CIN (Circumcision Information Network) 2:31

Journal  Circumcision Information Network, Volume 2, Issue 31. Friday, 22 September 1995.

Richard Angell

This weekly bulletin is a project of CIN, the Circumcision Information Network (formerly CIN CompuBulletin). The purpose of this weekly bulletin is to educate the public about and to protect children and other non-consenting persons from genital mutilation. Readers are encouraged to copy and redistribute it, and to contribute written material.
--Rich Angell, Editor.

The latest issue of "Second Opinion" features an article by Dr. William
Douglass entitled "Does Circumcision Cause Sexual Numbness for Middle-Aged
Men?"  Following is the article, edited for brevity: 

"I am 45 years old and I have developed a problem that is certainly not
uncommon...There is a lessening of sensation with intercourse and an
increasing difficulty in achieving orgasm.  It's just not like it used to
be.  A friend of mine said the fact that I was circumcised as a child
might be a factor and that the restoration of the foreskin might make a
difference. Is a restoration possible and do you agree that it might help? 
I am afraid of becoming impotent and I think I am heading in that
direction." -- name and state withheld on request. 

Yes, it is very possible that foreskin restoration could help your
problem...As a circumcised man ages, the glans of the penis, which has
been dry since the day of his mutilation by the doctor or the [mohel],
loses sensitivity.  It is no wonder that a large percentage of men are
impotent after the age of 50; the wonder is that most of them aren't

This barbaric a cruel introduction to the world and to 'modern
medicine.' It is stupid, pointless, and often harmful....  No one has an
explanation as to why God would want newborn babies mutilated in this

When it was decided that masturbation did not cause these terrible
diseases, the British wisely rejected the procedure.  But in the U.S.,
these attacks on the newborn have continued, with the excuses that an
intact foreskin in unhygienic and causes cancer and infection.  None of
this is true.  The American medical community continues to use one excuse
after another (even claiming it prevents AIDS!) to justify a surgery most
of the world scorns. 

Until 1989, the American Academy of Pediatrics decried the practice of
circumcision.  But, because of greedy "snipers" within the organization,
the AAP meekly dropped its opposition to penile mutilation.  In Australia,
apparently the pediatricians are not so pusillanimous and continue to
discourage the practice. 

If the foreskin is restored, much of the sensitivity will return -- and
you will realize what you have been missing for 40 years.  A 1991 survey
of 301 males seeking foreskin restoration revealed that 70% of them hold
deep resentment toward their parents for allowing this assault on their

Action to take:  Read "Say No to Circumcision," by Thomas Ritter, M.D. and
"The Joy of Uncircumcising," by Jim Bigelow, Ph.D.  These books can be
obtained through NOCIRC, PO Box 2512, San Anselmo, CA 94979, (415)
488-9883 or [NORM] 3205 Northwood Dr., Suite 209, Concord, CA 94520, (510)

The following article from the 1 September issue of NURSEWEEK, "Nurses
debate the ethics of circumcision," by Michael Monaghan was typed by Barry
Ellsworth (edited for brevity). 

Nurses and other health care pro's have long debated the necessity of circ
in the US.  "We're talking about a taboo subject, said Marilyn Milos,
founder and director of NOCIRC.  "[People] are still struggling with the
issue.  It's a broad social issue." 

Two years ago, a group of nurses at St. Vincent Hosp. in Santa Fe, NM,
became the first care givers to publicly boycott the procedure.  The
nurses became uncomfortable with circumcisions when a film maker
documented the procedure at the hospital.  One nurse said she began having
dreams about screaming babies, according to Milos. 

The two dozen nurses sent a letter to the hospital saying they were
conscientious objectors ethically opposed to assisting with circ.  After
long negotiations, they struck a legal agreement with the hospital;
conscientious objectors are not required to assist with any part of the
operation, including preparation, restraint, and postoperative care and
cleanup.  The nurses at St. Vincent hope the agreement will be a model for
other facilities and nurses. 

The nurses who were against circ "had to empower themselves.  They could
no longer participate," Milos said.  A documentary video chronicles their

Complications of circ include bleeding, infection, and mutilation.  Deaths
related to circumcisions are extremely rare, but in late July a 5-year-old
boy died after a routine circ.  Jeremie Johnson went into a coma and died
a week after his parents authorized the removal of life support.  Jose
Tovar, MD, an anesthesiologist at Doctors Airline Hosp. in Houston, where
the circ was performed, has resigned in connection with the incident. 

Psychologist J. Bigelow, PhD, founded UNCIRC to disseminate information on
how men can "regrow" their foreskins using an expansion technique.... 
Bigelow wrote a book on the topic, The Joy of Uncircumcising!  The method
Bigelow advocates uses traction; by stretching the area around where the
foreskin was, a "nonsurgical tissue expansion" is established, according
to Bigelow.  It can take up to 5 years to completely "regrow" the

Bigelow said he has received letters "from hundreds and hundreds of [men]
saying they are upset" about having been circumcised.  "You don't cry over
spilled milk,"  Bigelow said, explaining why he thinks men are hesitant to
speak up about circ.  Many feel embarrassed about discussing something
that happened during their first week of life, he said. 

-28 Sept.-1 Oct., Northern CA: The Association for Pre- and Perinatal
Psychology & Health will hold its 7th International Congress at the
Cathedral Hill Hotel in San Francisco.  Speakers will include
non-circumcision advocates Marilyn Milos, Jeannine Parvati Baker, David
Chamberlain and many others.  The topic:  "Birth & Violence:  The Societal
Impact."  Call (707) 857-3359x55. There is a Web site about the
conference: birthconference/index.html.

-From: (J Steven Svoboda) Update on
performances of "Seeing in Black and White, Seeing in Color": 

My solo performance, based on my circumcision and contacts with the
military, is not being performed September 30 as stated in my last
posting.  Rather it's set for Saturday, October 14, 1995 at Mad Magda's
Cafe at 579 Hayes in San Francisco, starting at 9 PM.  On Saturday,
November 11, 1995, starting at 8:30 PM, I'm at Place Pigalle, a cafe
across the street from Mad Magda's at 520 Hayes in San Francisco.  At
Place Pigalle I will also be debuting a second piece humorously treating
lawyering and unrelated to circumcision.  Finally, the Climate Theater has
accepted "Seeing in Black and White, Seeing in Color" for two performances
on two Mondays in November, but the dates are not set yet.  Call
415-824-8230 for more info.  Peace! 

-In October there will be a men's conference on sexual violence, which
will include circumcision.  Stand by for details. 

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