Egyptian girl, 11, dies following circumcision

News  The Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA), Page 2A. Monday, 15 July 1996.

Cairo, Egypt - An 11-year-old girl bled to death after a botched circumcision performed by a village barber, police officials said Sunday.

The officials said the child, whose name was given only as Sara, died Friday in a Cairo hospital after doctors were unable to stem heavy bleeding.

The girl's clitoris was removed by a barber in a village in the Nile Delta the day before, when several girls were circumcised during a village celebration, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity. The government has sought to end female circumcision, the ritual cutting away of a girl's genitals. It has refused to ban the practice outright as human rights activist demand.

The procedure is seen as a way to prevent promiscuity by stifling sexual desire; 70 to 90 percent of young girls in Egypt are circumcised.


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