Circumcision Information Network, Volume 1, Issue 10. Sunday, 21 August 1994.
This weekly bulletin is a project of CIN, the Circumcision Information Network (formerly CIN CompuBulletin). The purpose of this weekly bulletin is to educate the public about and to protect children and other non-consenting persons from genital mutilation. Readers are encouraged to copy and redistribute it, and to contribute written material.
--Rich Angell, Editor.
DAMON THE BARBARIAN On a recent David Letterman show, actor Damon Wayans ("In Living Color") bragged (and joked) about having both his sons circ'd at the ages of about seven and nine for various reasons (none of them good). The audience seemed to think it hilarious, especially the part where the boys, two years later, are still angry with him. "They give me looks like 'You hurt me.'" That's why he put them in his new movie "Blankman," to make it up to them (how sweet!) Only in America. Thanks to Susan Peer of Pennsylvania. CECIL ADAMS SHOWING IMPROVEMENT Cecil Adams has addressed circumcision yet again in his column "The Straight Dope." The good news is he is coming around to his senses, thanks to many letters from activists, though he still has a way to go. He still finds it hard to believe that circumcision diminishes sexual pleasure. Unfortunately, I don't have a copy of the column in front of me, but keep an eye out for it. CIRCUMCISION IS WEIRD Chuck Shepherd, "News of the Weird," writes in VIEWS FROM THE LEDGE, "I've received five dispatches from various, uh, anti-circumcision activists. No two were alike, yet each package was among the most elaborate press kits I have ever seen, featuring newspaper reprints, summaries of scientific studies condemning the practice, detailed drawings of the operation itself, quotes from 'victims.' These people care. Gah bless." Shepherd and his "News of the Weird" column has been featured twice in the Guardian Angell for failing to list circumcision among the MGM suffered by men. He may think we anti-circumcisionists are weird, but most informed people in the world think that America's obsession with circumcision is what is weird. MOST COMM0N SURGERY Dr. Sidney Wolfe and Public Citizen Health Research Group have been loudly proclaiming Cesarean section to remain "America's most frequently performed, and most often unnecessary, surgical procedure." Apparently they have never heard of episiotomy or circumcision. CIRCUMCISION A CAUSE OF IMPOTENCE Our friend Marilyn Milos, founder and director of NOCIRC, scored a terrific letter to editor in California's 18 August Point Reyes Light newspaper entitled "Circumcision inhibits orgasms" in response to Eleanor Hamilton's 28 July column, "Impotence revisited." Excerpts: "Once I understood loss of sensitivity and increased effort to achieve orgasm to be a result of circumcision, I began calling groups that deal with impotence to ask what they know. Not only did they not know anything about this complaint of circumcised men, they also refused to consider circumcision to be a cause of the complaint. Circumcision for 'medical' reasons is a quarter-billion-dollar-a-year industry. Eighty-five percent of the world's males are intact; the vast mafority are problem free. Is it not time to consider how this unnecessary and debilitating surgery is affecting our males?" The Point Reyes Light is an award-winning newspaper with a national readership. A NEW ALLY The Men's Action Council is an new organization to promote men's rights, including protection from MGM (male genital mutilation). Its quarterly newsletter, ManPower, is on its second issue, which included an article on MGM. Unfortunately, it is fairly unusual in America for even men's rights organizations to recognize MGM (other than the Bobbit type) as a men's rights issue. For more information, send a SASE to Men's Action Council, Box 27365, Golden Valley, MN 55427. MIDWEST ACTIVIST AWARDED Harry Meislahn, midwest distributor of the Guardian Angell, held a contest among his GA recipients. He writes "Paul Froelich won the contest for the most actions undertaken between 1 January and 31 May. He mailed nine letters and saw two published, one in the Chicago Tribune and one in the Daily Herald. He also got me to write to the Herald, and this was published as well. I am mailing him a free copy of Anne Briggs's Circumcision: What Every Parent Should Know." Outstanding! By the way, the Guardian Angell is a newsletter published about every three weeks and distributed by network. Whereas the CIN CompuBulletin is designed to inform the general public, the GA is for people who are already enlightened about circumcision and other genital mutilation and would like to participate in abolishing it. Contact CIN for more information. There is no subscription fee, although recients are expected to take action and/or donate financial or mailing stamps. OTHER LETTERS In Vol. 3:4 (30 March) of the Guardian Angell, it was reported that March/April Natural Health magazine featured an article by Adriane Fugh-Berman , M.D., entitled "The New dangers of Medical Prevention." Congratulations to our friends Duane Jorde and Cliff Pointer, whose letters appeared in the July/August issue, pointing out the glaring omission of circumcision from the doctor's list of unnecessary surgeries. There are more letters by activists throughout the world, than we can count. VERMONT NOCIRC NEWSLETTER LAUNCHED Editor Gary Davis, writes "This is the first [issue, August 1994]. Let us know you care since the time and effort to publish the letter need be balanced with the perception that it's being read. Write us at NOCIRC of VT, 5 Cherry Tree Ct., Saint Albans, VT 05478. NYC ACTIVISTS MAKING PROGRESS The August NOHARMM-NYC meeting was held and a pot-luck dinner provided. New members were introduced. Each member re-introduced himself and discussed his individual NOHARMM accomplishments. Several new parents had been educated on the fallacy of circumcision and their male infants were allowed to remain natural, whole and healthy. Several possible actions and tentative plans for a follow-up actions were were discussed. The media interest in NORM (foreskin restoration) has exploded in the NYC area...there have been several interviews, German television has taped a NORM meeting, and a national network is planning to feature information on NORM in a national broadcast this fall...Thanks to Rich DeSeabra. This fall Rich will be appearing nationally on the John Stewart Show and will be discussing foreskin restoration. For information on NOHARMM-NYC, write: NOHARMM, PO Box 107, Cooper Station, New York, NY 10003. For information on NORM (foreskin restoration) call (212) 866-4149. PHILADELPHIA Plans are underway for the first meeting of NORM-PHILADELPHIA. If you live in the greater Philadelphia area and are interested in foreskin restoration write: NOHARMM, PO Box 534, Collegeville, PA 19426. For additional information about foreskin restoration contact: Rich DeSeabra, 1-212-866-4149 (east) or 1-510-827-4077 (west).
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