NORM of NYC. Thursday, 12 October 1995.
This is Richard DeSeabra, Director NORM of NYC. Three weeks ago I decided I wanted to do some lobbying at the AAP conference for the entire 5 days of the event just as I had done in Philadelphia following the NOHARMM demonstration. Twenty-seven NORM and NOHARMM members from the tri-state area, Pennsylvania and DC contributed to my airfare, registration fee and expenses to go out there. Thanks to all of you who contributed! Here is a summary of what went on with a little bit of advice for intactivists here and there:
Arrived in San Francisco and actually bumped into Ken Drabik, director of NORM of New Zealand on the street 3 hours after my arrival! He had just flown in an hour earlier! We had met a few weeks earlier in New York City. The fact that intactivists are now bumping into each other around the world must be a good sign.
Felt nauseous approaching the Moscone Center. The hostility of the Pediatricians at the AAP Philly Conference came back to me and I realized then and there here we go again.
My goal was to contact committee heads and discuss the importance of inviting doctors who share our views to speak at future conferences. I also wanted to meet with the heads of the three committees that are going to revisit the circ issue. I always introduced myself as the director of NORM of NYC, a support network for men damaged by circumcision. That word damaged
stops them in their tracks. Then after talking about the deaths and the boy who lost the head of his penis recently in Marin County just over the Golden Gate (I would point as if I knew what direction Marin County was in) I would proceed to talk about what men are doing to reverse this. As soon as I started to get smirks I would mention if it is OK for a woman to want a breast after mastectomy then it should be acceptable for men to want a prepuce after a postectomy. I felt very empowered by the fact that so many restoring men had contributed to my being out there. I had a constituency I was representing. I left messages with a few heads of committee and got a call back from the head of COPAM, Peter Rappo. Spoke for 45 minutes. Told him about the various movements and mostly about NORM. He seems to appease well. He told me they were literally bombarded
with material. He added that they had received some threatening mail. I told him you can't go around cutting off the best part of millions of men's penises and expect every one to be happy about it. Deal with it
I told him. But I don't encourage any more of that kind of mail who ever it was. Marylin Milos told me that day that Edgar Schoen had called her asking about NORM wanting to know if this were some gay group
. Left message with Schoen but he never got back to me.
NOHARMM Demonstration at 11:00 AM. I don't wear a NOHARMM button to keep NORM and NOHARMM separate. NOHARMM was very professional looking. They got a lot of frustrating snickers and laughs from doctors but every once in a while there was a good response. One nurse from San Antonio told me they have to save the foreskins for the Hospital's Dept. of Oral surgery which uses them for reconstructive surgery of the inner lining of the mouth. I couldn't find her address afterwards because I forgot her last name. I'm still working on finding her though. At 2:00 PM I go to COPAM meeting. I thought I was going to stand outside and lobby as they went in and came out but the sign by the door said Meet the Committee on Practice and Ambulatory Medicine.
I didn't realize the meeting was open to all conference members. Sat there for an hour and a half and they talked about liability problems, congress, Hillary Clinton, money, vaccines and I finally realized that circ was not going to be brought up. Finally I got up and said that for the past three months I had heard that COPAM was going to address the issue on circumcision... and as soon as I said the c
word they all smirked and there were some laughs. I told them to shut up and stop laughing because 4.5 billion people agreed with the demonstrators outside and not with them. If there is anyone who is lunatic fringe here it's not me and it's not NOHARMM. Let it be know that YOU are in the minority on this issue. Not us.
They clammed up and I spoke and told them about the deaths and botched cases (I pointed to Marin County again). I told them I was representing men of NORM. Rappo interrupted me and said Well Richard, you know we spoke yesterday for 45 minutes
. My reply: Yes, you and I spoke but had I not shown up here you wouldn't have mentioned anything about our conversation to your colleagues nor was circumcision going to be brought up.
I added that as they talked for an hour and a half around 130 boys had been circumcised. I asked them to come up to me and take the report I had written up at the request of another committee called Five Fields of Study on Circumcision for Future AAP Conferences. At the end, some of them asked me for the report and I handed out the rest. One doctor interjected, What's the big deal. The parents of those 130 children all consented to having the circumcisions done.
Then, I blurted out No one has the right to amputate all or part of someone else's healthy genitalia without their consent! Why is this so difficult for American doctors to get? Why? No one answered. And I insisted,
Can you tell me why?
Silence. Then after doing a brief one on one with them afterwards and I was told that a new task force is going to be formed and that they were going to discuss this issue later that night in a closed meeting.
