Circumcision Information Network, Volume 1, Issue 24. Wednesday, 28 December 1994.
This weekly bulletin is a project of CIN, the Circumcision Information Network (formerly CIN CompuBulletin). The purpose of this weekly bulletin is to educate the public about and to protect children and other non-consenting persons from genital mutilation. Readers are encouraged to copy and redistribute it, and to contribute written material.
--Rich Angell, Editor.
THE YEAR 1994 IN REVIEW For yet another year, 1994 has seen the greatest progress ever for the anti-genital mutilation movement. The winds of change are blowing harder every week, with more and more articles, documentaries, radio and TV shows highlighting the issue. The most exciting development of the year is the widespread use of the internet by the general public and by activists. The internet, being the last bastion of free speech, ensures opponents of circumcision that they are no longer shackled by the mainstream media, the medical industry, or religious leaders. Debates are raging like wildfire, and proponents of the natural body inevitably win, for we have one weapon the enemy doesn't have--the truth. One phenomenon which is holding us back is, ironically, mainstream opponents of female genital mutilation who stubbornly refuse to see the connection, or who somehow feel that only girls have an inherent right to an intact body, or that only boys are born imperfect and need to be operated on to be made "normal." But the overall proof that we are winning is in the pudding. The latest statistics show that circumcision is in decline. Following are ten of the most important events or developments which took place during 1994. The most exciting thing is the fact that these are only highlights, the fact that so much more happened than made the list. JANUARY. The writers of the Oregon Health plan, recognizing that circumcision, among other procedures, is a "non-essential" surgery, excluded it from the plan. MARCH. Six-year-old Shade and 5-year-old Lara, daughters of Lydia Olulora made national headlines when an Oregon judge ruled that they would not be deported to Lydia's homeland, Nigeria, where the girls would face genital mutilation. Still, the masses turned a blind eye to America's own shameful obsession with male genital mutilation. APRIL. The April issue of Pediatrics journal published a new study on pain control for circumcision. The study concluded that "circumcision of the newborn causes severe and persistent pain," and that acetaminophen (Tylenol) was not found to "ameliorate either the intraoperative or the immediate postoperative pain of circumcision." Many newspapers--thanks to Ganett News Services' medical writer Elizabeth Neuss--twisted the facts, however, and printed such captions as "A little Tylenol can take some painful sting out of circumcision." 22 APRIL. NOCIRC of Utah hosted the world premiere of Barry Ellsworth's film "Nurses of St. Vincent: Saying no to Circumcision." Guest speaker Marilyn Milos and several of the nurses were present. The event was widely publicized, and gained excellent media coverage. MAY. Activists, doctors, nurses and other experts convened at the University of Maryland at the month's end for the Third International Symposium on Circumcision. This event, like its predecessors, added to the impressive pro-intact data base, united workers, and helped propel the movement forward by reminding opponents of circumcision that we are the ones who are normal. After the symposium, activists took to the streets in Washington, D.C. with a protest in front of the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine. JUNE. The Circumcision Information Network (formerly NOCIRC of Palo Alto) launched a weekly bulletin, the CIN CompuBulletin, similar to The Guardian Angell, but designed for the general public over the internet. Throughout the year, the internet became more and more important as a medium for activists all over the world who are speaking out, networking, and exchanging information, helping to bring a swift end to genital mutilation. JULY. Congresswoman Pat Schroeder, trying to outlaw female genital mutilation, acknowledged male genital mutilation (which she referred to as MGM) in a form letter to several activists. OCTOBER. The October issue of Reader's Digest, the "world's most widely read magazine" reprinted a misguided article of Your Child's Wellness newsletter, misrepresenting the AAP's stance on circumcision. NOVEMBER. Activists from all over North America gathered in Seattle, Washington. Several of the Santa Fe Nurses were welcomed with fanfare at the airport. The film, documenting their pioneering stand as conscientious objectors, was shown the same evening to a full house. During the next two days, the activists marched to Olympic Medical, which produces the Circumstraint and planned future activities. Media coverage was excellent. DECEMBER. The National Center for Health Statistics released its 1993 statistics, marking the decline of circumcision. The circumcision rate in America is down to 59.5% nationwide and 35.5% in the western states, indicating that our efforts to preserve children intact are paying off. BIRTH TRAUMA, REJECTION MAY NURTURE VIOLENCE On PD1 of the 14 Dec. USA TODAY, there was an article by Tim Friend by the above title. Excerpts follow: "Natural-born killers may be created when both nature and nurture conspire to rob infants of two fundamental birthrights: a loving mother and a normal brain. "Research in 'Archives of General Psychiatry'...shows: "*Nature's contribution is a complicated birth...which can cause neurological problems. "*Nurture's contribution is early rejection by the mother. "Add the two risk factors together and you have a person three times more likely to rob, assault and kill than a person with one of the factors or none." This supports the opinion of CIN, NOCIRC, and NOHARMM that circumcision, an act of violence itself, may lead men to be more violent as adults. In particular, we need to examine the correlation between circumcision at infancy and sexual violence against women.
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