Index of /pages/riley/
The files listed here were maintained by the Circumcision Information Center .
letter to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, from Warren F. Smith
Not a Circumcision Afficionado (Comments from a Danish woman)
The Case Against Circumcision (article)
Young Boxer Dies After Circumcision Ceremony (article)
comments from a male circumcised at age 22
Medical journal citations re: Circumcision and HIV
Research from the Toronto Hospital For Sick Children suggests circumcision may play a role in males later decreased tolerance of pain. (From the Toronto Star)
Easing the Pain of Circumcision , (article)
Circumcision in the Newborn Period, comments from the Canadian Paediatric Society
Benefits and Risks of Circumcision: another view from the Canadian Paediatric Society
position update, 1988, from the Canadian Paediatric Society
Declaration of the First International Symposium on Circumcision
AIDS Study – Fact of Fiction
Doctors Against Circumcision, comments from physicians
comments from Dr. Dean Edell
Gastric Rupture Associated with Prolonged Crying in a Newborn Undergoing Circumcision
Halt the Cruelest Cut of All
Circumcision - Form of Sexual Harassment (letter)
Circumcision Update: A Message to Intact Males
National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC) of Japan Newsletter, February 1, 1993
NOCIRC of Japan Newsletter - March 1993
NOCIRC of Japan Newsletter - Feb. 22, 1993
The Kindest Cut of All: Circumcision for all ages as Russian Jewish immigrants exercise their rites (article)
letter to Ann Landers (from John H. Mark of the Circumcision Information Resource Center of Washington, DC) in response to an article about circumcision
comments on circumcision from the Mayo Clinic newsletter, October 1985
Do You Favor Routine Neonatal Circumcision? comments from Thomas Metcalfe, MD
Naturally Uncircumcised: comments and experiences from readers from Mothering Magazine
newsletter of NOCIRC (National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers), Fall 1992
*Circumcision causes prolonged, severe pain (article)
Doctors in Ontario draw up policy on female circumcision (article)
Circumcision (female) results in prison for mother in France (article)
Information on an Internet mailing list for persons interested in foreskin restoration
listing of anti-circumcision and men's rights resources (organizations, reading materials...)
Circumcision – A Medical or Human Rights Issue?
Sexual Surgery (information on the history of)
Foreskins for Skin Grafts (article)
Circumcision – The Unkindest Cut
A Tale of the Head of the Cock or, Child Abuse by Circumcision and liability of parents, physicians and hospitals by Richard W. Morris (Attorney at Law)
Under the Knife: Circumcision rates have fallen dramatically since docts concluded there are no valid reasons to justify the procedure (article)
Circumcision Unjust (article)
Circumcision Unnecessary, commentary by George C. Denniston, MD
Circumcision Update: Circumcision Does Not Lower the Incidence of Urinary Tract Infections
Predisposition to violence found: Can infant circumcision lead to violence later in life?
Infant Circumcision: What I wish I had known.
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