Circumcision Information Network, Volume 1, Issue 2. Tuesday, 14 June 1994.
This weekly bulletin is a project of CIN, the Circumcision Information Network (formerly CIN CompuBulletin). The purpose of this weekly bulletin is to educate the public about and to protect children and other non-consenting persons from genital mutilation. Readers are encouraged to copy and redistribute it, and to contribute written material.
--Rich Angell, Editor.
INTRODUCTION This two-page weekly bulletin is a project of the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers, headquartered in San Anselmo, California. The purpose of this bulletin is to educate the general public about and to protect children from routine circumcision and other genital mutilation, focussing on information, resources, voices of victims, news and other information. All readers are encouraged to copy and redistribute it and are also encouraged to send material to the editor which might be used in a future issue. On behalf of children, thank you--Rich Angell, Editor. Ho Hum, another Mutilation Your newspaper may not have covered it, but yet another hapless boy has lost his penis due to a botched circumcision, this one in Israel. No official word yet on the exact date, but it was reported last week in a French Canadian newspaper, according to our Canadian contact, John Outspeake. This story will be provided in more detail, hopefully by next week. For those of you not familiar with this issue, complications such as mutilation (beyond that which was intended) and even death are not unusual, despite what you may have heard to the contrary. According to Dr. Paul Fleiss, complications are grossly underreported. DECLARATION OF THE 1ST INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CIRCUMCISION -We recognize the inherent right of all human beings to an intact body. Without religious or racial prejudice, we affirm this basic human right. -We recognize the foreskin, clitoris and labia are normal, functioning body parts. -Parents and/or guardians do not have the right to consent to the surgical removal or modification of their children's normal genitalia. -Physicians and other health-care providers have a responsibility to refuse to remove or mutilate normal body parts. -The only persons who may consent to medically unnecessary procedures upon themselves are the individuals who have reached the age of consent (adulthood), and then only after being fully informed about the risks and benefits of the procedure. -We categorically state that circumcision has unrecognized victims. -In view of the serious physical and psychological consequences that we have witnessed in victims of circumcision, we hereby oppose the performance of a single additional unnecessary foreskin, clitoral, or labial amputation procedure. -We oppose any further studies which involve the performance of the circumcision procedure upon unconsenting minors. We support nay further studies which involve identification of the effects of circumcision. -Physicians an other health-care providers do have a responsibility to teach hygiene and the care of normal body parts and explain their normal anatomical and physiological development and function throughout life. -We place the medical community on notice that it is being held accountable for misconstruing the scientific database available on human circumcision in the world today. -Physicians who practice routine circumcisions are violating the first maxim of medical practice, "PRIMUM NON NOCERE, " "First, Do No Harm," and anyone practicing genital mutilation is violating Article V of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "NO ONE SHALL BE SUBJECTED TO TORTURE OR TO CRUEL, INHUMAN OR DEGRADING TREATMENT...." A VICTIM SPEAKS This circumcision horror story comes from our friend Dan Skomp of Keaau, Hawaii: "I personally had my perfectly normal, functional, significant and beautiful foreskin amputated at age 9 years, during a 'routine' tonsilectomy. I was not forewarned that my penis would be involved in the surgery. I did know, and consent to the tonsilectomy, as it was supposed to limit my severe and painful earaches. It did not limit my earaches. I awoke in the hospital with a huge bloody dressing to my penis. I was horrified, humiliated, and felt anger, sorrow and deep personal loss. I now feel that I was raped, or at least sexually abused. I was unable to wear underwear for the whole summer. Any cloth or touch to the tender glans was painfully sensitive. I was left with ugly skin tags, skin bridges and emotional scars which remain with me nearly 30 years later. To this day I am apprehensive if anyone sees, touches, or becomes intimate with my penis. I have had a lifetime of inability to form a stable sexual relationship..." The average person might respond by saying that Dan should have been circumcised at birth to avoid this trauma later in life, but we know that