Circumcision Information Network, Volume 2, Issue 42. Thursday, 28 December 1995.
This weekly bulletin is a project of CIN, the Circumcision Information Network (formerly CIN CompuBulletin). The purpose of this weekly bulletin is to educate the public about and to protect children and other non-consenting persons from genital mutilation. Readers are encouraged to copy and redistribute it, and to contribute written material.
--Rich Angell, Editor.
THE YEAR 1995 IN REVIEW This year, so much progress has been made, and so many events have taken place, that I have decided to approach this year's summary a little differently. Rather than choosing the top ten developments -- a difficult task, indeed -- or trying to list them in chronological order, I will divide them into categories. I would say we've made much more progress this year than ever before, but I'm afraid that I would sound like a broken record. I apologize in advance for any omissions. -The Editor. *Organizations formed: Intact Men Against Circumcision (IMAC) is founded by Ken Derifield. Jewish Associates of CRC is founded by Ron Goldman. 12 June: The Nurses of St. Vincent announce their founding of Nurses for the Rights of the Child at a press conference. The Fall/winter issue of the NOCIRC Newsletter announces Physicians for the Rights of the Child, founded by George Denniston, M.D. *Articles: January: Playgirl prints a terrific article about foreskin restoration and our movement. June: Natural Health magazine finally gets it right (for the most part), after having ignored the issue. 7 Sept.: Rolling Stone magazine helps get the word out about our movement. November: Cambio 16, "The Newsweek or Time of the Spanish speaking world," prints a lengthy article about our cause. Later, La Presse, the most widely read French newspaper in Quebec, prints a lengthy, informative article about circumcision and our movement. *Documentaries: 4 September: "It's a Boy," a powerful, shocking documentary on ritual circumcision is aired in England. November: NOHARMM's historical, provocative and truthful documentary on circumcision, "Who's Body, Who's Rights?" is completed. *Successful lawsuits/settlements: 21 July: A hospital in Alabama is successfully prosecuted and fined for circumcision of a boy without parental consent. November: A clinic in New York agrees to pay a $1.2 million settlement to an 8-year old immigrant who's ritual circumcision at age three was botched, leaving him severely mutilated. *Known deaths/excessive mutilations: 18 July: A 5-year-old boy dies of circumcision in Texas. Also in July: One boy dies and 12 others are hospitalized in South Africa as a result of ritual kidnapping and circumcision. *Demonstrations, marches, and other actions: 15 February: Pro-circumcision advocate Edgar Schoen is challenged at a conference at Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Oakland, California, by educated anti-circumcision activists. 8 April: Activists stage a protest, which gains international attention, at an AAP convention in Philadelphia. 8 May: Activists protest at Moscone Center in San Francisco supporting Dr. Sorger's resolution against routine circumcision. 30 May - 4 July: Activists participate in and protest at the Child Health 2000 conference in British Columbia. 27-29 July: Activists march to and rally before Marin General Hospital in California, where NOCIRC founder Marilyn Milos was fired ten years ago for informing parents about circumcision. The attendance of this action was the highest ever. 13-18 October: Richard DeSeabra attends an AAP Conference in San Francisco, raising important issues and finding support within the medical community. Meanwhile, activists demonstrated outside and passed out literature. *Other events/developments: In a truly historic moment, The Nurses of St. Vincent Hospital of Santa Fe, New Mexico, are officially and legally protected by contract from being forced to participate in circumcision. April: Skin clones using infant foreskins (a project of Advanced Tissue Sciences) are widely reported in the media. 10 April: Nurses in British Columbia at their annual conference agree to address circumcision, overcoming last year's suppression of the issue. *Bump in the road: (As reported in Australian Pediatrics, 10 Oct.:): The Australian College of Paediatrics revises its policy on circumcision, taking a softer, more ambiguous stance. UPCOMING EVENTS: PREMIERE OF NOHARMM DOCUMENTARY Thanks to The show times for NOHARMM's documentary "Whose Body, Whose Rights?" at Casting Couch Theatre, 950 Battery St., San Francisco (near Green St.), are as follows: Thursday, 4 January : 19:00 and 21:00 Friday, 5 January : 19:00 and 21:00 Saturday, 6 January : 17:00, 19:00 and 21:00 Sunday, 7 January : 16:00, 18:00 and 21:00 On Thursday at 18:30 there will be a wine reception. After the show on the following times and dates some prominent people will be available to talk briefly and be available for questions and answers: Thursday: Billy Ray Boyd, author of "Circumcision, What it Does" Friday: A sharing by several men on "Men Speak Out," and Jim Bigelow, author of "The Joy..." Saturday: Morris Sorrells, M.D. and Marilyn Milos, R.N. "Docs and Nurses Say No!," and Jim Bigelow, author of "The Joy..." Sunday: Miriam Pollack, "Jewish Feminist Thought," and Billy Ray Boyd, author of "Circumcision, What it Does," and Jim Bigelow, author of "The Joy..." Jim Bigelow and I, R. Wayne Griffiths, will be at all of the showings for conversation. There will be a NORM meeting in room 106, 150 Eureka Street, San Francisco from 13:00-15:00 on Sunday 7 January. (men only). Jim will be at our meeting after a long absence for book writng and house refurbishing. Hope to see you there. Limited seating, come early. Ample on-street parking near theatre. You can donate $10 for the Thursday shows. $8.50 for the other shows. You can get a copy of the film for $39.95 to be delivered in January. Hope to see all of you there! It is a most POWERFUL FILM! a number of men who previewed it for public broadcasting said to Tim afterwards that they were enraged at what had been done to them, not realizing the full story until now! ARTICLES REQUESTED Contributed by (Steven Svoboda) I'm an attorney and am in the process of researching in preparation to write an article or possibly co-write a book on circumcision. Anyone who knows of any articles on the subject with relevance to human rights or legal issues, please contact me. I have found the easiest to find articles but believe there are more out there. Articles on female circumcision are much easier to find; I've come across several dozen of them. Thanks! SCREAM OF THE WEEK (Statements Documenting Infant Circumcision Pain) Submitted by "[Circumcision] is a stressful and painful event ...with ...changes in heart rate, respiratory rate, transcutaneous pO2, adrenal cortical hormone secretions, sleep patterns, and behavioral patterns during and/or following circumcision. Indeed, circumcision has been recommended as a model for studying pain in the neonate, and its effects are suggested to be long lasting." (Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, Vol. 5, No. 5, October 1984) FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION call NOCIRC, the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers at (415) 488-9883, fax (415) 488-9660. Ask about the resource provider nearest you. For written information, write NOCIRC, PO Box 2512, San Anselmo, CA 94979, with SASE and/or donation if possible.
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