CIN (Circumcision Information Network) 2:28

Journal  Circumcision Information Network, Volume 2, Issue 28. Monday, 21 August 1995.

Richard Angell

This weekly bulletin is a project of CIN, the Circumcision Information Network (formerly CIN CompuBulletin). The purpose of this weekly bulletin is to educate the public about and to protect children and other non-consenting persons from genital mutilation. Readers are encouraged to copy and redistribute it, and to contribute written material.
--Rich Angell, Editor.

Sunday morning 20 August, starting around 9:00, several NOHARMM and NOCIRC
activists attended a sizable rally and march, armed with the NOHARMM
banner, professionally made placards, and loads of literature to pass out. 
We positioned ourselves at the gate just wide enough to allow the passage
of busses, and greeted thousands of people as they streamed on foot into
the rally site at Crissy Field to hear Rev. Jesse Jackson and others
protest budget cuts in health care and medical fraud, etc. 

The tens of thousands of protestors then either walked or bussed to a
rally point near the Golden Gate Bridge and marched across it.  No banners
or placards were allowed on the bridge, so we positioned ourselves where
our presence was outstanding and continued to greet the flocks of

The event was the top story of all of the evening news broadcasts.  The
good news is that other than the media, our presence was well known and
for the most part well-received.  None of those who disagreed with us had
anything of substance to say.  The lowest common denominator was the
passing jogger who snorted "Bulls---!" probably circumcised and apparently
unaware that his own exposed glans was scraping on the inside of his
attire at every step. 

On the positive side were people like the woman who, upon seeing us said
"It's about time!" 

Also notable was the man who shook his fist yelling "If I ever catch the
doctor who circumcised me, I'll..."  He never finished the sentence. 

The 7 Sept. Rolling Stone magazine had a blurb about our burgeoning
movement, Dr. Ritter's book and NOCIRC and NOHARMM, and foreskin
restoration.  The latest issue of American Baby recently featured an
article that has already generated hundreds of replies to NOCIRC
requesting information.  Debate has been raging in Australia.  One
newspaper article claims that doctors are worried that circumcised men may
soon begin to sue them for assault, etc., and that parental consent will
not be a valid defense.  A strict interpretion of the law, after all,
makes circumcision a crime. 

An article which appeared in the 1 August 95 TIMES ADVOCATE of Escondido,
California, by Cindy Siok.  Thanks to typist George Hill, 

"Often the less there is to justify a traditional custom, the harder it is
to rid of." -- Mark Twain

Most people avoid unnecessary medical procedures, but newborn circumcision
continues to be a popular choice with American parents. 

The rate of circumcision is dropping by as much as 10 percent every three
years according to Frederick Hodges, a member of National Organization to
Halt the Abuse and Routine Genital Mutilation of Males (NOHARMM). 

But despite dropping rates, the United States is the world's most
prevalent circumciser with 50 to 75 percent of the population being
circumcised according to a 1993 report.  In Canada and Australia about 25
percent of the population is circumcised, but in other countries the
practice is rare.  In fact, 85 percent of the men in the world are not

In the United States, parents must consent to the procedure before it can
be done.  The procedure takes five to 15 minutes and is usually done
without anesthetic, because the side effects are considered too risky. 

"We were told that babies don't feel very much but we know that babies do
feel, at least as much as adults do, said a St. Vincent Hospital Nurse in
a 1995 article. 

After parents consent to circumcision the surgical area is cleaned and the
foreskin is removed after a special instrument or plastic ring is applied.
In most cases bleeding is minimal and easily controlled.  Usually ointment
and gauze are applied to protect the cut from rubbing against a diaper. 

Most babies begin crying after being strapped down in preparation for the
surgery and shriek, struggle and whimper throughout the procedure.  Many
parents believe their babies didn't feel any pain and some report that
their baby actually slept though the circumcision. 

However the relaxed state may be deceptive according to a medical journal
article by nurses Marilyn Milos and Donna Macris which states:  "Some
babies respond to the trauma by going into a semi-comatose state.  They
only appear to be sleeping.  The physiological and behavioral changes
associated with the pain of circumcision have been well documented." 

Other babies become breathless from the shrill, continuous screaming and
are limp and exhausted after the procedure.  If left uncircumcised,
infants do not require special care as is commonly believed.  Parents
should wash both circumcised and uncircumcised babies with soap and water
and no attempt should be made to pull back the foreskin of an
uncircumcised infant until it becomes naturally retractable -- usually
when the child is three or older. 

After the foreskin is retractable, boys should be taught to wash their
penis, including under the foreskin just as they wash every where else. 

(For details contact NOHARMM, PO Box 460795, San Francisco, CA 94146 (415)
826-9351, unless otherwise noted.)

Tuesday, 22 August at 19:00:  Circumcision, An Educational Forum.  Is it
right for your child?  Is it painful?  Why do Americans practice it?  The
effect on your sex life.  The function of the foreskin.  Foreskin
restoration and more.  Presented by the NY Circumcision Information
Resource Center.  131 West 72nd St., (Between Broadway and Columbus) $5
donation requested For more information call 212-340-8015

28 Sept.-1 Oct., Northern CA: The Association for Pre- and Perinatal
Psychology & Health will hold its 7th International Congress at the
Cathedral Hill Hotel in San Francisco.  Speakers will include
non-circumcision advocates Marilyn Milos, Jeannine Parvati Baker, David
Chamberlain and many others.  The topic:  "Birth & Violence:  The Societal
Impact."  Call (707) 857-3359, X 55. 

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