Circumcision Information Network, Volume 2, Issue 7. Saturday, 25 February 1995.
This weekly bulletin is a project of CIN, the Circumcision Information Network (formerly CIN CompuBulletin). The purpose of this weekly bulletin is to educate the public about and to protect children and other non-consenting persons from genital mutilation. Readers are encouraged to copy and redistribute it, and to contribute written material.
--Rich Angell, Editor.
SANTA FE NURSES VICTORIOUS Contributed by the Santa Fe Nurses, retyped by George Hill. IT'S OFFICIAL! (Santa Fe, New Mexico) After months of mediation, St. Vincent Hospital administration officially agreed that "the Conscientious Objector nurses will be relieved of duties of circumcision. Those duties are witnessing the consent, dispensing pre-op medications, preparation of the room, assisting with the procedure, immediate post-op care such as stopping bleeding and applying Vaseline dressing, clean up afterwards and stocking the room." Mediation was an exhausting process that threatened to break down on several occasions. The C. O. nurses who took part were: Carole Alley, Mary Conant, Naomi Landau, Ann Lown and Betty Katz Sperlich. They listened politely while administrators, physicians, and consenting nurses (those who assist with circumcisions) expressed concerns that the C. O. nurses were zealots who were harassing parents and raining on people's birth celebrations. The success of the mediation is a credit to the skills of the mediator, Lucy Moore of Western Network and Dianne Justin, Staff Representative of 1199 Health Care Employees Union. The C. O. nurses report: "We could never have done it without the involvement of our union or without the brilliant negotiating skills of Ann Lown, R. N., our chief spokesperson." The resulting document, known as a Memo of Understanding, is legally binding. St. Vincent Hospital goes down in history as the first hospital in the world to officially recognize R. N. Conscientious Objectors to infant circumcision. The C. O. nurses hope that the Memo of Understanding will serve as a model for other hospitals across the country and encourage other nurses to feel safe coming out of the closet on this issue. On Sunday, February 5th, at the Unitarian Church in Santa Fe, New Mexico, five of us R. N. Conscientious Objectors to Infant Circumcision (Mary-Rose Booker, Mary Conant, Betty Katz Sperlich, Jesse Wind, and Patty Worth) and one M. D. led a discussion on infant circumcision and showed Barry Ellsworth's Video, "The Nurses of St. Vincent: Saying No to Circumcision". The audience was very responsive. One man expressed his resentment at being circumcised as a baby. Another man told of remembering being five years old and seeing his baby brother circumcised on a dresser in their home. A man shared that he was left intact because his father, a veterinarian, said "Nature makes things for a reason." After the official discussion, a woman came up to us and took home a copy of Dr. Ritter's book, "Say No to Circumcision!", for her daughter who is pregnant with twins. Several people thanked us for our work and asked how they could help. They eagerly took home some NOHARMM and NOCIRC pamphlets. An R. N. who works in Pediatrics at St. Vincent Hospital, and who has assisted with two circumcisions, said she will now formalize her C. O. status. Things are snowballing. TRAGEDY IN ETHIOPIA Contributed by NOHARMM child rights advocate Mimi Ramsey, RN, has just returned from Ethiopia where she has been educating parents about the dangers and problems arising from circumcision, both female and male. At a recent meeting she related one of the most bizarre and sad consequences the gathering had ever heard. It seems a family had five children (four girls and a boy) all circumcised on the same day last December while Mimi was there. It's hard to imagine how much pain was in that household that day, but the story continues. They performed full pharaonic circumcision on the girls, which removes everything down to the bone before stitching the labia together, and then as per local custom they bound their legs together to prevent the stitches from pulling out. The next day two of the girls had to go to the bathroom, so together they waddled 'out back' to try to pass urine through their wounds. But hyenas got to them and they could not run away because their legs were bound. The good(?) news is that they lived, but with an arm and half of a face missing. This is such a bizarre event that the Ethiopian people might not even see it as a consequence of circumcision, much like when an American baby dies from post-circumcision infection it is seen as 'just one of those sad things that happen' as parents and circumcisers alike mentally sever the connection between their actions and the resulting tragedies. But consequences are consequences no matter how bizarre or unusual. VIDEO NEARS COMPLETION "MEN BEGAN TO SCREAM," a half-hour documentary exploring the men's movement against male genital mutilation, recently concluded taping of interviews. Project completion requires an additional $10,000 for editing, closed captioning and distribution. Tax deductible donations to NOHARMM are urgently needed before this important film can reach viewers. PO Box 460795, San Francisco, CA 94146. PLANNED ACTIONS (For details contact NOHARMM, unless otherwise noted.) 8-12 April, Philadelphia, PA: American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Meeting. Leafletting and Vigil (9 April) opposing childhood genital mutilation. Contact Tom Morris, P. O. Box 53152, Philadelphia, PA 19105 or Al Fields (610) 489-6505. 6 May, Philadelphia, PA: Educational Seminar on Newborn Circumcision. Co-sponsored by Childbirth Education Foundation and NOHARMM/Philadelphia. Volunteers and donations needed. Jim Peron, CEF, (215) 357-2792 8-10 May, San Francisco, CA: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Annual Meeting. Rally and leafletting to draw attention to inconsistency of ACOG's new stand against FGM while questioning their role in performing male genital mutilations. 30 May - 4 June, Vancouver, BC: Child Health 2000. Rally and leafletting to raise awareness among 4,000 expected international attendees about genital mutilation in North America. Volunteers and donations needed. James Loewen, NOHARMM/Vancouver, (604) 689-9697. 27-29 July, Northern CA: San Francisco Bay Area Film Premier, Nurses of St. Vincent - Saying No to Circumcision. Strategy Meeting-Reunion-Picnic of those who care. March to and Rally at Marin General Hospital to commemorate Tenth Anniversary of nurse Marilyn Milos' forced resignation. The week end kicks off a national awareness campaign.
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