We are a national, non-violent, direct action network of men organized against routine infant circumcision. We educate men about the purpose and benefits of normal male genitalia and the deception behind circumcision to help Americans recognize its impact on human rights. We support and empower men to voice their concerns by involvement in local and national efforts to end circumcision. With a firm policy against racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia and anti-Semitism, we impugn no race or religion, but assert that an intact body is a universal right.Tim Hammond, Founder, P.O. Box 460795, San Francisco, CA 94146-0795.
As whole human beings we speak the truth and expose the lies of the circumcisers in order to stop the horror of sexual mutilation wherever it occurs on our planet.The
Intact Networknewsletter is published bimonthly for intact/restored(ing) men, parents of intact children, and significant partners of intact/restored men. Ken Derifield, P.O. Box 82, Wahpeton, ND 58074.
Founded in 2012, we are a partnership of professionals in the fields of medicine, ethics and law, as well as concerned citizens, committed to interprofessional and public education toward ending non-therapeutic genital surgery on children in Canada, in accordance with international human rights treaties and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
We work with other patient support groups and professionals who are also aware of the desperate need to improve our present medical system.SASE brings more info. Jerry and Carla Miller, Founders/Directors, Dept N, 7480 Gravois, Dittmer, MO 63021.
Attorneys for the Rights of the Child
Genital Autonomy Legal (United Kingdom)
For legal action in the United States, contact a knowledgable attorney in wrongful and malpractice circumcision cases:
David J. Llewellyn, Attorney at Law, Johnson & War, 2100 The Equitable Building, 100 Peachtree Street, N.W., Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1912, Telephone: 404-524-5626
Answers to Your Questions About Circumcision. Educational pamphlet (revised 9/95). Two copies/$1.00 and SASE. NOCIRC, P.O. Box 2512, San Anselmo, CA 94979-2512.
Answers to Your Questions About Your Young Son's Intact Penis. Educational pamphlet (5/95). Two copies/$1 and SASE. NOCIRC, P.O. Box 2512, San Anselmo, CA 94979-2512.
The Joy of Being a Boy, by Elizabeth Noble with Leo Sorger, M.D. A book to reassure the young boy and his family that a natural penis is normal and to teach the boy how to care for himself. $6.50 ppd. New Life Images, 448 Pleasant Lake Avenue, Harwich, MA 02645.
Say NO to Circumcision! 40 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Respect His Birthright and Keep Your Son Whole, by Thomas Ritter, M.D. $10.95, plus $2 S/H ($0.95 sales tax in CA). NOCIRC, P.O. Box 2512, San Anselmo, CA 94979-2512.
Circumcision, by M. Barrie. 58 pp. EDTA Productions, 14 Rosewood Court, Alexandra Road, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey, England.
Circumcision: An American Custom, by Mary Milvich. $4.50 ppd. Mary Milvich, Dept. N., 208 Little Elk Creek, Snowmass, CO 81654.
Childbirth Picture Book, by Fran P. Hosken, drawings by Marcia L. Williams. One sample book:$3 plus $1 USA, $4 air worldwide S/H. Please specify English, French or Spanish. WIN NEWS, 187 Grant St., Lexington, MA 02173.
Trust Your Body! Trust Your Baby! Childbirth Wisdom and Caesarean Prevention, $14.95. Andrea Frank Henkart, 61 Del Oro Lagoon, Novato, CA 94949.
Newborn Circumcision: An Enigma of Health, by Dr. George Williams. A refutation of the most common medical arguments for male circumcision. 8 pages; 133 references. $5 ppd. NOCIRC, P.P. Box 2512, San Anselmo, CA 94979-2512.
Non-Ritual Circumcision: New Facts & Old Myths. Workshop presented by Harry Meislahn at 12th. Annual Conference of Midwives of North America. October 1, 1994. $5 ppd. NOCIRC of IL/Winnetka, Dept. N 976 Pine Street, Winnetka, IL 60093.
Jewish Women Speak Out, edited by Kayla Weiner, Ph.D., and Arinna Moon, M.A. $18.95 plus $3 S/H. Miriam Pollack, 1815 Virginia St., Berkeley, CA 94703.
Awakenings: Preliminary Poll of Circumcised Men (Revealing the Long-Term Harm and Healing the Wounds of Infant Circumcision). $25. ppd.
Blood-Sport Memorial: A Spiritual Service for the Yearly Human Rights Commemoration in Memory of Circumcised Children & All Victims of Genital Mutilation, by Mary Gibson Dunne. Based on the U.N.'s Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Eastern Orthodox Christian Observance of Remembering Slaughtered Children. $27.95 plus $4.50 domestic, $6 international S/H. Ecumenics International Press, P.O. Box 144, Sloatsburg, NY 10974.
The Joy of Uncircumcising!, Second Edition, by Jim Bigelow, Ph.D., 1995. (Out of Print)
NORM NEWS, David Smith, Editor. Send SASE and Postal Reply Coupon. David Smith,
Arran, Bury Bank, Stone, Staffordshire ST 15 0QA, England.
The Nurses of St. Vincent: Saying, by Barry Ellsworth. Video profiles six of the conscientious objector nurses who refused to assist in neonatal circumcision at St. Vincent Hospital, Santa Fe, New Mexico. 18 minutes. On the same tape: NOHARMM Rally at the CMA (12 minutes). VHS. $25 plus $4S/H. (8.25% sales tax in NY.) Fireball Films, Ltd., 874 Broadway, #1005, New York, NY 10003.NoTo Circumcision
Whose Body, Whose Rights?, which examines the ethics and the human rights issue of infant male circumcision, is now available to the educational market (high schools, colleges, universities and public libraries) from: University of California Center for Media and Independent Learning, 2000 Center Street, Fourth Floor, Berkeley CA 94704. Tel 510-642-0460, fax 510-643-9271. Those wishing to purchase this video for private home use may still order from: VideoFinders, 4401 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90027. Tel 1-800-343-4727.
The Circumcision Information and Resource Pages are a not-for-profit educational resource and library. IntactiWiki hosts this website but is not responsible for the content of this site. CIRP makes documents available without charge, for informational purposes only. The contents of this site are not intended to replace the professional medical or legal advice of a licensed practitioner.
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