Death from Circumcision

News  New York Times. Wednesday, 23 April 1856.

Coroner Hills held an inquest yesterday at the Sixth Ward Stationhouse, in the case of the child whose death from circumcision was announced in Thursday's Times.

The child, Myer Jacob Levy, (whose parents reside at No. 63 Baxter street,) being eight days old, was circumcised on Sunday last by Dr. Abrams, of Bleecker street, who performed the operation in the usual manner.

A few hours afterwards it was discovered that the bandage was displaced and that the child was bleeding profusely.

Dr. Abrams was recalled, but his efforts to stop the hemorrhage were ineffectual.

The verdict was; Death from convulsions, superinduced by loss of blood following circumcision; further we find that the operation was rightly performed.


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