CIN (Circumcision Information Network) 2:12

Journal  Circumcision Information Network, Volume 2, Issue 12. Tuesday, 4 April 1995.

Richard Angell

This weekly bulletin is a project of CIN, the Circumcision Information Network (formerly CIN CompuBulletin). The purpose of this weekly bulletin is to educate the public about and to protect children and other non-consenting persons from genital mutilation. Readers are encouraged to copy and redistribute it, and to contribute written material.
--Rich Angell, Editor.

The New Times, February, 1995, Seattle, Washington, by Cat Saunders
[Third of a five-part series.  The first part was Saunders' own view of
circumcision as a human rights issue.  The second part was the beginning
of the interview.]

A group of nurses from St. Vincent' s Hospital in Santa Fe, New
Mexico...have organized to stop circumcision.  In this interview, I spoke
with four of the nurses who were in Seattle recently.  As you read their
stories, open your heart.  Let your feelings come, for only if we all feel
the horror of circumcision can we stop it.  Together we can stop it now... 

Cat:  Betty, you spoke on the video about how people who are Jewish can
shift their perspective and still honor their Judaism, but stop doing

Betty:  All religions have traditions, but I always wonder why we can't
keep what is beautiful and reject what is brutal.  To me, it's just common
sense.  Besides, what kind of god are you worshipping anyway, if your god
is demanding a blood mutilation sacrifice?  I used to feel guilty as a
Jew, because our son is not circumcised.  I thought, "All these thousands
of years of tradition ending here."  But now I see! A Jewish man asked me. 
"I know you're against circumcision in the hospital.  But how do you feel
about Jewish circumcisions?" I said, What?! You think I should only
protect the goyish babies and just let the Jewish babies be mutilated? 
What kind of a Jew would I be?" 

Cat:  Great answer.  I don't think circumcision should be legal, but since
it is.  I think parents should be required to watch videos of
circumcisions, including all the worst case scenarios--maiming,
hemorrhage, death--before they are allowed to sign over their son's body
to be cut.  Betty:  We're actually trying to get what we call "informed
consent"--though we hope people won't consent--so parents have information

Mary-Rose:  But we have to go further than that.  Let's go all the way to
elementary school and start educating young people about it. 

Cat:  Yes, and some people are going the other direction--to the U.N.--to
get circumcision included on the charter of human rights violations for
the world. 
(Contributed by Ron Goldman.) Amnesty International has annual meetings to
consider resolutions from the membership.  I have been pursuing this since
1992.  This year my resolution MALE GENITAL MUTILATION was blocked by the
meeting moderator from being debated and voted on.  However, I surprised
the leadership by protesting before the whole membership a history of
abuses connected with my resolutions.  The cat is now out of the bag (or
is that a lion?).  Several people approached me after the meeting to
express support and others spoke in public support.  From my previous
experience, it seems that the leadership considers male genital mutilation
to be quite a dilemma and has decided to stonewall the issue.  Amnesty has
already acknowledged female genital mutilation as a human rights issue. 

I am quite hopeful about future prospects.  They are in the process of
reviewing the rules, and I am in contact with the person who will be
writing the new guidelines.  He is sympathetic to preventing these abuses. 
Once we tighten up the process, there will be a fair hearing on the issue. 
If you are interested in getting involved, please contact me at CRC, P. O.
Box 232, Boston, MA 02133 (617) 523-0088. 

(For details contact NOHARMM, PO Box 460795, San Francisco, CA 94146 (415)
826-9351, unless otherwise noted.)

Sunday, 9 April:  NOHARMM New York in conjunction with NOHARMM
Philadelphia will stage an action at the annual convention of the American
Academy of Pediatrics.  We will protest the AAP's reliance on research
that it concedes is "flawed and inconclusive" to support circumcision. 
For more information, call 212-340-8015, or E-mail, or
attend the orientation meeting in NYC on Wednesday, April 5th, 19:00 local
time, at 131 West 72nd St., 2nd Floor. 

8-12 April, Philadelphia, PA:  American Academy of Pediatrics Annual
Meeting.  Leafletting and Vigil (9 April as noted above) opposing
childhood genital mutilation.  Contact Tom Morris, PO Box 53152,
Philadelphia, PA 19105 or Al Fields (610) 489-6505. 

6 May, Philadelphia, PA:  Educational Seminar on Newborn Circumcision. 
Co-sponsored by Childbirth Education Foundation and NOHARMM/Philadelphia. 
Volunteers and donations needed.  Jim Peron, CEF, (215) 357-2792

8-10 May, San Francisco, CA:  American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists Annual Meeting.  Rally and leafletting to draw attention to
inconsistency of ACOG's new stand against FGM while questioning their role
in performing male genital mutilations. 

30 May - 4 June, Vancouver, BC:  Child Health 2000. Rally and leafletting
to raise awareness among 4,000 expected international attendees about
genital mutilation in North America.  Volunteers and donations needed. 
James Loewen, NOHARMM/Vancouver, (604) 689-9697. 

27-29 July, Northern CA:  San Francisco Bay Area Film Premier, Nurses of
St. Vincent - Saying No to Circumcision.  Strategy Meeting-Reunion-Picnic
of those who care.  March to and Rally at Marin General Hospital to
commemorate Tenth Anniversary of nurse Marilyn Milos' forced resignation. 
The week end kicks off a national awareness campaign. 

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