Circumcision Information Network, Volume 2, Issue 9. Saturday, 11 March 1995.
This weekly bulletin is a project of CIN, the Circumcision Information Network (formerly CIN CompuBulletin). The purpose of this weekly bulletin is to educate the public about and to protect children and other non-consenting persons from genital mutilation. Readers are encouraged to copy and redistribute it, and to contribute written material.
--Rich Angell, Editor.
READERS RESPOND Reader: Get a life pal. I was "amputated" as a child and I love my exposed frenulum. CIN: I'm sorry to rain on your parade, but you don't have a frenulum to be exposed. It went with the foreskin, and it was the most sensitive, exquisite part of your penis. Most men who are circumcised as adults find the resulting loss of pleasure to be anywhere from disappointing to devastating. Reader: Foreskins are filthy and accumulate smegma. CIN: You are no more advanced or civilized than the millions of people who cut off female genitalia because they are filthy and accumulate smegma, etc. Women have far more smegma than men. So what? Smegma is a natural lubricant and protectant. All mammals produce it. Reader: You are an obsessed individual and you and people of your ilk are crazy. CIN: You must have me mistaken for someone else. I am taking a stand AGAINST genital mutilation. Reader: What do you do sit around all day lamenting the loss of your insignificant little prepuce. CIN: If you've never had a prepuce, how do you know how insignificant it is? Ignorance sure is bliss, isn't it? Readers who would like to know what it's like to have an "insignificant little" prepuce might want to contact Reader: You spend your life collecting data on all the lost foreskins in the world as if they were your own. CIN: I have a moral obligation to protect the innocent. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Reader: Well here's a tip for you ....Nobody cares. CIN: Wrong again. Many people do care, and people of your ilk are fast becoming a minority. I hope you someday have the courage to face the truth. A SURVIVOR SPEAKS Contributed by J.L.D. of Maryland: Removal of a man's foreskin is mutilation, and it is a one-way trip. That it is common in our society does not change this fact. I read in a parents' advice column the following question: 'My son wants a tattoo. Should I go with him?' The answer? 'When he is old enough, he is old enough to go alone.' This should be good advice for the removal of the foreskin, too. If circumcision were not common in our society, it would be considered assault and battery. I was 2 days old when it happened to me. When I have sex, fairly often I experience pain, and occasionally I bleed, right near that old scar. Fairly often, I cannot reach climax. I had no sex life until after 40; I was held back by fear and shame. Over the past few years, I have discovered suppressed anger. If I could roll back time, I would kill to protect myself from this 'quick, painless, common procedure.' At the age of 2 days, I was not able to understand what was being done, or to object or resist. Am I alone? Are there mothers out there who can explain how I am full of baloney? Will this letter be a priceless gift to others who suffer silently, alone? One time I was at a maternity ward, admiring a baby boy. Tied to him was a bright red ribbon marked 'DO NOT CIRCUMCISE.' Is this the only operation where we need such a device? I looked at that for a long time while the thoughts surged through my head. PLANNED ACTIONS (For details contact NOHARMM, PO Box 460795, San Francisco, CA 94146 (415) 826-9351, unless otherwise noted.) 8-12 April, Philadelphia, PA: American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Meeting. Leafletting and Vigil (9 April) opposing childhood genital mutilation. Contact Tom Morris, P. O. Box 53152, Philadelphia, PA 19105 or Al Fields (610) 489-6505. 6 May, Philadelphia, PA: Educational Seminar on Newborn Circumcision. Co-sponsored by Childbirth Education Foundation and NOHARMM/Philadelphia. Volunteers and donations needed. Jim Peron, CEF, (215) 357-2792 8-10 May, San Francisco, CA: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Annual Meeting. Rally and leafletting to draw attention to inconsistency of ACOG's new stand against FGM while questioning their role in performing male genital mutilations. 30 May - 4 June, Vancouver, BC: Child Health 2000. Rally and leafletting to raise awareness among 4,000 expected international attendees about genital mutilation in North America. Volunteers and donations needed. James Loewen, NOHARMM/Vancouver, (604) 689-9697. 27-29 July, Northern CA: San Francisco Bay Area Film Premier, Nurses of St. Vincent - Saying No to Circumcision. Strategy Meeting-Reunion-Picnic of those who care. March to and Rally at Marin General Hospital to commemorate Tenth Anniversary of nurse Marilyn Milos' forced resignation. The week end kicks off a national awareness campaign.
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