circumcision at any age is traumatic and the end result is the same: a male without a complete, fully-functioning organ. The foreskin, like any other genital part is a valuable body part. NOHARMM and RECAP Meetings RECAP and NOHARMM of San Francisco meet at the Metropolitan Community Church, 150 Eureka (between 18th and 19th St.) the first Sunday of every month (except July, the 10th). RECAP ((510) 827-4077) a support group for men who are undergoing foreskin restoration or otherwise dealing with the damage done by circumcision, meets from 13:00-15:00. NOHARMM (National Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males) ((415) 826-9351), a group especially for men--but open to all--to organize and fight back against the practice which we were helpless to defend ourselves from as infants or small children meets at 15:30. ON LINE FORUM LAUNCHED Our friend Al Fields of Pennsylvania writes (via E-Mail): "I am in the process of establishing a custom forum, Men Against Circumcision, on the Delphi on ilne service. Access to the forum is by application which prevents 'flamers' from posting unwanted messages. In addition I have control over the messages and can delete any message no appropriate. The purpose of the forum is to provide information in the fight against routine infant circumcision. Any information I might share WOULD NOT include any names and addresses of those individuals working for the cause. Anyone who belongs to delphi can gain access to the forum by E-Mailing me (albfie), then entering at any promot 'go cus 175.' "Earlier this year I worked with Gary Burlingame in establishing an Internet Restoring mail list. This is a great way for restoring men to share when there is no local support group. You can join the list by sending a message to rest-lib @ This is not an automated subscription package so please include a message indicating that you would like to join. The addition will not take place until the day after you have been added. You can join the list by sending to: rest @ Gary Burlingame, n7044623 @" compleat mother When someone saw Jody McLaughlin at the Third International Symposium on Circumcision in Marilyand, he commented about her magazine being the best of its kind in the world. "Wrong," she corrected him, "It's the best magazine in the world." She may be right. What could be better for humanity than natural home birth, breast-feeding, family beds, and non-circumcision? Send $12 and for a copy of the Spring '94 issue and a 1-year subscription starting Summer '94. Compleat Mother, c/o 3865 Duncan Place, Palo Alto, CA 94306. -For general information on circumcision contact (with SASE and donation if possible) NOCIRC, PO Box 2512, San Anselmo, CA 94979, Tel.: 415-488-9883. CIN CompuBulletin Circumcision Information Network Volume 1, Number 13, 28 September 1994 E-Mail: V-Mail: (415) 855-8111 For recorded information and resources on 1) Foreskin anatomy, function and care; 2) Description of circumcision procedure; 3) History of circumcision; or 4) Foreskin restoration: Call 1-900-726-3375 ($2/minute, touch-tone phone, under 18 get permission, U.S. calls only, sponsored by Voicetext, Austin, Texas) INTRODUCTION This weekly bulletin is a project of the Circumcision Information Network, of Palo Alto, California. The purpose of this bulletin is to educate the general public about and to protect children from circumcision and other genital mutilation, providing resources, voices of survivors, news and other information. All readers are encouraged to copy and redistribute it and are also encouraged to send material to the editor which might be used in a future issue. Recent delays were a result of my visiting my fiancee in Japan. On behalf of children, thank you--Rich Angell, Editor. "ROUGHLY CUT" A video by Niclas Vollmer "A fascinating look at the ritual of circumcision that blossoms into realms of masculinity, male anatomy and sexuality." Dr. Buck Burns. 20:00 Saturday, 15 October 1994. Part of the Other Cinema series at Artists' Television Access, 992 Valencia St. (near 21st St. in San Francisco) $5 Admission. Te. 415-824-3890. "AWAKENINGS": A PRELIMINARY POLL OF CIRCUMCISED MEN Full report available from NOHARMM P.O. Box 460795 San Francisco, CA 94146. A grassroots ongoing national survey was undertaken of circumcised men who are aware of being harmed to some degree by infant circumcision. This was done in view of the fact that there have been no previous formal scientific studies of the adverse long-term consequences to men of this surgery. Questionnaires were formulated based on the types of harm described by men who had corresponded with circumcision information organizations during a ten year period. The questionnaires were mailed upon request and to men who had contacted foreskin restoration groups. Others were requested by men as a resu lt of learning about the survey through the media. The physical, sexual and