Circumcision Information Network, Volume 2, Issue 21. Tuesday, 13 June 1995.
This weekly bulletin is a project of CIN, the Circumcision Information Network (formerly CIN CompuBulletin). The purpose of this weekly bulletin is to educate the public about and to protect children and other non-consenting persons from genital mutilation. Readers are encouraged to copy and redistribute it, and to contribute written material.
--Rich Angell, Editor.
CHILD HEALTH 2000 Contributed by Dr. Van Howe Just got back from Child Health 2000 in Vancouver, British Columbia where NOCIRC had a table in the exhibit hall which was quite well received. I helped George Denniston with a poster presentation which had pictures of the John Taylor's work on the histology of the prepuce as well as Erickson's pictures of an adult male phallus which demonstrate how much is removed in mutilation. NOHARMM held a rally outside of the convention hall which included actor portraying a circumcision. The Vancouver Sun put a picture of the rally on the first page of their second section, but no article accompanied the picture. Unfortunately, I was inside with the poster during the rally. I did hear a lot of positive comments about the rally from participants in the conference. The message to stop genital abuse was well received. Nurses from Vancouver tell me that only 18-28% of boys are circumcised there now and parents pay $250 (Canadian) to have their boys mutilated. One bit of depressing news was from an Toronto physician who told me since the provInce stopped paying for circumcision a year ago, the short supply of physicians performing the procedure and the demand from the Islamic community has driven the price up to $1200. Unfortunately, this has made the procedure regain new popularity among a segment of the physician population. NURSES PROTEST CIRCUMCISIONS Excerpted from the Albuquerque Journal, 13 June: While registered nurse Mary Conant's own son was circumcised 20 years ago, today she considers herself a conscientious objector to what is sometime considered a rite of passage and refuses to assist in the procedure. "I would die before I assisted with another circumcision, she said. "Our real issue here is circumcision as a violation of human rights." Conant, who worked at St. Vincent Hospital along with nurse Betty Katz Sperlich, this month formed Nurse for the Rights of the Child, a non-profit group to protect unconsenting infants and children from surgical alteration of their genitals. CIRCUMCISION: MEDICAL VS. PERSONAL OPINION Contributed by medical student Franc Garcia: The confusion over infant circumcision in the U.S. can be resolved today. The solution lies in our willingness to stop and scrutinize medical statements before we accept them and pass them on in the media or in our own opinions. There is an important difference between a doctor's medical opinion and that same doctor's personal opinion. For an opinion to justifiably be called medical it must be based on accepted medical facts. It must have a scientific rational which is devoid of emotional desire and instead is based on objective and compelling evidence. Otherwise, an opinion stated by a doctor such as "I believe coca cola causes AIDS" must be considered a personal thought or non-medical opinion even though it is being stated by a doctor. When a doctor such as Dr. Edgar Shoen or Dr. Thomas Wiswell states that the male foreskin is pathogenic, or that circumcision is an effective means of preventing disease, HE IS NOT EXPRESSING A MEDICAL OPINION even though HE may consider it a medical opinion. Because there is no medical evidence which proves such claims about the foreskin, Dr. Wiswell's and Dr. Shoen's statements about it can only be considered personal and in no way related to their status as doctors. It is critically important for the media to understand this important distinction. DR. SHOEN AND DR. WISWELL MAKE PERSONAL STATEMENTS ABOUT CIRCUMCISION AND NOT MEDICAL ONES. So then, the confusion over infant circumcision in the U.S. is maintained because we neglect to look closely at statements made by doctors about the issue. Upon such close examination, many of these statements fail to qualify as valid medical opinions and what is left instead is a set of true medical opinions WHICH ARE ACTUALLY CONGRUENT. If we only consider statements by doctors about circumcision which are true medical opinions and not simply personal statements, we find that the collective medical opinion in the U.S. is squarely against infant circumcision and the confusion ends. CIRCUMCISION ADDRESSED ON STAGE Repeated from last week with some updates and corrections: My movement theater performance piece, "Seeing in Black and White, Seeing in Color," which addresses circumcision as a principal issue, is going to be performed at various places in the Bay Area in the coming months. I am performing Sunday, 9 July at 19:00 at Bindlestiff Theater, 185 6th St. at Howard, San Francisco, and July 23 at 3110 Adeline, Oakland at 19:00. Last week I had the performance of my life at the California Men's Gathering in Malibu, and the piece got extremely good feedback. There is a video of it and I will be shooting other videos in case anyone is interested! Come see it! Call (415) 824-8230, write to 3425 19th Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 or E-mail me at svoboda @ if any questions. --Steve Svoboda AN ISRAELI PERSPECTIVE Contributed by an Israeli reader: My own experience here in Israel indicates that the testimony of someone cut in adulthood is particularly effective in breaking through the barrier of denial --it's harder to call an adult a liar to his face. REAL ABUSE, BLIND DENIAL Contributed by a reader: I read an article recently lauding two mothers who are working to get tougher laws to control sexual predators of children. One of the comments was something like (quoting from memory so it's not exact) "Bank robbery is a federal crime, so should child molestation be, because it steals something far more precious, a child's soul." And I had a thought. People get so upset (and rightly so, of course) when a child's genitals are touched improperly. So how much more important is our work, then, that we are trying to stop children's genitals for being forever mutilated. Yet the recent magazine article on us [New Republic] made us sound like ridiculous fools with a trivial cause. I guess it just proves exactly how horrifying and painful the subject is, that people must pretend that it's laughable. With molestation we can at least pretend the enemy is a stranger (not true anyway, since most sexual abuse victims know their abuser). With circumcision that is not possible since he is us. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION call NOCIRC, the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers at (415) 488-9883. Ask about the resource provider nearest you. For written information, write NOCIRC, PO Box 2512, San Anselmo, CA 94979, with SASE and/or donation if possible.
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