Circumcision Information Network, Volume 2, Issue 2. Sunday, 15 January 1995.
This weekly bulletin is a project of CIN, the Circumcision Information Network (formerly CIN CompuBulletin). The purpose of this weekly bulletin is to educate the public about and to protect children and other non-consenting persons from genital mutilation. Readers are encouraged to copy and redistribute it, and to contribute written material.
--Rich Angell, Editor.
"WOMEN'S BODIES, WOMEN'S WISDOM: Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing": A book by Christiane Northrup, M.D., Ob/Gyn, Bantam Books, 1994. Following are excerpts from the section on circumcision from this new book. "Circumcision of baby boys is another example of a painful procedure that is unnecessary. Circumcision is a perfect example of the triumph of emotion and outdated and unproven beliefs over common sense and scientific data that it is unnecessary. Dr. George Dennison sums up the circumcision issue very nicely: 'To me the idea of performing 100,000 mutilating procedures on newborns to possibly prevent cancer in one elderly man is absurd.' "The discussion of circumcision is a perfect example of the strength and influence of first chakra tribal programming on our thought and emotional responses. This programming is so ingrained that many people cannot even discuss the subject of circumcisions without guilt, denial, or other strong emotions. I know that even addressing the subject of the baby boy's bodily integrity, choices, and pain if the procedure is done can cause a 'kill the messenger' reaction. But first chakra programming can be successfully questioned and worked through, if desired. Many Jewish couples have rethought the entire circumcision issue and have decided not to have it done to their sons. "I've seen circumcisions done in the delivery room. Welcome to the world, baby boy--now to initiate you properly, we're going to cut off one of the most sensitive parts of your body with no anesthesia! Circumcision is known to cause sleep disturbances for at least three days. I believe that it also has profound implications for male sexuality that I can't begin to address adequately in this book. In fact, it's a form of sexual abuse. We certainly feel that way about female clitoridectomy, circumcision, and infibulation, but we justify male infant circumcision by pretending that the babies don't feel it because they're too young and it will have no consequences when they are older. "The foreskin is a highly innervated part of the body. There is no doubt that circumcision 'toughens' the delicate skin of the tip of the penis. Men who have been circumcised later in life and who therefore know the difference report a decrease in their sexual sensations. One of my friends who is NOT circumcised says that he wonders if rape is less common in countries in which the men are not circumcised. His experience is that having intercourse with a woman who isn't aroused and well-lubricated is as painful for him as it is for her because of the delicacy of the foreskin!" READERS RESPOND I have more than an interest in this, I'm an anesthetist, uncircumcised. My son is now a physician, uncircumcised, as is his son. I've been battling this most of my career, and often talked new mothers "out of it" right in the delivery room, particularly if they had epidural or saddle block anesthesia. The obstetricians used to get pissed at me. I guess I was taking $$$ right out of their filthy wallets. You may include my name if you think it would serve any purpose. There are more nurses than you might suspect that actively "sabotage" the doctor's boy baby ritual. I've had many team up with me, and vice-versa. They spend more-time with mothers-to-be, and with post-partum mothers, and can, and often do, prevent it. The days of "yes, Doctor" are over. I know nurse- midwives who tell the mother there will be no circumcision, right from the time they take over their pre-natal care. They have a lot of teaching to do, but that too is part of their job. Strange, isn't it, that women are our protectors, and allies, right from the git-go. How soon some of us forget. C. L. Warner, DOCUMENT CIRCUMCISERS WHO HARASS PARENTS Case #1: After sending three registered letters to the physician, nursing staff and hospital administration stating she did not want her son circumcised, one mother was told by the doctor the day after her son's birth that he was "in line" for circumcision! Despite her weakened state, the upset mother raised enough fuss that the doctor (perplexed and visibly annoyed) retrieved the baby from the "assembly line." Case #2: After repeatedly being asked by her doctor to explain her decision not to circumcise her soon-to-be-born son, upon the boy's birth the doctor inquired: "Now you sure we're not going to circumcise him?" Case #3: Despite verbal declarations that their son was not to be circumcised, and the father going so far as to hang a "No Circumcision" sign on their son's bassinet, this couple's son was still circumcised by the hospital! Case #4: One mother calmly and confidently explained to her physician that her newborn son was not to be circumcised, but the doctor flew into a rage and berated the new mother for being neglectful. Do you know of an incident where the parental decision not to circumcise has been ignored, a decision has been eroded by hospital staff, or parents have been outright intimidated? NOHARMM is collecting evidence for a potential media or Congressional investigation into medically unethical behavior and malpractice. Written documentation must include description of incident, hospital, date of incident, name and address of parents, and what action parents took (if any). Optionally, but preferably, include name of the doctor(s) and/or nurse(s) involved. Expose circumcisers who harass parents! NOHARMM, National Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males, PO Box 460795, San Francisco, CA 94146, (415) 826-9351.
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