Questioning Circumcision: The Ultimate Taboo Among American Jews
When I began to question the practice of circumcision among American Jews, to say that I had no idea of what a great taboo it was would be an understatement. Coming from a European background where routine circumcisions as practiced in most American hospitals are nonexistent, and where many Jews reject brit milla as an archaic and barbaric ritual, I simply assumed that the Jewish community had divergent approaches on this issue just as with every other aspect of Judaism. I was stunned to realize that questioning this ritual is the ultimate taboo among American Jews… . The extent of the repression surrounding this issue is astounding. Anyone who dares to question the brit milla is angrily silenced, laughed at, lightly dismissed, or labelled a traitor undermining Judaism.
14 references.
Entire article included in large information packet available from:
Alternative Bris Support Group
Helen Bryce
PO Box 1305
Capitola, CA 95010-1305
Nelly Karsenty. A Mother Questions Brit Milah. Humanistic Judaism. 1998;16(3):14-20.
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