CIN (Circumcision Information Network) 1:10 attachments

Journal  Circumcision Information Network, Volume 1, Issue 10 B. Monday, 22 August 1994.

Richard Angell

This weekly bulletin is a project of CIN, the Circumcision Information Network (formerly CIN CompuBulletin). The purpose of this weekly bulletin is to educate the public about and to protect children and other non-consenting persons from genital mutilation. Readers are encouraged to copy and redistribute it, and to contribute written material.
--Rich Angell, Editor.

The attachment and action alert is from P18 of the August issue of American

-As reported in the previous issue, Vol. 3:9 (23 July), a documentary by
Desmond Morris called "Baby Watching"--which compares and contrasts the
gentle home (water) birth and the violent hospital birth, stresses the
importance of breast-feeding, and suarely addresses circ as 'barbaric'
mutilation (or words to that effect)-- was shown on 9 August on the Learning
Channel.  The babies were shown intact, but the portion on circumcision was
censored, at least in Rochester.  Write Discovery and Learning Channel, 7700
Wisconsin Ave., Bethesda, MD 20814, or call 1-800-346-0032.  To contact the
producers of the documentary, write Lifetime Productions International,
247-257 Euston Rd., London, England, NW1 2HY.

-Our friend Fred Hamilton has sent another target.  This is from a book by
Dennis Gordon Lindsey called Harmony of Science and Scripture, Vol. II, 1991.
His outrageous opinions about circumcision spanned several pages, from
115-128, but here are just some key excerpts:

"Moses was irresponsible [for refusing to participate in] circumcision.
[Usual assortment of medical/hygienic rational to justify circ.] Even if
there is a slight chance they were right [about the alleged benefits] it
seems doctors would want to play it safe and do this little procedure.
Certainly, God would never have commanded the Jewish people to do anything
harmful to them.  ...[A]t worst, it is a very minor and a neutral
operation from the physical point of view.  The real reason some doctors
are against circ is because they are against God.  Even the majority of
uncircumcised adult American men are being circumcised.  Not only can it
have value when it comes to one's health and well-being, but also it can
serve as a reminder of our covenant relationship with Christ...  If
nothing more, circumcision can be a means of identifying with the people
of God." 

There's much more, but you get the idea.  Write Christ for the Nations,
Inc., PO Box 769000, Dallas, TX 75376-9000.  If they get enough letters,
especially from Christians (Lindsey is Christian) and Jews, they might
think again before publishing such misinformation. 

-On a recent David Letterman show, actor Damon Wayans ("In Living Color")
bragged (and joked) about having both his sons circ'd at the ages of about
seven and nine for various reasons (none of them good). The audience
seemed to think it hilarious, especially the part where the boys, two
years later, are still angry with him.  "They give me looks like 'You hurt
me.'"  That's why he put them in his new movie "Blankman," to make it up
to them (how sweet!) Write to Damon Wayans at 10201 W Pico Blvd, Tra 732,
12, Los Angleles , CA 90035.  Thanks to Susan Peer. 

-Cecil Adams has addressed circumcision yet again in his column "The
Straight Dope."  The good news is he is coming around to his senses,
though he still has a way to go.  He still finds it hard to believe that
circumcision diminishes sexual pleasure.  Unfortunately, I don't have a
copy of the column in front of me, but keep an eye out for it, and if you
haven't written him yet, tell him about your own personal experience with
circumcision.  Write Cecil Adams, c/o NYPress, The Puck Building, 295
Lafayette St., 9th Fl., NYC 10012, Fax (212) 941-7824. 

-Chuck Shepherd, "News of the Weird," writes in Views from the Ledge,
"I've received five dispatches from various, uh, anti-circumcision
activists.  No two were alike, yet each package was among the most
elaborate press kits I have ever seen, featuring newspaper reprints,
summaries of scientific studies condemning the practice, detailed drawings
of the operation itself, quotes from 'victims.' These people care.  Gah
bless."  Shepherd has been featured twice in the GA for failing to list
circumcision among the MGM suffered by men.  Write Chuck Shepherd, PO Box
8306, St. Petersburg, FL 33738. 

