Circumcision Information Pages: News: 2002
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News of 2002, collected by the Circumcision Information Pages:
2002-12-26: Circumcision study lands into problems
2002-12-23: Medical Board of California Arrests Santa Clarita Resident for Unlicensed Practice of Medicine
2002-12-21: Medicaid cuts announced
2002-12-20: Blitz on initiation schools
2002-12-19: [Meritcare] Hospital wants out of lawsuit over circumcision
2002-12-19: 45 initiates have died in botched circumcisions
2002-12-18: Circumcision debate to open in Fargo
2002-12-16: Boy dies after circumcision
2002-12-07: Errant surgeon will be found
2002-12-05: Circumcision draws fire of student group
2002-11-23: Circumcision fast turning into a quick-buck chancers' racket
2002-11-22: Doctor Death
2002-11-22: Murder charges after initiates die
2002-11-21: A cut above the rest
2002-10-10: Cutting edge argument on joy of sex
2002-09-21: Circumcision funding halted
2002-09-05: The return of the foreskin
2002-09-03: Ending an unnecessary [circumcision] risk
2002-09-01: The Unkindest Cut
2002-08-31: Death of local baby subject of investigation
2002-08-30: The growing consensus against circumcision
2002-08-30: College to review practice of circumcision
2002-08-30: Quick snip an unkind cut
2002-08-29: Totally unexpected death of baby probed
2002-08-27: Spy cut up about initiations
2002-08-24: District Commissioner Issues Arrest Order Against Traditional Circumcisors
2002-08-23: Man Forcibly Circumcised As Crowd Watches
2002-08-23: Hospital Offers Cut-Rate Surgery to Boost Business
2002-08-23: Cleric's arrest outrages circumcision celebrants
2002-08-22: Circumcision body meets in bid to curb initiate deaths
2002-08-18: Cut Me Out, Says Gospel Star
2002-08-15: Circumcision blamed for assaults
2002-08-15: Drama As Cut Youth Hits Back
2002-08-11: Mother's fury as boys circumcised
2002-08-10: Cutting anger
2002-08-07: Make circumcision illegal - McClay
2002-08-07: Bagisu Circumcise Man, 30, in Public
2002-08-07: Doctor arrested after he amputates penis of circumcision patient
2002-08-06: Leave it to us, surgeon tells GPs
2002-08-06: Routine Procedure or Child Abuse?
2002-08-01: Circumcision Case to Proceed to Trial
2002-08-01: Fourth initiate dies
2002-07-30: New Challenges in Female Genital Mutilation Fight
2002-07-25: Medicaid to drop practice
2002-07-23: Mass Circumcision in Kabul
2002-07-16: Circumcision leaves 24 dead, 100 in hospital [in South Africa]
2002-07-15: A plague on culture
2002-07-15: Parents of circumcised boys face arrest
2002-07-13: A bit mundane and a little light
2002-07-09: Swedish police investigate female circumcision
2002-07-05: Fourteen dead after initiation rituals in S.Africa
2002-07-05: $4.8 billion plan to fight global AIDS
2002-07-05: How govt foots the FGM bill
2002-07-04: Six die in South African initiations
2002-07-04: Initiate, 42, dies in E Cape
2002-07-03: Take boys home, parents urged
2002-07-03: Grisly initiation rite
2002-07-03: Limpopo rescues 630 initiates
2002-07-02: Sixth Heidelberg initiate dies
2002-07-02: 13 initiates in Umtata hospital
2002-07-01: Initiation school horror spreads: Child feared dead in new case
2002-06-30: Initiation deaths: new fears over missing boy
2002-06-28: Mother of dead initiate barred from funeral
2002-06-28: Iniation Schools Closed [in Limpopo]
2002-06-26: Baby dies after circumcision
2002-06-26: They wanted us to eat his heart
2002-06-26: Five teens die during initiation [circumcision]
2002-06-26: South African youths die during rituals
2002-06-25: Initiation hell: 5 dead, 18 live to tell tale
2002-06-24: [Girls hospitalized after female genital mutilation]
2002-06-23: North Carolina Group Fights State Funding for Circumcisions
2002-06-18: Circumcision debate hits state
2002-06-14: Arizona rightly ended funds for circumcisions
2002-06-14: One in five kids suffers anxiety
2002-06-14: Meeting draws media, protest
2002-06-12: Initiation laws needed
2002-06-12: Making the Cut
2002-06-09: Sacred practice or unnecessary procedure?
2002-06-07: Patient's penis cut by 1.5cm
2002-05-31: Jail sentences possible for illegal circumcision school operators
2002-05-28: Is circumcision in males necessary?
2002-05-23: Sixty Percent of Primary Age Children Not Enrolled
2002-05-18: Circumcision payments denied as Senate seeks to save $400K
2002-05-17: The FGM Debate Again! [Editorial]
2002-05-14: Offensive Against Sex Mutilation
2002-05-14: Circumcision same as removing healthy breasts, fingers at birth
2002-05-10: House uses prisoner releases, school cuts to help balance budget
2002-05-08: Concerned Tax-paying North Carolina Citizens. Open letter to Governor and General Assembly
2002-05-07: Two Studies Look at Circumcision's Effect on Sex
2002-05-01: Penis repairs covered
2002-04-09: Safe Haven Opens for Women in Kenya
2002-03-31: Circumcision victim's bid to help others
2002-03-18: Sask. college wants circumcision rates reduced
2002-03-08: 6,000 Girls Reportedly Circumcised Every Day
2002-03-04: Circumcision: The Unkindest Cut
2002-02-26: Local Circumcision Rates Lead World
2002-02-21: Circumcisions no longer necessary: Sask. doctors
2002-02-16: Parents charged in circumcision of daughter remain in custody
2002-02-15: Parents charged after girl circumcised
2002-02-06: Board Fines Doctor for Mistake
2002-02-04: Doctor before board over penis surgery
2002-01-29: Prosecutor General to consider possible charges in botched circumcision case
2002-01-21: Korean Circumcision Rising, in Emulation of West
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