Circumciser Arrested

News  Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (Nairobi). Wednesday, 29 December 2004.

Police in Meru Central district have arrested a traditional circumciser who allegedly circumcised two men who had already undergone the cut.

The suspect, Geoffrey Kiambi, went into hiding soon after realizing he was being sought together with some youth who forcefully circumcised Paul Mutwiri, 60, and Patrick Gatobu, 31, in Mikumbune sub-location yesterday morning.

About 200 drunkard youths participated in the act and forcefully circumcised for the second time the two, after learning they had been circumcised in the hospital. The youths who were chanting traditional circumcision songs stormed their homes early in the morning and dragged them into a nearby river.

They claimed that the two did not warrant to be called real men since they had undergone the cut in a hospital instead of the Ameru traditional circumcision. Area OCPD John Nyota said the suspect would be charged with causing grievous harm to the two victims.

The victims are undergoing treatment at Nkubu Sub District Hospital.

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