Man accused of unlawful circumcision

News  The Star (Wilmington, North Carolina). Saturday, 9 February 2008.

DALLAS, n.c. | Investigators say a man has been charged with child abuse in External link Caldwell County for circumcising his two infant sons with a utility knife.

Authorities said 32-year-old Johnny Eric Marlowe fathered children with his legal wife and another woman who live in their home. One gave birth to a boy at their home in the rural Kings Creek community in November 2005, and the other gave birth to a boy there four months later.

External link Caldwell County Sheriff's Detective Shelly Hartley said Marlowe denied the women prenatal care in both cases and circumcised the boys when they were 8 days old.

Marlowe later moved to External link Gaston County and is serving a 150-day jail sentence there on charges of resisting a public officer, assault on a female and multiple counts of child neglect.

Marlowe had a total of 11 children with the two women.


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