its opposition seven years later. The AAP expects to issue new guidelines in late September. So far, studies have proved that the foreskin is not only safe to keep, but it actually protects the penis throughout a man's life. They have also found that uncircumcised men are no more likely to get cancer or venereal disease than those who are circumcised - many doctors once thought they were - nor are their wives more prone to cervical cancer. Circumcision isn't good preventive medicine on any level. It may eventually be necessary - although rarely - but you wouldn't want the doctor to cut out your baby's tonsils because he might need a tonsillectomy someday. Hygiene is another misplaced concern: The foreskin keeps itself clean by shedding dead cells. If none of this persuades your husband, money may talk. Now that most doctors think circumcision is unnecessary, more and more insurance companies refuse to pay for it. You may be charged $100 to $200 for the procedure. Your baby will pay a price too. Circumcision is a minor operation, but it is usually done without general anesthesia, since this can be dangerous to a baby. Unless a local anesthetic is used, the operation causes a child real pain because it hurts anyone to be cut, and the body of a newborn is exquisitely sensitive. This sensitivity causes some discomfort afterward, whether a local is used or not. There are also some risks. While circumcision is one of the safest operations, one in 500 babies still have significant ill effects, such as penile infections, hemorrhaging and urinary problems. For more information, you can get "The Circumcision Decision," a pamphlet by Edward Wallerstein, by sending 50 cents to Pennypress, 23rd Ave. East, Seattle, Wash. 98112. Or you may send a long, stamped, self-addressed envelope to the AAP, Dept. C, Box -927, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, 60009-27 for a copy of its free pamphlet, "Care of the Uncircumcised Penis," which is basically no special care at all. If, however, you and your husband decide your son should be circumcised, make sure your obstetrician does the job and not the resident which is often the case - and that the operation doesn't take place until after the baby's vital signs are stable. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ From: The Family Almanac, by Marguerite Kelly printed in Asbury Park Press newspaper, P.O. Box 15310, Washington, D.C. 20003. (August 7, 1988)
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