8:00 AM Committee on Fetus and Newborn meets. A lot of people show up to this one. Presentation and Questions were taken. Couldn't make it to the mike in time. Wiswell was there and his numbers in a new study on jaundice were being questioned by the panel (so what's new).They adjourned and I introduced myself to Committee head William Oh. Very level headed guy. Probably the only doctor there who didn't put on a smirk when I mentioned the word circumcision. He shook his head almost as if it were a pity that the 89 statement had happened, We can't let a doctor, who had been so openly pro-circumcision, head the task force again
, he said. We're going to try our hardest to get someone objective to head the next task force even if it takes a year to find this person,
he added. Another staff member had told me that Edgar Schoen is going to have nothing to do with the next task force. I think we may have discredited Edgar Schoen. One committee member I talked to turned out to be a total flake claiming circumcision was a guy thing
and that we should spend our time educating the fathers. She claimed parents do it. It's not the doctor's. I repeatedly asked her, Who picks up the Gomco clamp?
but she refused to acknowledge medical participation. This is why I don't like calling circumcision a cultural phenomenon. It relieves the medical community of their responsibility in the matter and allows doctors like this one get away with asinine statements like Parents do it
. Calling it a cultural phenomenon gives the American people too much credit for it when in fact it was the medical community that brought this to and perpetuates it in America. Americans don't participate in circumcisions as other cultures do. Americans don't watch or celebrate circs. They simply enable them to happen. Signing a consent form is hardly a cultural event in my opinion. I always refer to it as a medical problem or a medical fetish (as someone just recently put it) or as medical fraud. I'm going to make sure that William Oh is aware of her views which were beyond unprofessional. Later, I came across the Association of Nurse Practitioners and gave them material on the Nurses for the Rights of the Child. I found the La Leche League booth and bonded with them for a while. And I may have convinced one of the authors of the Best Selling book What To Expect: The First Year on making some changes in her circumcision section. New editions go on press every 4 weeks so I can follow up on this easily. I attended an open plenary session about UTI's and renal scarring (the new buzz word). One extremely arrogant doctor from Washington DC by the name of Belman put up a slide with Wiswell's numbers and mentioned those people outside passing out information on the rape of the phallus should see these numbers
. He got a generalized but not so enthusiastic laugh out of the audience. When question time came around I got in line at the mike. However, before I got to speak 3 doctors spoke out against his view on circumcision. Then I realized that one of the doctors on the panel was pro-intact. The plenary session ended before I could get to the mike.
I bumped into two doctors I had seen at the Philly conference. One was against circ (she's European) but she's not too outspoken because she loses referrals from OB-GYN's. This is one dynamic in the issue that should be studied. The other doctor was a Muslim from Brooklyn he said that he now agreed with us after reading the NOHARMM literature I gave him at the last conference. I spent the rest of the day wiping smirks off of doctors faces by talking about the deaths and botched cases (always pointing to Marin County). But if you can't get the smirk off their faces turn around and move on. Or else you'll just take it personally and it will undermine your work as an intactivist. The use of the word circumciser when you talk to people about this is very powerful. As John Erickson says: Circumcision is not the problem, Circumcisersare the problem.
Cynthia Howard from Rochester spoke on breast feeding tips. At no point in her lecture did she talk about her widely publicized study in which she discovered that circumcision may cause breast feeding failure. One of her tips should have been: Don't Circumcise! But doctors really fear this issue even if they are against circ. I brought that up during question period and she agreed it is ludicrous
to circumcise 200 boys to prevent one UTI. She was very sweet but she still believes in circ in some cases. She needs to be educated further and I am convinced that she may be a strong ally one day. We have to start describing circumcision as OBSOLETE and talk about alternative or conservative treatments. Finally I went to the Friends of the Canadian Pediatric Society meeting. I had some wine and shmoozed. I asked someone to point out the president of the CPS and as soon as he was alone. I approached him. Introduced myself and he was immediately asking me questions like What's the deal with you Americans? When are you going to give up circumcision?
(they have a fabulous statement on circumcision.) He treated me as if we were old buddies. I told him to be strong and not make the same mistake the Australians made when they just recently made their policy weaker by saying there are possible benefits to circ. He gave me his card and he reassured me, We are not changing our statement
. On the way out of the hotel I saw Jocelyn Elders approaching me. I stuck my hand straight out shook hers and new that I would have to be brief. So I talked for not even a minute while she walked. She mentioned that she knew a physician who has been working on the subject and her husband looked puzzled during our short conversation. It wasn't much of a contact but it just seemed to be the thing todo.
The last day I just went down to the conference hall. Everyone looked jaded. I was jaded. Some doctors dosed off during plenary sessions. I got some addresses of some foreskin friendly doctors and left early. On the way out I bumped into the AAP security manager that tried to kick me and Tom Morris (NOHARMM of Philadelphia) out of the Philly conference. She said I looked familiar and I said I was the trouble-maker at your last conference. I reassured her I was well behaved this time and we laughed.
There is a lot of follow up stuff I have to do now and I will be posting some of these follow up actions soon on the internet in the form of mail actions. We should all take the time right now to pat ourselves on the back. The combination of letters written over the past months, NOHARMM demonstrations at two conferences and advocacy within the conferences made them realize: We are not going away!!!!! We must continue this tactic at there next conferences in Chicago in March and in Boston in September. And it is important we follow up with ACOG at their April conference in Denver. It is quite evident that we are not going away. One staff member after a conversation asked me as if she already knew the answer, See you in Chicago?
My answer, Yup!
Much love to everyone!
Richard DeSeabra
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