-Dr. Sidney Wolfe and Public Citizen Health Research Group have been
loudly proclaiming Cesarean section to remain "America's most frequently
performed, and most often unnecessary, surgical procedure."  Apparently
they have never heard of episiotomy or circumcision.  Write Public Citizen
Publications, Dept. 794, 2000 P St., NW, Ste. 600, Washington, DC 20036. 

-Dr. Louanne Cole, Ph.D. featured in her "Sex Matters" column (published
in the 3 Aug. San Francisco Examiner) a letter of our friend Cliff
Pointer. Excerpts of Dr. Cole's response: "When I last wrote a column
concerning circumcision," [reported in a previous GA] "I received quite a
few letters from men who felt similarly. Interestingly, no one wrote
saying that they were glad that they had been circumcised....  When I
first heard that [restoration] could be done, I was very skeptical about
the procedure.  And, quite honestly, before I educated myself about the
issue of circumcision, I thought that men who were unhappy about it had
more of a problem than the mere fact that they were circumcised.  That all
changed."  A very informative column. 

Write your letter of support to Sex Matters, Style, San Francisco Examiner,
PO Box 7260, San Francisco, 94120.

Our friend Marilyn Milos scored a terrific letter to editor in the 18
August Point Reyes Light newspaper entitled "Circumcision inhibits
orgasms" in response to Eleanor Hamilton's 28 July column, "Impotence
revisited." Excerpts:  "Once I understood loss of sensitivity and
increased effort to achieve orgasm to be a result of circ, I began calling
groups that deal with impotence to ask what they knew.  Not only did they
not know anything about this complaint of circ'd men, they also refused to
consider circumcision to be a cause of the complaint.  Is it not time to
consider how this unnecessary and debilitating surgery is affecting our
males?"  This is an award-winning, nationally read newspaper, which has
been sympathetic to our movement.  Write your letter of support and your
own experience with circ to Pt. Reyes Light, PO Box 210, Pt. Reyes, CA

-From the nat'l office of NOCIRC:  "The Pacific Northwest Premier of 'The
Nurses of St. Vincent' is scheduled for Thursday evening, 10 Nov. in Seattle,
WA.  Frank Cranbourne (NOCIRC WA) is busy coordinating the event.  He has
secured a B&B to house us through Sunday night ($35/night) which also
provides us with a meeting place.  Barry Ellsworth and Tim Hammond are
coordinating a demonstration for Friday.  Other plans are in the works.
Please contact Frank, 501 N 36th St., #404, Seattle, WA 98103, (206)
547-3350 if you can attend.  Accommodations are on a first-come first-serve
basis.  If there are enough of us to fill the B&B (which houses 16), we'll
make additional reservations at another.  But, we need to know ASAP in order
to secure the facilities."

-For those of you how cannot make it to Washington:  On 11 November from 8:30
to 17:00 at the Ramada University Hotel and Conference Center, 3110 Olentangy
River Road in Columbus, Ohio, there will be a conference entitled
"Understanding, Healing and Prevention for Male Survivors of Childhood
Abuse."  For info, write Howard Fradkin, PhD, 918 S Front St., Columbus, OH
43206.  Exhibitors call Neil Cabe at (216) 467-1825.

The Men's Action Council is a new organization to promote men's rights,
including protection from MGM.  Its quarterly newsletter, ManPower, is on its
second issue, which included an article on MGM.  For more information, send a
SASE to Men's Action Council, Box 27365, Golden Valley, MN 55427. 

Another men's rights advocate, National Organization for Men, which publishes
a quarterly newsletter entitled The Quest, has still not acknowledged MGM
(except the Bobbit type) as a men's rights issue--despite NOM's being
featured in the GA.  Let's try again:  Jeffrey Weber, Editor, The Quest, PO
Box 18324, Chicago, IL 60618, or NOM, Eleven Park Place, New York, NY 10007.

