Circumcision Information Network, Volume 1, Issue 20. Wednesday, 23 November 1994.
This weekly bulletin is a project of CIN, the Circumcision Information Network (formerly CIN CompuBulletin). The purpose of this weekly bulletin is to educate the public about and to protect children and other non-consenting persons from genital mutilation. Readers are encouraged to copy and redistribute it, and to contribute written material.
--Rich Angell, Editor.
CHILDHOOD "PHIMOSIS" CIN has receive several letters from worried parents of very young boys who have unretractable foreskins, and one from a reader who has a "cure" for childhood phimosis. More on that in a future CompuBulletin, but let it be known that although the great majority of boys can retract their foreskins by the age of three, the inability to do so up to the age of 17 or so is not unheard of, and is not a source of concern as long as there is no pain. Furthermore, it is reversible by simple stretching techniques. No one should be allowed to retract a boy's foreskin against his will. You wouldn't force open the vagina of your daughter, would you? Read on for an authority on this subject: "The Childbirth Education Foundation has responded to hundreds of such concerns over the these past years. We are regarded as authorities on care of the young uncircumcised child. "Contact me. We can refer a doctor who will not resort to foreskin amputation at the first sign of trouble. "It is most unlikely that a three year old would have a 'phimosis' problem requiring treatment so drastic as need for circumcision. This would never be the course of treatment for an uncircumcised child in Europe. Obviously then, there is a much better more conservative approach to a solution to this concern, if indeed it is even a justified medical concern. Extreme caution is needed when dealing with a urologist recommending circumcision. "I can be reached on Internet or by calling me at: (215) 357-2792. If I am out leave a number and I will immediately get back to you." Jim Peron: E-mail= Childbirth Education Foundation P.O. Box 5 Richboro, PA 18954 Phone: (215) 357-2792 A KINDER, MORE GENITAL NATION! Following is an excerpt from an article by Fred Hayward of Men's Rights, Inc., which has appeared in several bold publications: The traditional message that it is unmanly to complain blends nicely with the feminist message that men don't deserve to complain. The traditional message that men must protect women blends nicely with the feminist message that helping men is equivalent to hurting women. The effect of this blend is that men feel uncomfortable just thinking about men's issues, let alone talking about them. Men are the victims of virtually all violence in comedy. Male pain is the only pain which actually brings laughter and applause. Moreover, attacks on male sexuality are the "funniest" of all. If a kick to the groin is a guaranteed formula for laughter, is it so surprising that a scalpel to the groin does not arouse mass sympathy? I was once talking with a stranger in a hotel lobby. I told him that I was in town to speak about circumcision, and gave him a little preview of my talk. He became agitated, exclaiming, "How can we do this to our own children!?!" I reminded him that we don't do it to our "children". We do it to our boys. There's a big difference. Charities that want you to sponsor children overseas show twice as many little girls as little boys in their ads. They know that people rush to the aid of girls, but don't respond as readily to the plight of little boys. A third factor keeping us from confronting circumcision is opposition by the very movement which is supposed to demand attention to gender issues. Like the archetypical southern sheriff who left a victimized black with nowhere to turn because the sheriff himself was a racist, the Equal Rights enforcement industry leaves us with nowhere to turn because it itself is sexist. One professional feminist, knowledgeable about research into the learning process of preborns (let alone newborns) and a read advocate against sexual abuse, tried to squirm her way out of the issue by suggesting: "How do we really know that there is any long-term memory of this?" Yet, this woman would be the first to prosecute a dentist who fondled an unconscious patient, or, even worse, a man who masturbated into the face of an infant girl. The whole issue of "memory" is a red herring. While being solicited by a recruiter for a children's rights group, I engaged her in a conversation about circumcision. She blandly said that she didn't really care about it, since it hadn't happened to her. So much for the sexist stereotype, proclaimed by traditionalists and feminists alike, that women are more empathetic than men. Men are not taught the same sense of sovereignty over our bodies which women learn. Beginning when most of us are strapped down and circumcised to inaugurate our own lives, through childhhood when we are deprived of the same rights of privacy in bathrooms and locker-rooms that are granted to our female schoolmates, and culminating in the ritual end of boyhood when we march our bodies to the post office and register them with the Selective Service System, American males are continually reminded that our bodies do not have the same rights enjoyed by the female body. Girls are taught that a gentle caress might be legitimate grounds for complaint, while boys are taught that an occasional unwanted punch in the face is to be accepted. Circumcision is not just violence toward men; it is violence toward the penis. While "penis envy" is now a cliche, "penis hatred" is rarely mentioned, yet is at least as significant. Even before the current war against male sexuality, men were getting negative messages about the penis. Women were told that public nudity is a no-no because men are so attracted to the female body that naked women would incite uncontrollable mobs of eager men. Men, on the other hand, were told that the law prohibits public nudity because the sight of their bodies incites horror and disgust in women. There are few concepts more damaging to self image than learning that your body is terrifying and revolting. Men's Rights, Inc., was once contacted by a Missouri man who had a radio program an men's issues. He called because he wanted to do a show on the penis (in literature, health issues, self-image, etc.) but his boss would not permit it. The penis is offensive, the station manager opined. The man had mentioned his disappointment to women at the station, who volunteered that their women's shows often speak about the vagina and clitoris. He had returned to the station manager and asked why talk about the vagina and clitoris was allowed, but talk about the penis was forbidden. While the vagina and clitoris are not offensive, the penis is offensive, the station manager explained. Our friend then mentioned his latest disappointment to his female colleagues, who told him that they talk about the penis on their own shows. He questioned the manager about his newest double standard, and was informed that the penis is offensive when a man talks about it, but not necessarily when a woman talks about it. Men's Rights, Inc. can be reached at POB 163180, Sacramento, CA 95816, (916) 484-7333.
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