Circumcision school initiate dies

News  South African Press Association (South Africa). Thursday, 8 July 2004.

South Africa youth dies from circumcision infection

An initiate from Zone 13 circumcision school in Mdantsane died inside his hut after suffering from septicaemia, a post mortem revealed on Wednesday.

And at least one initiate from a Zone 2 circumcision school has been put under close monitoring by the Buffalo City Traditional Circumcision Association after he developed signs of gangrene.

The initiate who died at the weekend was Sabelo Marotya, 17.

His body was taken to the police mortuary where it remained until the post mortem was conducted.

The department of health is also investigating

Captain Michelle Matroos said a murder docket had been opened, but she could not elaborate until a police investigation had been concluded.

The department of health is also investigating the incident and will take action if negligence is found on the part of the traditional nurse in charge of looking after the youth.

In terms of the Traditional Circumcision Act of 2001, the traditional nurse is required to report any sign of illness of an initiate to a medical officer as soon as possible.

Local department spokesperson Monde Matshaya said the fact the initiate died of septicaemia was an indication that he had been ill, and that the traditional nurse did not report the matter to medical officers. - Sapa

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