In letters to editor, include the nearest resource center so readers can get
more information.

Harry Meislahn, midwest distributor of the GA, held a contest among his GA
recipients. He writes "Paul Froelich won the contest for the most actions
undertaken between 1 January and 31 May.  He mailed nine letters and saw two
published, one in the Chicago Tribune and one in the Daily Herald.  He also
got me to write to the Herald, and this was published as well.  I am mailing
him a free copy of Anne Briggs's Circumcision:  What Every Parent Should
Know."  Outstanding!

In Vol. 3:4 (30 March) of the Guardian Angell, it was reported that
March/April Natural Health magazine featured an article by Adriane
Fugh-Berman, M.D., entitled "The New dangers of Medical Prevention."
Congratulations to our friends Duane Jorde and Cliff Pointer, whose
letters appeared in the July/August issue, pointing out the glaring
omission of circ from the doctor's list of unnecessary surgeries.  There
are more letters by activists throughout the world, than we can count. 

The 26 July New York Newsday published a lengthy and informative article by
Curtis Rist entitled "Reversing Circumcisions:  A Flap Over Skin."  The
article focused on "foreskin crusader" Richard DeSeabra, complete with his
photograph.  Richard later wrote:

"One negative letter followed up and was published; however, Rist says he
got a lot of positive phone calls and two positive letters.  The media
interest in NORM has exploded in the NYC area.  Mike Manzo, who is a NORM
member, was interviewed on four live radio talk shows.  The New York
correspondent for Ha' aretz 'Israel's New York Times' interviewed me for
two hours.  Penthouse is interested in running an article on all
restoration devices and techniques. German television has taped a NORM
meeting, and a national network is planning to feature information on NORM
in a national broadcast this fall...." 

Editor Gary Davis, writes "This is the first [issue, August 1994].  Let us
know you care since the time and effort to publish the letter need be
balanced with the perception that it's being read.  Write us at NOCIRC of VT,
5 Cherry Tree Ct., Saint Albans, VT 05478.

1-900-726-3375 UPDATE
The minute count for July was 32.  We are in dire need of advertisement, but
don't have the funds for it.  Maybe if enough people write to Dr. Dean Edell,
he will mention it on his show.  When he mentioned Sensitip, they got a
fantastic response.  Dr. Dean Edell is at KGO-TV, 900 Fremont St., San
Francisco, CA 94111.

The American Medical Assoc. Family Medical Guide by Jeffry Kunz, M.C. and
Asher Finkel, M.D. 1993 by Random House.  It has lots of pictures and
illustrations in it.  It's interesting to note that all the males are intact
including the infants, says our friend Cliff Pointer.

One way we activists can save money while continuing our telephone networking
is to switch to Advantage Communications Group, Inc.  ACG is used and
promoted by several California Better Business Bureau offices and thousands
of other satisfied customers.
ACG relies on word of mouth for advertising, so the rates are much lower than
any of the big 3 (up to 50% less), with no compromise on service or quality.
 Consider the following features:  
I.  Call anywhere in the Continental USA for $0.147/minute flat rate, billed
in 6-second increments...with other rates as low as $0.079/minute for high
volume dedicated service.  
II. International calls are cheaper.  In fact, our friends abroad can utilize
the international call back, which enables one to call from outside the U.S.
at the much cheaper U.S. rates.
III. 800 service without monthly charges or setup fees, at $0.16/minute in
California and $0.18/minute nationwide...with full call detail.
IV. Calling cards without surcharges (other phone cards add a surcharge of up
to $0.80 per call--even if the call is not completed!)
All three services are available for one $6.00 monthly billing fee with a 90 d
ay satisfaction guarantee and no setup fee.  If you must stay with one of the
big three, that's no problem, as ACG carries the AT&T, MCI and Sprint
networks, so you can't go wrong.  And best of all, you'll be saving a bundle
and helping CIN too, because I am an agent of ACG.  For more information or
to enroll, contact me at the usual address or phone number.
The Guardian Angell  Vol. 3:10, 22 August 1994

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