AIDS STUDY Fact or Fiction: Advocates of circumcision have always been looking for a reason to legitimize this surgery. The research conducted in Kenya seemed to be the perfect example. While the study suggests that men who are uncircumcised or have genital sores are more likely to contract AIDS, the authors of the study indicate that the results do not prove that circumcising actually helps protect males from AIDS. The headline given to the article (Leader Post August 6, 1988, UNCIRCUMCISED MEN HAVE GREATER RISK OF CATCHING AIDS, study says) however, suggests that uncircumcised men have a greater risk of catching AIDS even though the study is inconclusive. With regards to the study, serious questions have to be asked. First, what bearing does a study of men in Kenya who are involved with prostitutes have to American or Canadian males? Even if there is some validity to the study as the headlines suggest, why should all males be circumcised in order to protect them from contracting the AIDS virus from prostitutes? Are males required to have relationships with prostitutes? Or do males who frequent prostitutes not have some responsibility for their actions? Does the study also suggest that uncircumcised males have greater abundance of genital sores than circumcised males? If so, what medical evidence is there to support this supposition? Both circumcised and non-circumcised males are susceptible to viruses which may cause genital sores. If being circumcised supposedly protects males from V.D., then why is V.D. so prevalent among American males when the majority of them have been circumcised? According to the article, (also printed in the Leader Post March 5, 1990, AIDS CASES CONTINUE TO RISE) why does the U.S.A. continue to account for more than half of the global figures in the number of AIDS cases, while Britain and other countries in Europe (where circumcision has virtually dropped to zero), a below average increase? The results of the study have no correlation to the real situation. "Being circumcised seems to help protect people somewhat from catching some venereal diseases. We are told that uncircumcised men were still more likely than circumcised men to catch HIV, even if they had never had a sexual disease." Our question is where? In Kenya where most of the males are uncircumcised? There is little evidence to support that this claim is true when we compare statistics in the U.S.A. with those of Europe. Why would studies not have been made in the U.S.A. or Canada where the samples would consist of a typical population of females, rather than prostitutes? The results of a study of AIDS among circumcised and uncircumcised males in America would certainly have had greater credibility. The speculation that non-circumcised men may have more breaks in their foreskin which may cause the penetration of a virus, are totally ludicrous. Are they also suggesting that if there are no breaks in the foreskin that males would not pick up the HIV virus? If so then why such an increase in AIDS in the U.S.A. where the majority of males are circumcised? There is little evidence in the medical literature to indicate that circumcision prevents penile cancer, cancer of the cervix, V.D. or any other disease. The Leader Post recently carried another article (printed herein) describing a different scenario which could have been the locale of an AIDS study. Although it is hypothetical at the moment, the location (Israel) described in the article could have very likely been an area where researchers could have based their studies. It would have been very interesting to see what conclusions those researchers may have reached. The story occurs in a nation where most of the males are circumcised. It involves thousands of men who have had sex with a prostitute infected with AIDS. While the situation is true, the effects of the AIDS virus will probably take several years in order to take its course. ----------------------------------------------------------------- HOOKER SPREAD AIDS TO THOUSANDS: Jerusalem (AP) – A prostitute who was tested for AIDS but never picked up results showing she was HIV- positive has since had sex with thousands of men, an Israeli newspaper reported. Rachel Nissani, 23, of Tel Aviv, found out a month ago when she had another test that she was carrying the AIDS virus, the paper said. Nissani said that since her first AIDS test in January 1991 she had sex with at least six men a day to finance a heroin habit. (Leader Post, February 25, 1993) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Boston (AP) – Men who have genital sores or who are circumcised have a much greater risk of catching AIDS during sexual intercourse with infected women, a study concludes. The research, conducted in Israel, suggests that the prevalence of some sexually transmitted diseases, the common use of prostitutes, and the higher frequency of circumcision may help explain why AIDS has spread widely through heterosexual contact in parts of Europe, where up to a quarter of sexually active adults in some cities are infected. Etc. Etc. **The article above might have been written suggesting that circumcised males are actually more vulnerable to AIDS than uncircumcised males. Lets consider the facts. Are not most males circumcised in Israel? Is it not almost certain that most of these males will contract AIDS? Would either the presence or the absence of lesions, or breaks in the foreskin really make any difference? Is not the risk of contracting AIDS almost a certainty in either case? Could the researchers not have concluded that circumcised males were more vulnerable to lesions and tears? As they do not have the protection of the foreskin, could not researchers conclude that circumcised males are more likely to contract the HIV virus? This would be a more logical conclusion as studies have indicated that circumcised males have accumulated greater numbers of certain types of bacteria on their penises than non-circumcised males. Would this not indicate