$1.4M awarded for botched circumcision

News  Santa Cruz Sentinel (Santa Cruz, California, USA). Saturday, 9 June 2001.

Sacramento-- A Sacramento jury awarded $1.42 million to a 7 year-old boy this week for a botched circumcision performed by a first-year resident at External link University of California, Davis, Medical Center.

The verdict exceeds the legal cap of $250,000 on medical malpractice awards because the hospital failed to obtain the parents' permission to operate. After the boy was injured, the hospital asked the parents to sign a consent form, according to a press release by the parents' attorney.

The hospital did not immediately respond to calls by the Associated Press.

The boy suffered from a pituitary condition that made circumcision difficult and dangerous, said Mark Blake, the parents' attorney.

Blake said a first-year medical resident performed the surgery.


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