Circumcision Information Network, Volume 2, Issue 30. Friday, 15 September 1995.
This weekly bulletin is a project of CIN, the Circumcision Information Network (formerly CIN CompuBulletin). The purpose of this weekly bulletin is to educate the public about and to protect children and other non-consenting persons from genital mutilation. Readers are encouraged to copy and redistribute it, and to contribute written material.
--Rich Angell, Editor.
OH, PRAY...NOT OPRAH! On Thursday, 14 September 1995, Oprah Winfrey devoted the first two thirds of her show to female genital mutilation (FGM). For those unaware of the practice, the show was shocking waker-upper, and served its purpose well. For those of us who are aware of both male and female genital mutilation, it was an annoying reminder of just how ignorant, sexist, and ethnocentric America is when it comes to genital mutilation. The guests on the show were our friends Soraya Mire and Mimi Ramsey, both survivors of FGM, and Dr. Nahid Toubia, also an activist. Dr. Toubia is aware of the male genital mutilation (MGM) issue, as she has been talked to by our friend Dr. Anastasios Zavales of Ecumenics International, but she hasn't taken a firm stand on the issue. Both Soraya and Mimi have taken a very firm stand against MGM ("mutilation is mutilation, cut is cut...") but the viewer would have no way of knowing it by watching this show. This morning, 15 Sept., I talked with Soraya. She told me that she tried to call attention to MGM as an equal rights issue and that she also addressed non-traditional FGM right here in America (clitorectomies to curb masturbation, surgical alterations to "correct" hermaphroditic anatomy, hysterectomies and episiotomies), but her wisdom on the subjects was edited out. As for Oprah, she showed a wanton disregard for the rights of males. In her opening statement, she passionately proclaimed "What we think of as male circumcision is nothing like [FGM]. This is really mutilation of the female sex organs if you can imagine that. And it's often done with no anesthesia, and has devastating, long term health consequences." This set the pace for the entire show, which was loaded with facts and statements that could easily be associated with MGM -- once sexism, ethnocentricity and ignorance are stripped away. NOCIRC and others have repeatedly sent Oprah information over the years. $10,000 REWARD FOR INFORMATION LEADING TO THE RECOVERY OF THE PROVIDENCE HOSPITAL MEDICAL RECORDS OF JACOB SWEET...OR INFORMATION LEADING TO THE DISCOVERY OF THE PERSON OR PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOSS OR DESTRUCTION OF JACOB'S RECORDS Thanks to typist (MR GEORGE HILL) Jacob Sweet was born at PROVIDENCE HOSPITAL in Anchorage on 16 January 1986. He was a healthy and normal baby boy. On 17 January 1986 Jacob was circumcised by JAMES NESBITT, M. D. of the CHILDREN'S CLINIC. On Saturday, 25 January, Jacob's parents brought Jacob back to the emergency room at PROVIDENCE because he was vomiting and was fussy and the circumcision site was red and swollen. They were met by Daniel Tulip, M. D. also of THE CHILDREN'S CLINIC. DR. TULIP admitted Jacob to the hospital. Late in the evening of 26 January, Jacob suffered a prolonged seizure or "crash" and was transferred to the hospital's neonatal intensive care unit at 2:15 a. m. on Monday 27 January. Today, Jacob is nine years old and severely brain damaged. He cannot walk, talk or care for himself in any respect. Note: Significant and important portions of Jacob's records for the 26-hour period from the time he was admitted until the crash are missing. The attorneys for the Sweets listed below, believe that there are persons with knowledge of how the records may have become "lost" and would like to speak to anyone with knowledge of how records may have become "lost" and would like to speak with anyone with any knowledge regarding Jacob and his "lost" records. We are particularly interested in speaking with former employees and/or acquaintances of Providence Hospital and the Children's Clinic and of Drs. Tulip and Nesbitt. We understand that you may feel pressured not to come forward. All we ask is your complete honesty and your assistance in a manner of extreme importance, not only for Jacob but also for the medical care of future patients in our community. Payment of all or a portion of the reward is in the good faith discretion of Jacob's attorneys who assure you that you will be treated fairly. Richard H. Friedman Mark Alan Johnson Friedman, Rubin & White Law Offices of Mark Alan 1227 West Ninth Avenue, Suite 201 Johnson, Inc. P. S. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 701 Fifth Ave, Suite 6850 (907) 258-0704 Seattle, WA 98104 1-800-247-2157 TWO GO TO LEAVENWORTH FOR TEN YEARS -- REFUSE TO SUBMIT TO OPERATION The State, Columbia, South Carolina, September 20, 1918 Thanks to typist George Hill, "The general courtmartial at Camp Jackson yesterday made public the findings in the trial of two soldiers refusing to submit to slight operations which would have made them fit for military duty. "Each got a sentence of ten years in the United States disciplinary barracks, Leavenworth, Kan. In addition to this each man is to forfeit all pay and allowances due or to become due to him and at the expiration of his term of servitude is to be dishonorably discharged from the army service. "The soldiers were Private Charles Gregor, Thirty-eighth Company, One Hundred and Fifty-sixth Depot Brigade and Private William A. Hammond, Thirty-third Company, One Hundred and Fifty-sixth Depot Brigade. "The sentences of both men were duly approved and will be executed." Editor's note: We of CIN suspect that the "slight" operation in question was circumcision. It appears that this was a horrific violation of human rights and that the conviction should be overturned and the discharges be changed to honorable. We request that anyone with any knowledge of this case come forward. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION call NOCIRC, the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers at (415) 488-9883, fax (415) 488-9660. Ask about the resource provider nearest you. For written information, write NOCIRC, PO Box 2512, San Anselmo, CA 94979, with SASE and/or donation if possible.
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