that the foreskin does offer protection against bacterial and viral infections contrary to the theory postulated by the researchers? Might not the results of the study in Israel be similar to, and just as valid as those drawn up in the Kenya study? The conclusion could indicate, contrary to the Kenya study, that circumcised males exposed to prostitutes with the AIDS virus would certainly be more likely to contract the AIDS virus. When one considers what the conclusion might have been if a different sample were selected such as the case hypothesized above, one has to seriously question the study in Kenya. Perhaps the studies in a different locale would in fact indicate that circumcised males are more susceptible to AIDS than non- circumcised males. If this were the situation, imagine the impact such a study would have on those who are trying desperately to prove a link between circumcision as a protective measure for AIDS, urinary tract infections, and who knows what next? Whether the studies have any validity is not really important. The media once again got the message that there just may be some validity to circumcision. One has to throw a little wood on the fires from time to time to make sure the fire doesn't go out. It's business as usual in our hospitals. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DISEASES OF CHILDREN Vol. 140, No. 1 January 1986 Page 9 Circumcision Sir: Swafford's updating of estimated penile cancer risks in uncircumcised US males--1 in 602 in 1980 to 1 in 909 Danish males in 1985--provides an interesting basis of comparison. The often- overlooked fact is that, taking the Danish data, 908 of 909 Danish males will not be at risk of penile cancer. Edward Wallerstein 225 W. 106th St. New York, NY 10025 Swafford TD: Circumcision and the risk of cancer of the penis. AJDC 1985; 139:112. In reply: I concur with Wallerstein's observation. As he recently stated, "The threat of penile cancer hangs over the discussion of circumcision like some mystical demon. It deserves to be exorcised, not circumcised." T.D. Swafford, M.D. Group Health Medical Center 200 15th Ave. E. Seattle, WA 99112 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- PROSTATE CANCER: Several decades ago numerous studies were given to prove that circumcision would prevent prostate cancer. The arguments were very convincing as are most arguments promoting circumcision. What are the results today? Prostate cancer is the second greatest cause of death today, soon to surpass the leading cause of death in males (heart attack). Today when most American males have been circumcised, according to the proponents of circumcision, prostate cancer should have disappeared. However, several studies clearly indicate that the prime cause of prostate cancer is probably the failure of males to get rid of excess seminal fluids which stagnate and invade the prostate cells and fuse with their nuclei, giving rise to malignant changes. The price to pay for tampering with the design of the male body seems to be taking its toll on males in numerous ways. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- IMPOTENCY: Again, the rate of impotency in American males is unparalleled in any other nation. It is estimated that over 30,000 penile implants have been implanted in American males to date. What is the cause of impotency? Perhaps one need not look too far. Many physicians indicate that impotency is probably caused by penile damage suffered in infancy. The supposition is that the damage was caused by some accident which the male encountered as a child, or by physical damage during intercourse. Never is circumcision mentioned as a probably cause of either of these situations. It is during circumcision that a major vein to the glans, and the frenulum is destroyed, along with very sensitive foreskin laden with millions of sensory receptors. The glans penis subsequently becomes cornified and dry, and may contribute to penile damage during intercourse. Why is impotency so great in circumcised males, while the non-circumcised males seldom suffer comparable problems even in old age? Of course the advocates of circumcision would deny this. Adult males circumcised in infancy are now revealing a multitude of complications or injuries sustained during circumcision. Wasn't circumcision supposed to prevent problems in the future? ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS (UTI): A study by Thomas Wisell conducted in an American military hospital concluded that uncircumcised infants were 10 to 20 times more likely to have urinary tract infections than circumcised infants. The methodology employed in the study and the results are questionable. In over 200,000 male infants the numbers of urinary tract infections were so insignificant that no reputable doctor would have found any purpose for conducting such a study, or had concern for the insignificant cases of urinary tract bacteria which obviously didn't manifest itself with dangerous symptoms requiring treatment. This was a study obviously designed to confirm the need for circumcision. Out of 28 cases of UTI, 4 were circumcised and 24 were not. Many of the uncircumcised males also had congenital problems which may have contributed to the infections. Observations about Wisell's research: It is a fact circumcision does not eliminate UTI's, even if all males were circumcised. Urinary tract infections are rare in most males and hardly ever occur. Why would we circumcise 100,000 males in order to prevent an insignificant number of urinary tract infections? Are UTI fatal in males and thereby a cause of great concern? If antibiotics are effective in treating UTI in females, cannot antibiotics be similarly used to treat UTI in males? Why would the amputation of a vital organ be required to prevent possible urinary tract infections? The findings in the military hospital do not concur with the incidence of UTI in males elsewhere. Why was the incidence much greater in the military hospital? Why were