Doctors back call for circumcision ban

News  Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Sunday, 9 December 2007.

The External link Australian Medical Association has backed a call for laws banning the non-essential circumcision of infant boys.

The Tasmanian Children's External link Commissioner, External link Paul Mason, says non-medical circumcision is a breach of human rights.

The AMA's Tasmanian President, Haydn Walters, says they would support a ban on the practice, except where there are medical or religious reasons.

He says there is only rarely a medical need to carry out the procedure.

There were quite a lot of folk myths around the advantages of circumcision. They've almost all been debunked, Prof Walters said.

There are some minimal advantages in some circumstances, particularly in some infectious diseases, but they're overwhelmingly balanced by disadvantages in other areas, he said.


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