CIN (Circumcision Information Network) 2:25

Journal  Circumcision Information Network, Volume 2, Issue 25. Saturday, 22 July 1995.

Richard Angell

This weekly bulletin is a project of CIN, the Circumcision Information Network (formerly CIN CompuBulletin). The purpose of this weekly bulletin is to educate the public about and to protect children and other non-consenting persons from genital mutilation. Readers are encouraged to copy and redistribute it, and to contribute written material.
--Rich Angell, Editor.

The last issue of the CIN CompuBulletin, 10 July 1995 was listed as Volume
2 Number 23.  The correct number for that issue was 24.

Montgomery Advertiser, Montgomery, Alabama 21 July 1995:
Contributed by George Hill,
Article by Sean Selman

A jury found Jackson Hospital guilty of medical negligence Thursday in a
Montgomery County Circuit Court case involving a wrongful circumcision. 

Eva Brown, the mother of a now three year old boy, took Dr. Lynn
Whittington to court for circumcising her son in 1992 without her consent.
Dr. Whittington was cleared of any wrongdoing in the case but the jury
said the hospital must pay the child $65,000 in compensatory damages for
the circumcision. 

The boy was born February 7, 1992 at Jackson Hospital and was circumcised
the day after, his mother said.  But Ms. Brown never signed a consent form
and objected to it when nurses asked her preference. 

"The main reason is my father is not circumcised, and my oldest boy is not
circumcised." Ms. Brown said.  "It's not necessary.  There's no medical
reason, no proof for me that it is medically necessary.  "If God had
intended for the foreskin not to be there, you wouldn't be born with it,"
she said. 

Attorneys for Dr. Whittington and Jackson Hospital did not deny that the
boy was circumcised without consent.  They held that the nurse on duty at
the time of the operation did not properly verify that the signed consent
form was included in the patient's medical record.  The nurse was not
named in the case but no longer works for Jackson Hospital. 

Chicago Tribune, 20 July 1995
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (Reuters) -- One boy has died and 12 are being
treated in a hospital after circumcisions by "bush doctors" in South
Africa's former Venda black homeland, Northern Province Premier Ngoako
Ramatlhodi said Wednesday.

"We have received a report that 12 boys have been admitted
for infections and severe bleeding. One boy is reported to have died
Sunday, he said in a statement.  He said boys were being abducted from
their homes by masked men at night and taken to "initiation schools" where
they were forced to pay for circumcision. 

"We have received disturbing reports of traditional authorities compelling
young boys to attend circumcision schools. 

"Night raids are conducted on some homes...Villagers are compelled to
switch off lights at night to allow masked men to kidnap boys and take
them to these schools, he said. 

The premier, who said police were being sent, added that the traditional
practice was being abused and this posed threats to health, lives and
rights in rural areas. 

Medical Journal, Clinical Pediatrics, vol. 34, no. 7 (July 1995):  pp.
Contributed by

The homily of Weiss and Weiss on circumcision (Clin Pediatr.
[1] is problematic.  If circumcision can free society from violent crime
and disease by decreasing sexual desire, why have the levels of violent
crime and sexually transmitted diseases increased in direct proportion to
the increase in the number of sexually active circumcised males in American

It is misleading for Weiss and Weiss to cite authors who disagree with
them.  Morris says, "There is not a single valid argument in favor of
mutilating baby boys in this way...The plain fact is that circumcision is
a form of 'child care' that male babies can well do without." [2] Paige
says, "Westerners look askance at the ritual mutilations of the body
performed in exotic tribes, but they justify their own ritual mutilations
as medically appropriate.  Americans...stand with few other modern nations
in clinging to a ritual that is no less 'barbaric' and no more 'hygienic'
[than] routine circumcision."[3]

Of the authors cited who do agree with Weiss and Weiss, Remondino [4]
recommends circumcision as a cure for masturbation, epilepsy,
tuberculosis, and alcoholism.  Ravich [5] recommends that circumcision be
performed with razor-sharp fingernails.  Perhaps Weiss and Weiss agree
with these recommendations. 

The authors admit that there has yet to be a scientific study showing the
degree of sexual sensation and function lost through circumcision.  Where
would such a study be done?  In the United States, there are few foreskins
left.  In Europe, no one has thought it necessary to study the obvious. 
There are no studies proving the sensuality of the lips or the functions
of the little toe.  Does this then give us license to amputate lips and
toes from nonconsenting infants? 

The Weisses' assertions reflect their cultural bias.  Their underlying
theory of the reproductive organs as community property is alien to
Western ethics.  Their derision of nature's design for the penis is
incompatible with the dignity implied by their professional titles. 

Paul M. Fleiss, MD, MPH
Department of Pediatrics
Children's Hospital of Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California

[1] Weiss GN, Weiss EB.  A perspective on controversies over neonatal
circumcision.  Clin Pediatr. 1994;33:726-730.

[2] Morris D.  Babywatching.  New York, NY:  Crown; 1991;193-194.

[3] Paige K.  The ritual of circumcision.  Human Nature.  1978:40-48.

[4] Remondino P.  History of Circumcision from the Earliest Times to the
Present.  Phildadelphia, PA: FA Davis; 1891.

[5] Ravich A. Preventing V.D. and Cancer by Circumcision.  New York, NY:
Philosophical Library; 1975.

(For details contact NOHARMM, PO Box 460795, San Francisco, CA 94146 (415)
826-9351, unless otherwise noted.)

27-29 July, Northern CA: San Francisco Bay Area Film Premier, Nurses of
St. Vincent - Saying No to Circumcision.  The film showing is Thursday 27
July.  A strategy meeting-reunion-potluck picnic will be Friday, 28 July.
Contact NOCIRC (see below) for more information.  On Saturday, there will
be a march to and Rally at Marin General Hospital to commemorate Tenth
Anniversary of nurse Marilyn Milos' forced resignation (for informing
parents of the dangers of circumcision).  For more information about the
rally and march, contact NOHARMM.  The weekend kicks off a national
awareness campaign. 

28 Sept.-1 Oct., Northern CA: The Association for Pre- and Perinatal
Psychology & Health will hold its 7th International Congress at the
Cathedral Hill Hotel in San Francisco.  Speakers will include
non-circumcision advocates Marilyn Milos, Jeannine Parvati Baker, David
Chamberlain and many others.  The topic:  "Birth & Violence:  The Societal
Impact."  Call (707) 857-3359, X 55. 

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