Circumcision Information Network, Volume 2, Issue 33. Wednesday, 11 October 1995.
This weekly bulletin is a project of CIN, the Circumcision Information Network (formerly CIN CompuBulletin). The purpose of this weekly bulletin is to educate the public about and to protect children and other non-consenting persons from genital mutilation. Readers are encouraged to copy and redistribute it, and to contribute written material.
--Rich Angell, Editor.
DOCUMENTARY IN ENGLAND CAUSES STIR The following article from the 3 September issue of the Observer, "Short cuts on a baby's tearful road to faith: Channel 4 documentary on circumcision enrages leaders of the Jewish community," by Home Affairs Correspondent David Rose, was typed by Barry Ellsworth: A television documentary that portrays the circ of Jewish babies as a brutal and needless mutilation was last night denounced as a "fundamental attack on Jewish life" likely to provoke anti-Semitism. The programme, "It's a Boy," to be screened on Channel 4 this month, includes graphic footage of a circ in the Midlands that went disastrously wrong. The 8-day-old baby, circumised without anaesthetic by a rabbi who is not a doctor, is seen bloodied and screaming in agony during the operation. When lt was clear things were going wrong, the rabbi demanded the crew stop filming, but they secretly recorded what followed. The boy developed an infection and ended up in intensive care being pumped with anti-biotics and kept alive by oxygen and drips. The film -- the work of Victor Schonfeld, the Jewish father of a circumised son -- also presents details of 2 babies who died as a result of circ and contains an interview with the mother of a third who almost bled to death. It reveals cases of permanent genital disfigurement, claiming that, at a conservative estimate one in 50 circumcisions leads to serious complications. The impact of the film, which also shows Muslim circumcisions. will be intensified by Ch. 4's decision to show it without commercial breaks. Yesterday, after the company had sent videos of the programme to Jewish community headers, it came under vehement attack. Some Jewish organisations are apparently considering legal moves to block transmission. Dr. Maurice Stiffman, med. officer of the Initiation Soc., the main Orthodox organisation performing circumcisions, described the programme as exaggerated propaganda. "I always tell mothers they should be there and see what happens, because that is much less upsetting than hearing the baby's cries from another room, he said. "Of course, some babies cry for a long time afterwards. But how much is pain, how much is anger? People get very emotional about penises." He defended the absence of anaesthesia, saying it could cause complications, and also the fact that most of the Initiation Society's mohels, the men who do the operation, are not qualified doctors. They worked with the utmost care, be said, and their specialisation made them safer than doctors who would spend most of their time in other fields. Dr. Stiffman, who defends circ in the programme, added "The film is anti-Jewish because it attacks a fundamental part of Jewish life. Circ is something for which Jews have literally risked their lives, the embodiment of 4,000 years of history." The programme argues it is possible to be a Jewish male without being circumcised, and depicts a substitute "naming ceremony" performed by a rabbi in America. Rabbi Rodney Maniner, convenor of the Reform Synagogue's Beth Din, or theological court, said "Jewish people are not in the habit of deliberately harming their children. For those who witness the ceremony there is anguish, but also a great sense of community. The crying is the sound of a new cycle of the covenant with God: everyone is moved, not because the baby is hurt, but because of the sense that they have re-entered into history." David Ceserani, Professor of Jewish history at Manchester University, feared the programme would cause an "anti-Jewish frisson". He said:it's very easy to junk circ if you don't care about continuity or tradition. If you do, this happens to be one of the most important ones: naming ceremonies without circ are completely peripheral to the Jewish world. I am sure Mr. Schonfeld is motivated by high minded principles, but he is completely misguided." Schonfeld said the film's aim was to open up a debate on a subject about which many Jews felt deeply uneasy. "This can be a life-threatening procedure and the children's suffering is unarguable. It needs public attention." PHYSICIANS FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD PRC, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting human rights principles in pediatric, neonatal and obstetric practice, serves the medical community by providing physicians with scientific and educational materials and by providing a forum for ethical patient advocacy and the reform of medical practice. PRC offers support and advice for health-care professionals who seek to stop the socially sanctioned genital mutilation of minors. George C. Denniston, MD, MPH, 2442 NW Market St., Suite 42, Seattle, WA 98107. RESEARCH PROJECT Parents who have protected their sons from circumcisers, please send your positive accounts for a publication on the subject to: Robert L. Stewart, Creative Concept Center, PO Box 1626, Mattituck, NY 11952. QUOTE OF THE WEEK "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead.
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