psychological effects were compiled in 1993 from 313 men who responded to the survey. Demographic data was collected only on birth year, birth state, state of residence, race, religion and age at circumcision. Following is a partial demographic overview and a statistical review. Race: White: 96.8%, African-American: 0.3%, Hispanic: 1.3%, Asian:0.3%, American Indian: 0.3%, Other:1% Religion: Christian: 77.3%, Jewish: 4.2%, Moslem: 0%, Other (Atheist, Buddhist, etc.): 18.5% Age: (Average Age: 42) Under 19: 1%, 20-29: 13.1%, 30-39: 26.8%, 40-49: 33.9%, 50-59: 16%, Over 60: 9.3% Age at Circumcision: Infancy: 89.1%, 1-12: 6.1%, 13-17: 1%, Over 18: 3.8% Some of the adverse effects reported by survey respondents included: -prominent scarring (29%) -skin tags (11.8%) and skin bridges (9.9%) -meatal stenosis (constricted urinary opening) -recurrent non-specific urethritis -progressive glans insensitivity (55.3%) -circumcised too tightly (26.8%) -excess stimulation needed to orgasm* (38%) -impedence to sexual relations (42.5%) -painful erections (11%) from excessive skin loss -dissatisfaction with circumcision (69%) -low-self esteem or inferiority to intact men (47.3%) -lack of natural wholeness (60%) -anger over being circumcised (54.3%) -resentment over the surgery (60.4%) -feelings of parental violation (49.5%), mutilation (62%), or betrayal (33.9%) (* often to the point of discomfort or pain to themselves or their partner) The survey found that over 60% of respondents had not sought professional help for their harm, mostly because they felt no recourse was available (39.3%), were embarrassed (19.8%) or feared ridicule (15.7%). Half the respondents (50.2%) are involved in uncircumcision (foreskin restoration) methods. Almost 98% of the respondents felt there should be some form of penalty for surgeons who amputate the healthy foreskin from an infant unable to consent to the elective surgery. The report does not claim to be a random sampling. Hammond states it would be difficult under current conditions to get such a sampling in a culture where many men are led to believe infant circumcision may be beneficial, do not yet know how to identify such harm, believe such adverse effects may be "normal," or otherwise deny that harm exists. Using birth and circumcision data, the group conservatively estimates that between 1940 and 1990, well over 66 million male infants were circumcised in the U.S. It also notes that while the American Academy of Pediatrics has stated that the circumcision complication rate is 0.06%, the AAP acknowledges that "the exact incidence of postoperative complications is unknown." An October 1993 British Journal of Surgery article however, noted that a realistic figure is 2%-10%. According t o Hammond, "This means between 1.3 and 6.6 million American males born in that period carry some form of circumcision complication, with an as yet unstudied incidence of related sexual or psychological harm." Hammond hopes the NOHARMM survey will provide a foundation for further research. He also noted that an independent body image survey conducted in 1992 by the men's quarterly Journeymen, found that 20% of its circumcised male respondents expressed dissatisfaction with their circumcision, versus only 3% of intact men describing dissatisfaction. The as yet unpublished study also found that 78% of intact male respondents were happy with their intact status against only 38% of satisfied circumcised males, leaving a sizable 41% of circumcised men indecisive about how they view the procedure. Hammond says this lends credibility to the NOHARMM survey and the need to study long-term consequences to men of infant circumcision. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION call NOCIRC, the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers at (415) 488-9883. Ask about the resource provider nearest you. For written information, write NOCIRC, PO Box 2512, San Anselmo, CA 94979, with SASE and/or donation if possible. CIN CompuBulletin Circumcision Information Network Volume 1, Number 14, 6 October 1994 E-Mail: (415) 493-2429 For recorded information and resources on 1) Foreskin anatomy, function and care; 2) Description of circumcision procedure; 3) History of circumcision; or 4) Foreskin restoration: Call 1-900-726-3375 ($2/minute, touch-tone phone, adult, U.S. calls only, sponsored by Voicetext, Austin, Texas) INTRODUCTION This weekly bulletin is a project of CIN, the Circumcision Information Network, of Palo Alto, California. The purpose of this bulletin is to educate the general public about and to protect children from circumcision and other genital mutilation, providing resources, voices of survivors, news and other information. All readers are encouraged to copy and redistribute it and are also encouraged to send material to the editor which might be used in a future issue. On behalf of children, thank you--Rich Angell, Editor. "ROUGHLY CUT" A video by Niclas Vollmer "A fascinating look at the ritual of circumcision that blossoms into realms of masculinity, male anatomy and sexuality." Dr. Buck Burns. 