Doctor arrested after he amputates penis of circumcision patient

News  Associated Press. Wednesday, 7 August 2002.

Tijuana surgeon amputates penis of circumcision patient

MEXICO CITY, Mexico (AP) – Federal agents in Tijuana have arrested a surgeon accused of accidentally amputating the penis of a patient who visited a public clinic to have a circumcision performed, authorities said Tuesday.

Dr. Francisco Javier Valentin y Ortiz faces charges of negligent injury, medical malpractice and performing surgery without the proper medical certification for cutting off the penis of a man who came to a state-run clinic for a routine circumcision in September 2000.

Authorities did not release the name of the injured patient.

In a statement, federal authorities said Valentin y Ortiz was licensed only as a general surgeon and was not qualified to perform circumcisions, which require a specialization in urology.


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