Copyright © 1995, Dillonwood Productions, 56 minutes, color
In a new era of children's rights, this independently produced two-part social issue documentary compassionately explores genital mutilation of unconsenting children, euphemistically termed circumcision.
It boldly and responsibly addresses these vital issues long overdue for inner reflection and cultural self-examination:
Recipient of the Creative Excellence award at the 1996 U.S. International Film and Video Festival, Honorable Mention at the 1996 Philadelphia Film Festival, and Best of Festival at the First Annual Stark Video & Film Festival (1997).
A video clip of Whose Body, Whose Rights? is available from Free Speech TV, America's progressive satellite/cable television programming service. FStv cablecasts Whose Body, Whose Rights? to over 60 local cable stations. The video clip can be viewed with either RealVideo or VDOLive software.
To view the video clip with RealVideo, you must download and install the RealVideo player.
Once you have installed RealVideo, you can view the Whose Body, Whose Rights? video clip.
To preview, rent, or purchase a VHS copy for educational use (teachers, colleges, libraries, public screenings):
NTSC format:
(PAL and SECAM formats may be available at additional cost)
University of California Extension,
Center for Media and Independent Learning
Phone: 1-510-642-0460
Fax: 1-510-643-9271
Or write to: University of California Extension, Center for Media and Independent Learning, 2000 Center Street, 4th Floor, Berkeley, CA 94704, USA
To purchase VHS copies for personal home viewing:
NTSC format:
Call toll-free (U.S. and Canada): 1-800-343-4727
Or write to: VideoFinders, 4401 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles,
CA 90027, USA
PAL or SECAM format:
Executive Producer Tim Hammond
Phone: 415-826-9351, Fax: 415-642-3700
Or write to: P.O. Box 460795, San Francisco, CA 94146,
To purchase uncensored VHS copies for home or educational use:
NTSC, PAL, or SECAM formats:
Executive Producer Tim Hammond
Phone: 415-826-9351, Fax: 415-642-3700
Or write to: P.O. Box 460795, San Francisco, CA 94146, USA
Whose Body, Whose Rights? will compel every health care professional, especially doctors and nurses, in taking to heart their oath - Do No Harm.
I had presumed that men upset by their circumcision had a mental disorder. That impression was dispelled by this video's wealth of factual data about truly natural male sexual functioning and its rational look at some of the very adverse outcomes caused by circumcision.
Sex Matterscolumnist
I know that stopping genital mutilation is the single most important thing we can do to insure the physical and psychological health of men.
Teachers of male health and sexuality courses will find this to be a valuable tool that raises important questions concerning the right of males to make informed decisions about their own bodies.
Whose Body, Whose Rights? reveals the painful human rights realization that reproductive integrity and sexual health are repeatedly violated through destructive sexual surgeries attacking the most vulnerable members of society.
This film focuses squarely and necessarily on the question: Does a child's body belong to his parents or to him?
A unique, eye-opening film that reveals an issue too often ignored - infant pain. It should be seen by all practitioners and students in the fields of psychology and psychiatry
The Circumcision Information and Resource Pages are a not-for-profit educational resource and library. IntactiWiki hosts this website but is not responsible for the content of this site. CIRP makes documents available without charge, for informational purposes only. The contents of this site are not intended to replace the professional medical or legal advice of a licensed practitioner.
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