Man hunted after death of circumcision baby

News (Dublin). Wednesday, 20 August 2003.

Baby in Ireland bleeds and dies after circumcision

Gardaí were tonight searching for a man who carried out a circumcision on a baby boy who later died. The four-week-old baby was admitted to hospital after the operation at a house in Waterford city.

Before reaching External link Waterford Regional Hospital on Sunday night he lost a large amount of blood and later died.

Medical staff contacted gardaí to inform them of the death.

The baby was understood to have Nigerian parents but was born in Ireland.

His parents and their two daughters have lived in Waterford since last year.

A post mortem examination proved inconclusive and doctors were waiting for further test results.

Gardaí questioned a number of people about the incident and were looking for the man who carried out the operation. He is no longer believed to be in the city.


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