Malaysia is to consider using mass circumcision ceremonies to promote racial harmony

News  BBC News. Wednesday, 17 December 2003.

Jonathan Kent

Malaysia moots cross-cultural circumcision

Circumcision is a rite of passage for young Muslim boys, and in Malaysia it is common for the ceremony to become an event with dozens, or even hundreds of boys being circumcised together.

Now the prime minister's religious affairs adviser has suggested that circumcision can bring Malaysians of all races and religions together.

External link Dr Abdul Hamid Othman said that with the growing popularity of circumcision among the country's non-Muslim minorities - who see it as good hygienic practice - they too could be invited to join in the celebrations with their Muslim friends.

He believes the idea could promote better race relations and he wants to see a nationwide circumcision ceremony organised.

Just over half of Malaysia's population is Muslim, mainly members of the ethnic Malay community, while the country's Chinese, Tamil and tribal peoples follow a variety of other faiths.

The External link government has been exploring ways of stopping the different groups from drifting apart, including the introduction of a national service scheme which begins in February.


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