parents instructed to retract the foreskins of intact males? This is not an acceptable procedure and may contribute to very serious problems, much worse than UTI. Why were catheters inserted in order to remove urine? If males did indeed have urinary tract infections, did these infections not create visual symptoms which would make these conditions obvious, without the necessity of taking urine samples? Did the males who had traces of bacteria (which cause UTI) suffer from any physical conditions which required treatment? Or were these bacteria merely present, posing no health problems, and requiring no treatment? If so, what was the concern? Is circumcision necessary merely to ensure that males do not contract the bacteria, even if few symptoms appear? In the Wisell study, 200,000 females were also included in this study. Results indicated that nearly twice the number of females had urinary tract infections in comparison with the males. There was no great alarm over this fact. Why is it that only males are targeted for mutilation just because a few males happen to possess bacteria which may cause urinary tract infections? Roy Isabell from Mobile, Alabama made the following comments in Shop Talk Newsletter: "Most articles report the recent Brooks Army Hospital study indicating slight urinary tract infections in uncircumcised infants, but say nothing about the larger Kaiser-Permanente Hospital studies which refute that. They also fail to mention that in the Brooks study the babies' foreskins were forcibly retracted, a daily cleansing regimen contrary to AAP policy to leave the foreskin alone. This is a surprising point, since the physician's manipulation itself could have caused the increased UTI, according to doctors such as Paul Fleis of California. Because in the UTI study two uncircumcised babies died, it's logical that those misguided doctors would have a vested interest in blaming the foreskin. If a baby girl's hymen were broken prematurely and her vagina scrubbed daily, would she fare as well? ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- IT IS IMPORTANT THAT HE RESEMBLE HIS FATHER OR HIS PEERS: This is another argument supposedly to consider in circumcision. Would this argument be a valid reason in favor of female circumcision in Africa where it is still very prevalent? Most of the males over 50, the fathers of current fathers, were never circumcised. Why was not this reason important when most males were intact? Or is it valid only when it supports circumcision? Why is this reason seldom given in countries such as Canada where the circumcision rate has rapidly declined and where most males are intact? If valid, circumcision should have reached zero level in Canada years ago. Circumcision was once prevalent in Britain however, it declined rapidly in a few years. Why was this logic not important to British males, but somehow very important to American males? Should not outmoded forms of medical treatment be discontinued when there are no valid medical reasons for them? Is not circumcision of an infant male in reality of greater importance to the father, who because he was a victim, wishes to deprive his son of something he himself was denied? Do fathers and son regularly share their penises making similarities important? What about baldness which is dominant in males? Is it not likewise important if the father becomes bald, his son should also shave his head? If resembling one's peers is so important, why do many males seek hair restoration or purchase hair pieces when most males have some sort of baldness? Seeking hair restoration hardly supports the theory that males need to appear similar in order to achieve emotional satisfaction. Rather it supports the argument of retaining one's normal body features as long as possible. If a visual comparison, such as hair color, lack of hair, etc. is not important, then why would non-visible resemblances have such great importance? ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- HE MAY REQUIRE IT LATER: What evidence is there that any male may require it later? Why should males have the certainty of having painful surgery now, because there may be some remote possibility of having it done later in life? Would it not be preferable to endure some pain only if the surgery is required? There are numerous parts of the body which create far more serious problems. Why should any male be subjected to the amputation of a part of his body which in all likelihood may never pose a single problem during his entire lifetime? Do parents really have the right to amputate a normal, healthy part of a non-consenting individual just because this organ may someday present a problem? If so, how far does this rationale extend? Just the foreskin? ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCUMCISION IS STILL POPULAR – OR GAINING POPULARITY: Female circumcision in Africa is still popular. Should we likewise use this reason to condone or ignore its practice, or do we not as intelligent human beings have the right to demand an end to it, regardless how popular the practice may be? Should we condone sexual assault of females in America just because one out of every four are victims? Drug abuse is also very prevalent-- Does this fact give drug abuse credibility? Does the fact that any practice exists mean that we should allow it to continue without questioning its usefulness or validity? ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- PENILE CANCER: We find articles which indicate that uncircumcised males are more likely to have penile cancer than circumcised males. In this case the research is primarily based on the American population of males. Again let us analyze the basis of this research. An indisputable fact is that penile cancer is rare in both circumcised and uncircumcised males. There is actually very little reason for concern in either case. Penile cancer seldom occurs in males under 80 years of age, and the cancer rate is about 1 in 100,000 when males reach 80 years of age. If it does occur, it is treatable in the same manner as cancer of any other part of the body. Penile cancer rates in most European countries such as Britain, Denmark, Sweden, etc. (where most males are uncircumcised) are no higher than they are in the U.S.A. In some cases the numbers are actually lower. However, the proponents of circumcision are careful not to make this comparison, because it would destroy their argument that circumcision prevents cancer. Most American males over 50 years of age are uncircumcised and are reaching the age where they may develop cancer. The majority of males under the age of 50 are circumcised and are in the age group not likely to develop penile cancer. To conclude that because most of the cases of penile cancer have developed in uncircumcised males, circumcision is a preventative measure is ludicrous. A valid comparison can only be made with males within the same age group. To determine whether circumcision actually prevents penile cancer, a comparison of statistics will have to be made when the circumcised males eventually reach the age group when penile cancer occurs. The findings may reveal a very different scenario. Just as the advocates of circumcision vehemently predicted that circumcision would prevent prostate cancer, so too may the findings be contrary to present claims. The incidence of penile cancer may actually be higher when the present population of males reach the vulnerable age. Males may find that circumcision did not protect them from penile cancer. Perhaps those who advocated that circumcision would prevent prostate cancer should state why their predictions were wrong. From the current trends, it appears that the claim of preventing penile cancer through circumcision is no more valid. It is becoming more evident that the advocates of circumcision will use every conceivable method to legitimize this practice. It was easier to tear down the statues of Lenin and the Berlin Wall than to try and end an outrage that has no place in modern medicine. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- INSTEAD OF FINDING REASONS TO LEGITIMIZE CIRCUMCISION, WE SHOULD BE DOING WHAT WE CAN TO END THE PRACTICE: Many doctors are seeking ways to end the pain of circumcision. The only sure way to end the pain of circumcision is to stop circumcising. We study the effects of birth trauma upon infants and do everything possible to minimize it. However, the advocates of circumcision refuse to admit that circumcision would compound the birth trauma. The U.S.A. has the 12th highest infant mortality rate among the most affluent nations of the world. The highest mortality rate is also amongst infant males. Sixty per cent of all SIDS deaths are among infant males, 80% of them circumcised. Are we certain that circumcision does not contribute to the death or disability of infants in any manner? Or is the greater vulnerability of infant males of no concern to the medical community? About 75% of all learning disabilities are found in males. At one time students with learning problems accounted for about 5% of the student population. Today the number of students with learning disabilities is nearly 25%. Recent studies indicate that there is a direct correlation between learning disabilities and circumcision. The reasons to mutilate are endless, and tragically whenever one tries to convince others that there is no need for circumcision, you will always hear statements such as these: "Yes, we know that there are no valid reasons for circumcision, but we did it anyway." Or, "The only reason why males object to circumcision is because we haven't done a good enough job explaining it to them." I wonder how receptive these statements would have been if the individual was female instead of male? It is our hope that you will be enlightened as a result of this publication and demand an end to circumcision. Males who for decades remained silent, are now speaking out, more vocally than ever. They won't be silenced or intimidated by anyone, even those who sincerely believe what they are doing is best for their sons. "Enough is enough", they are saying. "And what part of NO of sexual assault do members of the medical profession who still circumcise not understand?" ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCUMCISION WOULD PREVENT MASTURBATION: One of the most prevalent reasons for circumcision was that it was supposed to prevent masturbation. Males were to get rid of excess fluids by nocturnal emissions. Rev. Edward A. Molloy, associate provost of the University of Notre Dame once said: "There has been a significant change in the evaluation of masturbation by the Catholic Church. At one time, masturbation, petting and various forms of orgasmic behavior were viewed as equally sinful." "In recent years, however, moral theologians have challenged that position and masturbation now is seen as a relatively common form of sexual release. In most cases, individual acts of masturbation do not involve the moral quality of the person in such a way that it constitutes a serious offense. Rather, it is a habit, and expression of the power of the sexual drive." Numerous studies also indicate that masturbation plays an important function in relieving excess and stagnant fluids which may indeed harm the body. Circumcising the male may be preventing the male from doing precisely what nature had intended. Some believe that nocturnal emissions are the only moral way for the body to get rid of excess seminal fluids. We would not accept nocturnal urination or the nocturnal defecation of eliminating body wastes as being natural, so why must nocturnal emissions be the only method of voiding waste? Prostate cancer may be one of the results of circumcision, and which masturbation may have been designed to prevent. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Courtesy: Mr. John Sawkey Medical Ethics Network Box 578 Yorkton, Saskatchewan S3N 2W7
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