20:00 Saturday, 15 October 1994. Part of the Other Cinema series at Artists' Television Access, 992 Valencia St. (near 21st St. in San Francisco) $5 Admission. Tel. 415-824-3890. NORM MEETING IN PHILADLEPHIA NORM (Nat'l Org. of Restoring Men) of greater Philadelphia will be having a foreskin restoration information night on Sunday evening, 16 October. from 19:00 to 21:00. All men are welcomed. Rich DeSeabra from NORM-NYC will be present to answer questions and provide additional information. Rich has been interviewed several times in print and on television, and is scheduled to appear on network television this fall. For more information contact: NORM, P.O. Box 534, Collegeville, PA 19426. "AWAKENINGS": A PRELIMINARY POLL OF CIRCUMCISED MEN Full report available from NOHARMM P.O. Box 460795 San Francisco, CA 94146. This is a follow-up of last week's report on the poll. Following are... SAMPLE COMMENTS FROM RESPONDENTS TO THE AWAKENING SURVEY [comments followed by state of residence and birth year] I've been mutilated and denied full functioning of my penis due to an unnecessary and ignorant procedure. CA/1951 My penis is unnatural this way! OH/1956 Constant, continual chafing and desensitization of glans. OR/1953 I enjoy no sensations on shaft or glans; orgasm requires painful thrusting. My sexual life is indeed ruined! OH/1966 Painful erections, scar tissue, insecure (don't feel complete).NY/1966 My penis has two skin shades, scar much lighter than the shaft. MA/1956 Taking away a part of my body without my permission is a violation of my body and rights. OH/1954 The physical scar is hideous but the emotional scar equates to rape. CA/1947 Have to be at point of abuse and pain to my penis to reach orgasm, it is so desensitized from circumcision. WA/1954 I am angry and bitter and depressed by being circumcised and I resent that it was done to me. MA/1950 The mutilation happened when I was developing a close bond with my mother. I feared closeness because I believed pain would follow. MN/1958 Left with a sense of impotence and powerlessness and a fear about the power of others to hurt me grievously. NY/1930 I experienced continuous decline in sensitivity and sexual pleasure to the point of not being able to orgasm within a period of time comfortable to my wife. Fortunately, all this has been reversed by my foreskin recovery and I once again have the sexual performance of a teenager. CA/1945 Scars still bleed to this day. Takes too long to orgasm due to desensitizing of head. MI/1958 I have always suffered great irritation, redness to the meatus of my penis due to lack of foreskin protection. NJ/1962 My penis curves left from uneven circumcision. MA/1953 Glans is calloused and numb to subtle sensations. UT/1950 It hurts too much and sometimes bleeds from being cut so tight. NE/1943 Missing needlessly a vital part of my sexual anatomy, the only moving part. OK/1923 [This gentlemen adds: Any physician using cosmetic surgery for health purposes should be exposed as a fraud!] Skin bridge, large, around 25% of glans-shaft. NJ/1930 A deep longing to be complete and intact. GA/1953 Hammond hopes the NOHARMM survey will provide a foundation for further research. He also noted that an independent body image survey conducted in 1992 by the men's quarterly Journeymen, found that 20% of its circumcised male respondents expressed dissatisfaction with their circumcision, versus only 3% of intact men describing dissatisfaction. The as yet unpublished study also found that 78% of intact male respondents were happy with their intact status against only 38% of satisfied circumcised males, leaving a sizable 41% of circumcised men indecisive about how they view the procedure. Hammond says this lends credibility to the NOHARMM survey and the need to study long-term consequences to men of infant circumcision. BOOK AVAILABLE FOR EXPECTING PARENTS Dr. Thomas Ritter's book, "Say No to Circumcision!" (1992) is a must for expecting parents and their friends and relatives. Richly illustrated and decorated with quotes from experts (including enlightened survivors of MGM), this book provides 40 reasons why parents should "respect your son's birthright and keep him whole." That way, their sons won't end up like the men above. Send $12.95 (includes S & H) to Hourglass Book Publishing, POB 171, Aptos, California 95001. CA residents must pay sales tax. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION call NOCIRC, the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers at (415) 488-9883. Ask about the resource provider nearest you. For written information, write NOCIRC, PO Box 2512, San Anselmo, CA 94979, with SASE and/or donation if possible.
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