[Topical steroids in the treatment of phimosis in children]

Journal  Ugeskrift for Læger (Denmark), Volume 161, Issue 47, Pages 6493-6495. Monday, 22 November 1999.

Pless TK, Spjeldnaes N, Jorgensen TM
Urologisk afdeling K, External link Arhus Universitetshospital, Skejby Sygehus

Dansk [Danish] [Article in Danish]


The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of steroid application in the treatment of childhood phimosis. In a consecutive study 91 boys were treated with application of topical betamethason 0.05% cream twice daily. The foreskin was treated for one month, with an attempt at foreskin retraction after fourteen days. Treatment was controlled after one month and six months. Sixty boys achieved full retraction of the foreskin and nine had partial retraction and relief of symptoms. Twenty-two boys had unsatisfactory response and had an operation. Forty-five boys were controlled after six months, 13 had recurrence, of these nine were satisfied and free of symptoms, two had a new steroid treatment with full success, and two wanted a circumcision. A total of 74% did not need an operation after topical steroid treatment. No side-effects or complications were registered. Childhood phimosis can be successfully treated with steroid application, and the treatment should be offered prior to an operation.

PMID: 10778356


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