CIN (Circumcision Information Network) 1:6

Journal  Circumcision Information Network, Volume 1, Issue 6. Wednesday, 13 July 1994.

Richard Angell

This weekly bulletin is a project of CIN, the Circumcision Information Network (formerly CIN CompuBulletin). The purpose of this weekly bulletin is to educate the public about and to protect children and other non-consenting persons from genital mutilation. Readers are encouraged to copy and redistribute it, and to contribute written material.
--Rich Angell, Editor.

	Friday, I was a guest speaker at the Institute for the Advance
Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco.  The co-ed audience
included eight students and several guests, as well as professor
Dr. Malin.  I told about my discovery and involvement in the
circumcision issue and answered questions, but most interesting
of all was the laboratory.  There, three of us dropped our drawers
for the students.  One was an intact man, one was a circumcised
man (circumcised at the age of seven or eight when he was hospitalized
for a broken arm), and (myself) undergoing non-surgical foreskin
restoration process for three years.
	The students were allowed to closely examine and feel our penises
so as to note the differences in structure, texture, smell, etc.
Dr. Malin turned off the lights and then shone a pen light both
inside my developing foreskin and in the intact foreskin so that
the students could see the profound difference in tissue, blood
vessels, etc.
	Some of the most outstanding observations (none of it surprising):
The glans of the circumcised penis had extra layers of skin, while
the glans of both the intact penis and restoring penis had a much
smoother surface.  The foreskin of the intact penis was thinner
and more delicate that that of the restoring penis.  The intact
penis had a lot more skin to manipulate.
	If only the entire world could fit in that laboratory and see for
themselves the damage that circumcision causes, circumcision would
stop overnight.
	If you were circumcised, are dissatisfied and would like to
reverse some of the effects of this operation, you are not alone.
Thousands of men are undergoing foreskin restoration today, and
their numbers are growing.
	While non-surgical restoration of the foreskin takes patience,
the benefits of this process are many.  A return of sensitivity
to the glans and what remains of the inner lining of the foreskin
are the most notable benefits.  Others include protection from
chafing by clothes, protection from cold weather and harmful
effects of the sun (if youUre a naturist), and a feeling of
regaining control of oneUs body after it was violated by others.
	The erogenous tissue and mucous membrane of the foreskin are
gone forever, but with skin stretching, the glans can be recovered
and the appearance and function of a real foreskin can be
approximated, bringing with it a renewed feeling of wholeness.  Not
surprisingly, most restorees also experience enhanced sexual
satisfaction.   A restored foreskin can enable you to enjoy
sensations you had never previously experienced.  This is
especially good news for men who are circumcised so tightly
that they experience pain with erection, masturbation or
intercourse.  Once the glans is covered and protected, the
keratinization process reverses itself, sometimes with dramatic
speed.  This means that the extra layers of skin slough off.
	Most men restore by stretching.  Some undergo surgical foreskin
restoration, which is costly and not without risk.  Also, the
result is generally not as satisfactory as the stretching
technique has proven to be.  Some men have recovered the glans
by persistent manual stretching.
	The standard stretching technique is as follows:
	Purchase a good brand of first aid tape, either of the paper,
cloth, or plastic variety.  Tape especially designed for sensitive
skin such as Transpore( can be found at most drug stores or
surgical supply stores.  Do not use masking tape or cellophane
tape, as they will cause discomfort.
	To begin, pull the existing shaft skin forward over the glans
and hold it in place with tape.  This may be difficult at first,
depending on the severity of the circumcision.  Over time, the
skin stretches, much like an earlobe does when weighted down with heavy
earrings.  Progress varies greatly--sometimes taking months or years.
Be patient.  Much of the stretching takes place during nocturnal
erections if you stay taped at night.  This may be painful if the
skin is too tight.  At any sign of pain, loosen or remove the tape.
Over time, the skin will stretch and become more comfortable.
	Eventually a point of equilibrium will be reached.  Then little or
no progress will be made by the tape alone.  Certain devices are then
needed to facilitate the stretching process.  These work by providing
more surface for the skin to be pulled over, and by adding weight or
tension on the skin.  Various weighted devices are available.  Some
men also use an elastic strap device.  Others simply use consistent
and persistent manual stretching techniques.  It is advised that you
seek out a local support group, known as NORM, the National Organization
of Restoring Men.  These groups can provide valuable technical support,
as well as the moral support one needs for a lengthy process of this
	Before you begin restoring, call one of the following numbers to
inform yourself fully about the techniques employed, about support groups,
and for recommended reading.  For more detailed information, call
the national office of NORM at (510) 827-4077, or write NORM,
3205 Northwood Dr. Suite 209, Concord, CA 94520-4506.  Ask about
the NORM or other resource center nearest you.
There is a restoration device called Sensitip which has been
on the market for a couple of years--before inventor/manufacturer
Ron Teitelbaum and the anti-circumcision movement even knew about
each other.  Only within the last week have connections been made.
This sort of thing happens from time to time.  People all over the
world are arriving at the same logical realization that circumcision
and other genital mutilation is wrong and injurious, sometimes without
even realizing that organizations exist to stop it.  Anyway, for
more information on Sensitip, a comfortable, non-weighted, safe device,
call toll-free in the U.S. 1-800-694-7546, or write IPI, Box 208,
W Magnolia, Burbank, CA 91506.  People outside the U.S. can call
(818) 953-4746.
On 10 July, (as announced in previous CIN CompuBulletints) several
mothers of pre school-aged children and mothers-to-be gathered at
East Stroudsburg University to hear Dr. Ritter discuss infant
circumcision. After the presentation, they discussed their concern
over the lack of knowledge by some local primary care physicians of
the natural, normal foreskin functions, and identified those who
were knowledgeable for the benefit of the growing number of mothers
of intact sons in their area. Names and phone numbers were exchanged
to facilitate net-working. There were several pre-school intact
male children present and it was noted that none displayed the signs
of infant (circumcision) trauma, i.e. excessive crying, fidgeting, etc.
In addition to Dr. Ritter's presentation, Jim Peron from the
Childhood Education Foundation presented additional materials while
Dr. Ritter autographed his book, "Say No to Circumcision" for several
of the mothers present.
Also present to offer support were Warren Smith, NOCIRC-NJ and
Al Fields, NOHARMM-Philadelphia (National Organization to Halt
the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males).
"It seems strange that the most vocal supporters of circumcision are
(a few) women and circumcised men.  One never had a penis and the
other never had a foreskin.  Yet they have the expertise to tell us
about the disadvantages of having a whole, normal penis!"
--Ken Derifield, an intact researcher who lives in West Virginia:

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