BABY'S CRY Movement... Exhilaration... My arrival is NOW! Swimming into the World of Air- The warmth of mother's body caressing me; a gentle hand to guide me; brightness surrounding me, but, wait... ...CUT! Now, separate and alone - lost in a void of unknown experience. Initiated into membership in humanity with promises of continuing nourishment: Love and Family, Community and Brotherhood, but, wait... ...CUT! Pain!! The touch of harsh metal upon my innocence; The betrayal of the gentle hands; An ooze of warm life blood. Why? Where is your hospitality? Is this how you welcome new guests? Or, am I now ordained? Another victim-to-be-survivor Knowing not what steps to take to recover. I...who can't even count to 12. Joe Zoske From: The Poet Within, Diane Tait, editor DeeMar Communications, Greenville, NC 1997.
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