Young boxer dies after circumcision ceremony

The Sunday Times of Johannesburg, South Africa, printed the
following article on 27 Dec. 1992, entitled "Young boxer dies
after circumcision ceremony."


Professional boxer Thanduxolo Kolose, 20, has died after
attending a circumcision school at Red-house near Port Elizabeth. 
Five others from the school have been admitted to Dora Ngingza
Hospital in the city.  Kolose, a Cape straw-weight, was dead on
arrival at hospital on Sunday after suffering severe stomach
pains for 2 days.  Hospital superintendent Dr. Welkus Malherbe
said the 5 others also had stomach pains.  The death has raised
fears again about untrained "bush doctors" in the cash-strapped
Eastern Cape performing traditional December circumcision rites
and mutilating scores of Xhosa youths.  Another 39 abakhwetha are
in hospital in the region with septicaemia.  Three of 14 youths
receiving treatment at East London's Frere Hospital have had skin
grafts.  A 4th is in intensive care unit.  Two initiates are in
hospital in Grahamstown, 17 in Port Elizabeth and 6 are in
Ciskei's Cecilia Makiwane Hospital.

NOCIRC Japan Newsletter

Note:  South Africa's laws, to a large extent, ignore traditional

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