Offensive Against Sex Mutilation

News  Norway Post (Bærum, Norway). Tuesday, 14 May 2002.

Rolleiv Solholm

The authorities have launched a number of measures aimed at preventing circumcision or sex mutilation of girls with immigrant background.

Two Somali girls will travel around to multicultural schools and inform the students about the ban against sex mutilation of girls.

Sex mutilation is forbidden in Norway, and complicity in such an operation may lead to up to 8 years in prison.

Family Minister Laila Daavoey points to the fact that summer vacation is a time when many youngsters are sent out of the country to beccome married against their own will or to be circumcized.

The Government will therefore run an information campaign at the schools until summer vacation begins. And the organization African Youth will be passing out information to travellers at the Gardermoen Airport in June.

Young people must become aware of their rights to refuse to go along with such infringements, and at the same time become aware of the fact that society will give them the necessary help and support, says Daavoey.

The information will also be given to newly arrived immigrants and refugees.


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