Circumcision kills teen

News  South Africa Press Association. Monday, 23 June 2008.

An 18-year-old youth died on Sunday due to an infection he sustained during a circumcision ceremony in Butterworth, External link Eastern Cape police said.

The boy, who is from Ibika Township went to an initiation school a few weeks ago, said Captain Lingisile Magama.

Magama said the boy's genitals had been severely mutilated and a nurse hired to look after him had not taken proper care of his wounds.

It became severely infected and led to the death of the boy, Magama said.

The nurse and the person responsible for conducting the circumcision ceremony were taken in for questioning. An inquest into the boy's death would be conducted.

In a separate incident the body of a 33-year-old man was found dumped in a ditch near a river in Butterworth on Sunday.

The man was found by a passer-by at 3pm. He sustained multiple stab wounds all over his body, Magama said.

Police were investigating the man's death. He had not been identified yet. Anyone with information regarding the murder was asked to call 047 489 12 10.



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