Circumcision Information Network, Volume 2, Issue 20. Tuesday, 6 June 1995.
This weekly bulletin is a project of CIN, the Circumcision Information Network (formerly CIN CompuBulletin). The purpose of this weekly bulletin is to educate the public about and to protect children and other non-consenting persons from genital mutilation. Readers are encouraged to copy and redistribute it, and to contribute written material.
--Rich Angell, Editor.
NURSES FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD A Children's Rights Project of NOCIRC 369 Montezuma #354 Santa Fe, NM, 87501 505-989-7377 Mary Conant, RN, and Betty Katz Sperlich, RN, founders "The forced amputation of a healthy part of the genitals of an unconsenting infant or child, whether in the name of medicine, religion, or social custom, is a human rights violation." FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE--PRESS CONFERENCE WHEN: Monday, 12 June 1995 at 10:00 AM. WHERE: Santa Fe Imaging Center, Symposium Room, 1640 Hospital Drive. WHAT: Founding of NURSES FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD, a national, locally based nonxprofit organization to protect unconsenting infants and children from the surgical alteration of their genitals. WHY: Local nurses opposed to routine circumcision of newborns organized years ago to protect the basic right of infant males to an intact body. In October 1992, twentyxfour maternalxchild nurses at St. Vincent Hospital, Santa Fe, New Mexico, declared themselves conscientious objectors to infant circumcision. In January 1995 their status as conscientious objectors was secured by a legally binding hospital document, the "Memorandum of Understanding for Circumcision Procedure." With this accomplishment behind them, and to establish an identity apart from St. Vincent Hospital, several of the nurses have formed NURSES FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD to promote their work protecting children on a national level. GOALS OF THE ORGANIZATION: * to empower, support and advise other nurses nationxwide who want to stop participating in the sociallyxsanctioned genital mutilation of minors. * to act as human rights advocates for babies and children by informing and educating the public that the forced amputation of a healthy part of the genitals of an unconsenting infant or child, whether in the name of medicine, religion or social custom, is a human rights violation. * to offer expectant parents information and prenatal classes on circumcision. * to network with other individuals and groups who are working in this country and abroad to promote the rights of children to bodily integrity. * to promote the human rights principles of the United Nations, especially as expressed in UN General Assembly Resolution 44125, 20 November 1989, "Convention on the Rights of the Child." --Contributed by F.H., B.E., and G.H. HALT ROUTINE CIRCUMCISIONS, NURSES URGE The Vancouver Sun, Monday, 10 April 1995 by Rattan Mall The routine circumcision of male babies was condemned by the province's registered nurses at their annual convention in Vancouver. The preamble of a resolution passed by a majority of nurses said male circumcision is a procedure without demonstrable medical benefits in the vast majority of cases. The procedure is also not recommended by the Canadian Pediatrics Association. The nurses also agreed Friday that routine circumcision has numerous complications that are rarely communicated to parents, and that most medical authorities worldwide believe newborn males have a right to remain intact except in rare instances. And they believe nurses have a role to play in educating parents about the perils of circumcision. The resolution was introduced at the convention by the New Westminster chapter of the Registered Nurses' Association of B.C. Before being passed, it was amended to include both sexes. The phrase "routine infant male circumcision" was replaced with "non-therapeutic circumcision." "It's circumcision of all forms on all sexes and so it makes it quite open," Iva Phillips, a registered nurse from Victoria, said Sunday. "And what it emphasizes is the role of the nurses and the association in raising awareness regarding this procedure." Last year, the issue proved too controversial and a similar resolution was withdrawn. John Cox said Sunday the resolution passed Friday asked the board of directors and individual members of the nurses' association to help raise public awareness about the risks of non-therapeutic circumcision. It also asked the board of directors and the Canadian Nurses' Association to develop positions regarding the role of nurses in non-therapeutic circumcision, said Cox, director of public relations for the nurses' association. Said Cox: "I am sure that there will be some kind of a statement made that will clarify what the nurses' role is and this will, I think, help create a higher level of understanding." The board of directors is expected to consider the resolution at its next meeting June 8." CIRCUMCISION TO BE ADDRESSED ON STAGE My movement theater performance piece, "Seeing in Black and White, Seeing in Color," which addresses circumcision as a principal issue, is going to be performed at various places in the Bay Area in the coming months. I am opening at Shotwell Studios, 3252 19th Street at Shotwell, San Francisco on 9-11 June. It will also be at Tongue and Groove, and at 3110 Adeline, Oakland on Sunday, 23 July at 19:00. Times for Shotwell Studios are 20:30 on the 9th and 10th and 19:30 on the 11th. I just came back from the first performance of my life at the California Men's Gathering in Malibu, and the piece got extremely good feedback. There is a video of it and I will be shooting other videos in case anyone is interested! Come see it! Call (415) 824-8230, write to 3425 19th Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 or E-mail me at svoboda @ if any questions. --Steve Voboda
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