NOT A CIRCUMCISION AFICIONADO I never cease to be astonished by the incredible ignorance among American women - and men - about the subject of circumcision. Having had a liberal upbringing in Denmark, an American education, and travelled extensively during my ten-year marriage to an American air force officer (we are both into swinging), I have encountered no less than 300 penises during my life--about half of which were uncircumcised. I feel more than qualified to enlighten your readers on some of the most common misconceptions concerning uncircumcised males. I first became aware of how naive American women were about circumcision during my freshman year at an American university. My roommate and I were dating the same guy, and I made a comment to her that I ". .. dug Ron the most because he was uncircumcised, like my Danish boyfriends back home." There ensued a heated debate because my roommate insisted that Ron was circumcised. It seems she had only seen his penis in the erect state, when the foreskin was quite naturally retracted, and assumed that, because the head of his penis was exposed, he must be circumcised! It's not surprising, in a country where better than 90 percent of all males are circumcised shortly after birth, that such naivete exists. Since the explanations usually offered by magazine editors to such questions are often incomplete and only further mystify the inquirer, I'd like to share my observations as a way to clarify the matter once and for all. First of all, all normal uncircumcised penises have a foreskin that is capable of being completely retracted. Furthermore, I defy the average American male or female to distinguish between a circumcised penis and an uncircumcised one with the foreskin retracted, either in a flaccid or erect state. There simply is no visual difference, except to an expert such as a physician (or myself!). While length and tautness of foreskin varies widely among males, the overwhelming majority seem to fall within a narrow mean Since my uncircumcised husband falls well within this mean, I will use his penis to illustrate what I am talking about. When comfortably flaccid, his foreskin covers all but the tip of his glans penis. Only during extreme cold or physical exertion does the foreskin cover his penis entirely. During various stages of semi-erection, his foreskin covers anywhere from three quarters of the head to just the corona (rim) of the glans. During normal full erection, the head is completely exposed, with the foreskin gathered in loose folds just behind the rim of the glans. Durinq extreme erection. the foreskin is stretched back so tautly that there are no folds of skin at all. So much for natural positioning of the foreskin. When my husband manually retracts his foreskin (in the flaccid state), it will normally remain retracted-unless he sits down, or jumps into the swimming pool (water has strange effects on the penis, I've noticed). As previously noted, his penis looks circumcised whenever the foreskin is retracted. As nudity enthusiasts, my husband and I have often visited nudist parks in both Europe and the U.S. In European nudist parks my husband feels quite comfortable with his uncircumcised penis, but in American camps he sometimes feels out of place. To combat the natural tendency of the foreskin to position itself at the tip of the penis, my husband has devised a method to keep his foreskin re-tracted indefinitely, We would like to share his method with your readers. First, grasp the penis near its base with the left thumb and index finger, pulling the foreskin back slightly behind the rim of the glans. Then, forming a loose circle with the thumb and index finger of the right hand, gently stroke forward on the folds of foreskin until they turn under. If done correctly, the characteristically ragged leading edge of the folds of foreskin will be turned under completely, leaving a sculptured look, as if one had been circumcised by an expensive plastic surgeon. Moreover, the foreskin will remain retracted almost forever. I find it a crime that so many American males are mutilated by circumcision. True, from an aesthetic standpoint the completely exposed head of the penis is a work of art, but, as I have already pointed out, the uncircumcised male can achieve the same look by merely retracting his foreskin. At the same time, the uncircumcised penis has a "cuteness" and personality of its own, and has much more potential in foreplay than the relatively inflexible circumcised penis. Moreover, the exposed head of the uncircumcised penis is infinitely more exquisitely sculptured than the circumcised one. For one thing, the head retains a smooth, satiny texture and an extreme sensitivity to touch throughout one's life. When a boy is circumcised at birth, by comparison, this sensitivity is soon lost. The skin of the glans becomes rough and the corona (rim) of the glans, unrestricted by the protective foreskin, flares out in what I believe is a most unattractive manner. Another little-known fact is that the leading one inch or so of foreskin, which is the part ordinarily removed in circumcision, is richly endowed with erectile tissue, which responds to oral and manual stimulation in the same way as the female nipple. The most common argument for circumcision is cleanliness. It's true that without regular washing, the foul-smelling smegma does form beneath the foreskin of the uncircumcised male. In this instance, European men could take a good lesson from American men, With American bathing habits (at least once every two days), smegma never becomes a problem. Ironically, the hormonal secretions that create smegma, when fresh, are the source of the deliciously musky, salty penis taste that many women adore. Circumcised penises are virtually tasteless and nowhere near as much fun to suck. In my opinion, any male who escaped the ritual circumcision in his youth is indeed very lucky. However, if you are not circumcised and appearances bother you, adult circumcision is not the answer. Adult circumcision is almost never satisfactory, often leaving an ugly scar that is appealing to neither the tongue nor the eye. Instead, try the method I've suggested for retracting the foreskin. If it doesn't work for you, consider having a plastic surgeon remove a small elliptical section of foreskin on the underside of the penis and stitch the resulting edges together to produce the necessary tautness to keep the foreskin retracted behind the corona of the glans, still allowing the foreskin to be pushed forward naturally when desired, as in foreplay. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Provided by: Rev. Russell Zangger The Remain Intact Organization R. R. #2, Larchwood, Iowa U.S.A. 51241
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