Child dies in circumcision

News  Sun Star (Dumaguete, Philippines Islands). Tuesday, 5 August 2008.


AN ELEVEN-year-old boy died in circumcision believed to be infected with tetanus.

Lydia Amantillo, grandmother of the victim Gino Erojo, told Sun.Star that her grandson experienced high fever few hours after he was circumcised on July 24.

Erojo, a native of Panciao, Manjuyod, Negros Oriental and a grade 5 pupil of Lucay Elementary School, availed the free circumcision in a medical mission sponsored by Representative Jocelyn Limkaichong in the first congressional district of the province.

The victim's family blamed the unsanitized equipment causing the infection.

The child was rushed to Negros Oriental Provincial Hospital on July 31, but died around 9:45 p.m. Sunday.

The child's family, although blaming the doctor, said they have no plans to sue anybody for the victim's death.

The family also said they do not blame the medical mission sponsored by the Limkaichong.

However, Amantillo said they appeal to the concerned persons to be extra careful in handling the process of circumcision.

They also asked Limkaichong and other government agencies to help them pay the hospital bills, embalming expenses and transport of the child's body from Dumaguete City to their home in Manjuyod town.

Manjuyod is more than 58 kilometers north of Dumaguete City. (VLC)


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