Initiation horror as four dead

News  Eastern Province Herald (Port Elizabeth). Friday, 19 July 1996.


LUSIKISIKI - At least four initiates died and 36 others were admitted to hospital at Lusikisiki in the Eastern Cape following weekend circumcision rituals which went horribly wrong at two initiation schools.

Of the 36 admitted to St Elizabeth and Holycross hospitals with septic wounds, three had lost their manhood and two others may lose their male organs.

Hospital officials said the initiates were also suffering from dehydration, malnutrition and chest infection.

One initiate was reportedly paralysed after being assaulted at the initiation school.

The initiates came from 11 villages in the Lusikisiki and Flagstaff districts. They attended initiation schools in the Hombe and Mdikane areas of Lusikisiki in Transkei.

On Wednesday, health department and police officials, accompanied by political and community leaders, rescued nine initiates at Cabekwana forest and another three at Ngqaqhumba village. They are stillsearching for other initiates.

Irate Hombe villagers are reportedly hunting for an unknown circumcision doctor, whom they have labelled a murderer.

Parents in the area have been warned to check initiation schools before sendingtheir sons. - SAPA

COMMENT: The EP HERALD has carried a number of such stories in the past. The main circumcision season is in December when factories close for the festive season and young men use their holiday bonus pay to go to circumcision schools. Lusikisiki is a fairly remote rural district inhabited by people with strong traditional links. I suspect the young people may be mainly high school boys sent to the circumcision schools as it is now the winter school vacation.
[Contributed anonymously]


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