CIN (Circumcision Information Network) 1:1

Journal  Circumcision Information Network, Volume 1, Issue 1. Tuesday, 7 June 1994.

Richard Angell

This weekly bulletin is a project of CIN, the Circumcision Information Network (formerly CIN CompuBulletin). The purpose of this weekly bulletin is to educate the public about and to protect children and other non-consenting persons from genital mutilation. Readers are encouraged to copy and redistribute it, and to contribute written material.
--Rich Angell, Editor.

The Third International Symposium on Circumcision, 22-25 May It was like a family reunion. As Marilyn Milos said in her introductory speech, it was an occasion for us to reinforce each other,and remind ourselves that we are ones who are normal. Experts from seven countries convened. Topics included care of the intact penis, female genital mutilation, religious concerns, foreskin restoration, and much more. The keynote speaker was actor/comedian Dick Gregory.

Activists left with a new or reinforced understanding of just how complicated this issue is and how much work is needed. To give an idea of how taboo circumcision is, the hosts at the conference center refused to advertise the word circumcision. Instead, we were listed as Nocirc Symposium for Human Rights. But an ABC affiliate in Baltimore showed up to film for a report to be aired in the fall. A reporter from the Philadelphia Inquirer, the third largest newspaper in the U.S., spent a day with us. His article, complete with a listing of resources, appeared in the Sunday, 5 June issue.

Adding dimensions to the issue of genital/sexual mutilation were a woman who was excised at the age of three because her mother caught her masturbating, a woman who was severely mutilated due to a botched surgery which she did not consent to and subsequent surgeries which did more damage, and a doctor who permanently lost sensation to her clitoris after a novocaine shot during childbirth, not to mention episiotomy and C-section--all of these American women.

Several awards were given at the banquet at the end of the symposium. The awardees included Dr. Thomas Ritter, author of Say No to Circumcision; Dr. Jim Bigelow, author of The Joy of Uncircumcising;; Barry Ellsworth, who made several documentaries on circ including Fire Eyes and Nurses of St. Vincent: Saying No To Circumcision; NOHARMM founder Tim Hammond who conducted an historic study on the long-term effects of circ on men; and the Nurses of Santa Fe, conscientious objectors of circumcision.

The banquet speaker, professor Thomas Szasz, advised the attendees that only three things bring about social change: bullets, money, and guilt. He reminded us that circ is not a rational issue, but an emotional one, and suggested we not rule out using emotion (guilt, shame) in changing physicians' and parents' attitudes.

Rally and March in Washington, D.C.

On 26 May, activists gathered in Washington, D.C. to protest. Chanting and bearing signs, we marched to the building of the PhysiciansUs Committee for Responsible Medicine, who has not yet taken a stand against routine infant circ--even though it has taken a stand against other unethical and unnecessary procedures. There, we held a rally that attracted some media. Men ceremoniously burned copies of their birth certificates to protest the fact that they were treated as pieces of property when born. Women, and men who did not have birth certificates, burned instead copies of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to protest the fact that human rights are ignored when it comes to genital mutilation. Several delegates were invited by the PCRM president to meet with him and share their concerns. They emerged from the meeting hopeful of continued dialog with PCRM.

Mother wins injury award for son's circumcision

The 22 May Independent of London reports, in part, RA London woman whose baby son was circ'd on the instructions of his father but against her wishes has won compensation from the CriminalInjuriesCompensation Board.The board agreed to make the payment for her son although no prosecution took place. Now the mother plans to sue the father for assault on behalf of her son, as soon as her solicitors can track him down. Theodore Ilori, now 5, was 18 months old at the time of the operation. His father, Olubunmi Ilori, wanted circ preformed because it is traditional in his native Nigeria.

Our English friend Dr. John Warren scored a terrific letter in response on 29 May.

New York NOHARMM Action Report: Hospital visits

On 3 June, Barry Ellsworth and Richard DeSeabra visited the Labor and Delivery floor at St. Vincent Hospital in New York City. RWe talked with several nurses, expressing our concern about routine infant circ. We left them [various materials]. We also spoke with the nurse supervisor, who was open to our position. In all we spent about an hour and a half in the hospital speaking with different staff members and distributing literature. Similar hospital visits have been made in the last two weeks in D.C., and Rochester, NY by Tim Hammond, Daniel Calendo, Betty Sperlich, and Mary Conant. Anyone wishing to obtain guidelines on conducting local hospital visits should contact:
NOHARMM, POB 460795, San Francisco, CA 94146-0795, (415) 826-9351.

Good News

No one in my immediate family is circ'd and we have experienced a better life without circumcision. My Jewish Hungarian doctor helped me avoid circumcision by reinforcing my opposition andknowing proper care of the infant.


For 24-hour recorded information on circumcision and foreskin restoration, call 1-900-726-3375. $2/minute. Callers must be at least 18 and must have a touch tone phone so as to access any of the four:

  1. Circumcision history and procedure;
  2. Foreskin anatomy, function and care;
  3. Forskin restoration; or
  4. News and action alerts.

Further information resources are provided. Sponsored by Voicetext Interactive, Austin, Texas.

Every parent and baby lover should be familiar with the quarterly magazine called THE COMPLEAT MOTHER.It is loaded with non-medicalintervention, non-violent birth, breast-feeding, non-circumcision information, essays, and resources. A single subscription costs $12/yr, $20/2yrs. To subscribe, send a check to: CompleatMother, c/o 3865 Duncan Place, Palo Alto, CA 94306.

The 27 January 1993 Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA)printed a favorable review of the two newest books on circumcision:

Readers of this bulletin are encouraged to check these books out.


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